by [Theo Verelst] The [Bwise] package can save items on a (the main bwise) canvas to a tcl/tk [source]-able file, but thus far only graphical items, no widgets. This upgrade proc saves the Entry and Mon blocks, too. More will follow, this is not heavily tested. In fact I just found out that -bg -fg and -bd cases aren't filtered out yet, they need to be treated as special cases since reading back the conf values in a command generates an error ! (I'll update soon) [] '''The above blocks are all saved, the red marked bottom ones aren't''' For those interested, simply start bwise, and load this procedure to replace the old one. proc save_canvas { } { global mc set o "" set sv {bcount scopeindex wireindex shellindex drumindex entrycount moncount proccount seqcount stackcount termindex textcount} eval global $sv eval {append o global " " $sv \n} foreach i $sv { catch { eval set j $$i ; append o set " " $i " " $j \n } } # save images on canvas foreach in [image names] { if {[$in cget -file] != ""} { append o "image create photo " $in " -file " [$in cget -file] \n } } # save all canvas items except menus and (for now) sub-windows foreach i [$mc find all] { if {[$mc type $i] != "window" && [$mc type $i] != "menu"} { append o $mc " " create " " [$mc type $i] " " [$mc coords $i] foreach k [ $mc itemco $i] { append o " " [lindex $k 0] " " [list [lindex $k end]] } append o \n } } # save all widgets under the Bwise canvas, with all reloadable options set oo {}; foreach w [ilist $mc] { if {[winfo class $w] != "Menu"} { set p {}; foreach i [$w conf] { # filter out options of which the value starts with - if {[string index [lindex $i end] 0] != "-"} { lappend p [list [lindex $i 0] [lindex $i end]] } }; append o "[string tolower [winfo class $w]] $w " ; foreach i $p {append o $i " "} ; append o "\n" } } # save all canvas window items, which match tops of sub widget hierarchies foreach i [$mc find all] { if {[$mc type $i] == "window" } { append o $mc " " create " " [$mc type $i] " " [$mc coords $i] foreach k [ $mc itemco $i] { append o " " [lindex $k 0] " " [list [lindex $k end]] } append o \n } } uplevel #0 { set ooo {} foreach bi [tag_and {block}] { set b [block_name_fromid $bi] foreach i [lsort -dict [info vars $b.*]] { if {[string index $i 0] != "\$" && [array exists $i] == 0} { eval set ttt $\{$i\} #set uuu "set \{$i\} \{$ttt\} \n" #eval set uuu $\{$i\} append ooo "set " $i " " \{ $ttt \} \n } } } } global ooo set fn [tk_getSaveFile]; if {$fn != ""} { set fd [open $fn w]; puts $fd $o; puts $fd {# now the block related variables\n} puts $fd $ooo; close $fd } }