The Tclers Wiki search page is available at . This search corresponds to the ''search in titles'' box in the left column. It is based on [sqlite]'s [|%full text search]. The search string is passed as `MATCH` argument, including the `*` characters. Check for more information about [sqlite] and full text search. [jdc] 31-oct 2011 The `*` used in previous versions of the search to distinguish between searching in titles or page content is no longer supported. Searches are now always done on titles and page content. The results are listed sorted on the last-edited-data, most recent first. An extra column indicates where the match was found: in the page name or contents. The [sqlite] in use at the wiki has been compiled with `-DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3_PARENTHESIS` so the ''Enhanced Query Syntax'' is available. This makes is possible to do the searches with an implicit `AND` as before but also allows you to refine your search using the `AND`, `OR` and `NOT` keywords. [AMG]: I still see separate "Search in titles" and "Search in pages" entries in the sidebar. Will they be consolidated soon? [MJ]: After the changes to the search backend, the entries were labled incorrectly. Labels have been updated to reflect the difference Search (with FTS3) or Search with google. <>Wikit