WJG (18/Mar/06) I'm sure tha some of the more elaborate widget packages out there provide this sort of function but I just wanted something simple. Here, the scrolled listbox presents the user with a selection of alternatives, perhaps the result of a database search, click one of them and then do something with the result.

 # scrolledlistbox.tcl
 # by William J Giddings, 2006.
 # Description:
 # -----------
 # Display a scrolled list box, pick, then perform some follow up action.
 # Usage:
 # -----
 # See demo code below

 proc scrolledlistbox {w values picvar cmd args} {

        frame $w
        eval listbox $w.list $args 
  $w.list configure -yscrollcommand "$w.scrl set"
        scrollbar $w.scrl -command "$w.list yview"
        pack $w.scrl -side right -fill y
        pack $w.list -side left -fill both -expand 1

        set j true
        set indx 0
        foreach i $values {
                $w.list insert end $i
                if {$j} {
                        set j false
                        $w.list itemconfigure $indx -background #ffffdd
                } else {
                        set j true
                incr indx

        # bindings
        # this will obtain the item clicked, and then pass
        # the value onto the proc specified in the variable cmd. 

        eval "bind $w.list <ButtonRelease-1> \{$cmd \[\%\W get \@\%x,\%y\]\}"

        return $w 

 # demo stuff
 proc cmd {a} { puts ">>> $a" }

 console show
 set values {one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen}

 set aa {-}
 pack [scrolledlistbox .slb $values aa cmd -font {Arial 12} ] -fill both -expand 1