'''[Script] Substitution''' is the more apt term for [Dodekalogue%|%Command Substitution], since entire scripts, not just individual commands, can be contained in brackets. The result of the script is the result of the final command. A new stack frame is not created, so using `[return]` or `[break]` or the like will cause the caller to return, etc. ** Recursion ** [PYK] 2019-02-12: Script substitution can be recursive. Everything happens at the same level, as no additional [level%|%levles] are created: ====== puts [ set n 10 set a { puts $n expr {[incr n -1]? [try $a] : {liftoff}} } try $a ] ====== ** Comments ** [AMG]: Script substitution can be used in combination with [list] and [{*}] to embed comments in lists. The syntax is awkward, but it does work: ====== switch -regexp $input [list {*}[ # Handle words starting with a capital letter ] {^[A-Z]} { # Do the thing theThing } {*}[ # Handle everything else ] default { # Don't do the thing }] ====== Though also consider using [decomment] for this same purpose. <> Syntax