[GPS]: This project has been removed from the public server. I never received any positive comments that I can recall, so it's gone. Feel free to remove this page. ---- [JMN] Getting attention and feedback for yet another TCL OO system is always going to be an uphill battle. The lack of a standard OO system for TCL, and the relative ease of hacking together an OO system in plain TCL means that numerous offerings have sprung to life in this area. Heck, I'm even evolving one myself. Even so, your apparent tentative wikiSuicide http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiSuicide (notwithstanding your backwards denial) strikes me as proof you are simply incapable of judging the value of your own contributions. Let me give you a hand here - if you find it interesting George, I feel bold enough to claim a reasonable slice of the TCL community will also find it interesting. I've browsed through and played with some of your projects (e.g grindweb, 3dobjects) more than once and whilst there were some things you were doing I didn't quite understand - it was a nice body of work and I was glad for it's existence. That said however, I'm annoyed that you feel your contributions should require active positive reinforcement to keep them alive. There's far too much material out there for everyone to be patting everyone on the back at every turn and holding hands. By wiping your material in this apparently petty phase of personal fragility you reduce the value of your future contributions - because people don't know if the rug is going to be yanked out from under them. When you make your material publically available - sure it's a generous selfless act of sharing - but you're also competing in an information overloaded world for the precious resource of other peoples consideration & attention span. It's nice to think that if a particular project has been presented for us to invest some thought in, that even if the original author ceases development, the code may remain publically available for someone else to pick up and run with or even just as a comparison as an alternative way of doing something. You're not the only one to go through periods of self-doubt and/or disillusionment with the sometimes hollow & lonely pursuit of coding and experimentation - but the rewards are I suspect mainly in the activity itself - and any spinoffs in the form of obvious peer-recognition and/or job opportunities may not materialise til well down the track for even the very talented. Many valuable contributions to the community go unapplauded. Even though I probably haven't given so much as a "that's cool" piece of feedback to you; I think I shouldn't have to, even though I've not made a fraction of the contributions you have - and I feel somewhat betrayed by the reversal of the spirit of sharing that you originally had. Please put your stuff back.