[GPS] Mon Nov 5, 2001 - at the [Tcl 9.0 WishList] MCL asked about adding the ability to scroll widgets with the scale widget. So, I wrote this code as an example. ---- #!/bin/wish8.3 set busy 0 proc moveScale {args} { if {$::busy == 1} { return } set yview [lindex $args 0] .s set [expr {int($yview * 100)}] } proc scrollWidget {y} { set ::busy 1 set yview [expr {double($y) / 100.0}] .l yview moveto $yview update idletasks set ::busy 0 } proc main {} { pack [listbox .l -yscrollcommand moveScale] -side right -fill both -expand 1 pack [scale .s -tickinterval 0 -from 0 -to 100 -showvalue 0 \ -command scrollWidget ] -side left -fill y for {set i 0} {$i < 400} {incr i} { .l insert end [expr {rand() * 40}] } } main ----