SajaxTCL is a Sajax [] port in [TCL] written and maintained by [DcK]. Sajax is an open source tool to make programming websites using the [Ajax] framework also known as XMLHTTPRequest or remote scripting as easy as possible. ---- # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # _____________________________________________ # # Espace Win Open Source Project # # _____ _ _______ _____ _ # # / ____| (_) |__ __/ ____| | # # | (___ __ _ _ __ ___ _| | | | | | # # \___ \ / _` | |/ _` \ \/ / | | | | | # # ___ ) | (_| | | (_| |> <| | | |____| |____ # # |_____/ \__,_| |\__,_/_/\_\_| \_____|______| # # _/ | # # |__/ # # _____________________________________________ # # TCL port of Sajax, the AJAX open source tool # # # # # # Sajax is written & maintained by ModernMethod # # # # _____________________________________________ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # package provide Sajax 0.12 namespace eval Sajax {} #Default values #If you don't use $GET and $POST as GET/POST arrays, edit the _array variables. array set Sajax { version 0.12 debug_mode 0 export_list {} request_type GET remote_uri {} failure_redirect {} js_has_been_shown 0 GET_array GET POST_array POST output_function puts } proc Sajax::getmyuri {} { global env return $env(REQUEST_URI) } #Checks if a string is a natural number proc Sajax::isnatural {string} { if {([string compare $string ""]) && (![regexp -- \[^0-9\] $string])} {return 1} {return 0} } #Checks if a string is a float proc Sajax::isfloat {string} { if [catch {expr {double($string)}}] {return 0} {return 1} } #Checks if a string is an integer proc Sajax::isinteger {string} { if {[Sajax::isnatural $string]} {return 1} if {[string range $string 0 1] == "- "} { Sajax::isnatural [string range $string 2 end] } elseif {[string index $string 0] == "-"} { Sajax::isnatural [string range $string 1 end] } { return 0 } } proc Sajax::esc {string} { regsub -all {\\} $string {\\\\} newstring regsub -all {\r} $newstring {\\r} newstring regsub -all {\n} $newstring {\\n} newstring regsub -all {'} $newstring {\\'} newstring regsub -all {"} $newstring {\\"} newstring return $newstring } proc Sajax::getjsrepr {var} { upvar 1 $var data if {[array exists data]} { #XXX Arrays with non-numeric indices are not #permitted according to ECMAScript, yet everyone #uses them.. We'll use an object. set js_object "{ " set i 0 foreach key [array names data] { if {$i > 0} {append js_object ", "} if {[Sajax::isnatural $key]} { append js_object "$key: " } { append js_object "\"[Sajax::esc $key]\": " } append js_object [Sajax::getjsrepr data($key)] incr i } append js_object " }" } elseif {[Sajax::isinteger $var]} { return "parseInt($var)"; } elseif {[Sajax::isfloat $var]} { return "parseFloat($var)"; } { #List, string, ... return "'[Sajax::esc $var]'" } } proc Sajax::inlist {list item} { foreach listitem $list { if {$item == $listitem} {return 1} } return 0 } proc Sajax::die {msg} { global Sajax $Sajax(output_function) "FATAL ERROR" error $msg } proc Sajax::callproc {proc {procargs ""}} { if {$procargs == 0} { $proc } { set cmd "$proc " foreach arg [lindex $procargs 0] { append cmd "{$arg} " } eval $cmd } } proc Sajax::init {} { global Sajax set Sajax(remote_uri) [Sajax::getmyuri] } proc Sajax::header {header} { global Sajax #$Sajax(output_function) header } proc Sajax::handleclientrequest {} { global Sajax upvar 1 $Sajax(GET_array) GET upvar 1 $Sajax(POST_array) POST if {[array exists GET] && [info exists GET(rs)] && $GET(rs) != ""} { set mode get } if {[array exists POST] && [info exists POST(rs)] && $POST(rs) != ""} { set mode post } if {![info exists mode]} { return } if {$mode == "get"} { #HEADERS #Bust cache in the head with a date in the past Sajax::header "Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT" Sajax::header "Last-Modified: [clock format [unixtime] -format "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S" -gmt true] GMT" #Always modified Sajax::header "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate" Sajax::header "Pragma: no-cache" set procname $GET(rs) set procargs $GET(rsargs) } { set procname $POST(rs) set procargs $POST(rsargs) } #Checks if this function is specified and has been exported if {![Sajax::inlist $Sajax(export_list) $procname]} { Sajax::die "$procname is not a callable function" } if {[catch {set result [Sajax::callproc $procname $procargs]} message]} {Sajax::die $message} $Sajax(output_function) "+:var res = [Sajax::getjsrepr $result]; res;" exit } proc Sajax::truefalse {bool} { if {$bool} {return "true"} {return "false"} } proc Sajax::showcommonjs {} { global Sajax $Sajax(output_function) [Sajax::getcommonjs] } proc Sajax::getcommonjs {} { global Sajax; set Sajax(request_type) [string toupper $Sajax(request_type)] if {($Sajax(request_type) != "GET") && ($Sajax(request_type) != "POST")} { return "// Invalid type: Sajax(request_type)\n\n" } return " urn " // remote scripting library // (c) copyright 2005 modernmethod, inc // (c) copyright 2005 modernmethod, inc var sajax_debug_mode = [Sajax::truefalse $Sajax(debug_mode)]; var sajax_request_type = '$Sajax(request_type)'; var sajax_target_id = ''; var sajax_failure_redirect = '$Sajax(failure_redirect)'; var sajax_failure_redirect = '$Sajax(failure_redirect)'; function sajax_debug(text) { if (sajax_debug_mode) alert(text); } } function sajax_init_object() { sajax_debug('sajax_init_object() called..') sajax_debug('sajax_init_object() called..') var A; var A; var msxmlhttp = new Array( 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.5.