From a post of [Zoran Vasiljevic] to comp.lang.tcl on 13. June 2003: ... In order to achieve what you'd like to get, I'd create a logger thread and add a thin layer above your Log and Trace procdures which would route commands to exectution on the logger thread. This is easibly achievable but requires little more work on your side. ======tcl package require Thread # Create the logger thread set logtid [thread::create { source Log.tcl thread::wait }] ====== The "Log" command is located in "Log.tcl" and may look like: ======tcl proc Log {msg} { if {[info exists ::logtid] && $::logtid != [thread::id]} { thread::send $::logtid [list Log $msg] } else { puts stderr $msg } } ====== So, throughout the code you can now use use "Log" procedure and it will re-route the command for the execution to the logtid thread. This will simply puts the log message to stderr. In each thread which needs to use the logger thread you'd simply load the Log.tcl and set the logtid global variable: ======tcl set workertid [thread::create [subst { set logtid $logtid source Log.tcl thread::wait }]] ====== <> Threads | Example