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP', 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); for (var i = 0; i < msxmlhttp.length; i++) { try { A = new ActiveXObject(msxmlhttp\[i\]); } catch (e) { A = null; } } } if(!A && typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') A = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (!A) sajax_debug('Could not create connection object.'); return A; } } var sajax_requests = new Array(); var sajax_requests = new Array(); function sajax_cancel() { for (var i = 0; i < sajax_requests.length; i++) sajax_requests\[i].abort(); } } function sajax_do_call(func_name, args) { var i, x, n; var uri; var post_data; var target_id; var target_id; sajax_debug('in sajax_do_call()..' + sajax_request_type + '/' + sajax_target_id); target_id = sajax_target_id; if (typeof(sajax_request_type) == 'undefined' || sajax_request_type == '') sajax_request_type = 'GET'; sajax_request_type = 'GET'; uri = '$Sajax(remote_uri)'; if (sajax_request_type == 'GET') { if (sajax_request_type == 'GET') { if (uri.indexOf('?') == -1) uri += '?rs=' + escape(func_name); else uri += '&rs=' + escape(func_name); uri += '&rst=' + escape(sajax_target_id); uri += '&rsrnd=' + new Date().getTime(); uri += '&rsrnd=' + new Date().getTime(); uri += '&rsargs={' for (i = 0; i < args.length-1; i++) uri += '{' + escape(args\[i]) + '} '; uri += '}'; post_data = null; } else if (sajax_request_type == 'POST') { post_data = 'rs=' + escape(func_name); post_data += '&rst=' + escape(sajax_target_id); post_data += '&rsrnd=' + new Date().getTime(); post_data += '&rsargs={' post_data += '&rsargs={' for (i = 0; i < args.length-1; i++) post_data += '{' + escape(args\[i]) + '} '; post_data += '}'; } else { alert('Illegal request type: ' + sajax_request_type); } } x = sajax_init_object(); if (x == null) { if (sajax_failure_redirect != '') { location.href = sajax_failure_redirect; return false; } else { sajax_debug('NULL sajax object for user agent: ' + navigator.userAgent); return false; } } else {, uri, true); //; //; sajax_requests\[sajax_requests.length] = x; sajax_requests\[sajax_requests.length] = x; if (sajax_request_type == 'POST') { x.setRequestHeader('Method', 'POST ' + uri + ' HTTP/1.1'); x.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); } } x.onreadystatechange = function() { if (x.readyState != 4) return; sajax_debug('received ' + x.responseText); sajax_debug('received ' + x.responseText); var status; var data; var txt = x.responseText.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,''); status = txt.charAt(0); data = txt.substring(2); if (status == '') { // let's just assume this is a pre-response bailout and let it slide for now } else if (status == '-') alert('Error: ' + data); else { if (target_id != '') document.getElementById(target_id).innerHTML = eval(data); else { try { var callback; var extra_data = false; if (typeof args\[args.length-1] == 'object') { callback = args\[args.length-1].callback; extra_data = args\[args.length-1].extra_data; } else { callback = args\[args.length-1]; } callback(eval(data), extra_data); } catch (e) { sajax_debug('Caught error ' + e + ': Could not eval ' + data ); } } } } } } sajax_debug(func_name + ' uri = ' + uri + '/post = ' + post_data); x.send(post_data); sajax_debug(func_name + ' waiting..'); delete x; return true; } " } proc Sajax::getonestub {proc_name} { return " // wrapper for $proc_name function x_$proc_name () { sajax_do_call('$proc_name', x_$proc_name.arguments); } " } proc Sajax::showonestub {proc_name} { global Sajax $Sajax(output_function) [Sajax::getonestub $proc_name] } proc Sajax::export {procs} { global Sajax foreach proc $procs { lappend Sajax(export_list) $proc } } proc Sajax::getjavascript {} { global Sajax if {!$Sajax(js_has_been_shown)} { append html [Sajax::getcommonjs] set js_has_been_shown 1 } foreach proc $Sajax(export_list) { append html [Sajax::getonestub $proc] } return $html } proc Sajax::showjavascript {} { global Sajax $Sajax(output_function) [Sajax::getjavascript] } ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Application] | [Category Internet] | [Category Ajax] |% !!!!!!