[MAKR] 2006/10/22: I've looked into [AJAX] and what it takes to use it with Tcl on the server's side. To get started I used a good example for [PHP] from [http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2005/02/09/xml-http-request.html]. It's really easy. Most of the code involved is [Javascript]. But have a look for yourself ... #!/usr/local/ActiveTcl/bin/tclsh8.4 package require ncgi # possible content types in this example set ctx "text/xml" set cth "text/html" # Check whether the name is used already # fixed list for simplicity: Alice, Bob proc nameInUse {q} { switch -- [string tolower $q] { alice - bob {return 1} default {return 0} } } ::ncgi::parse if {[::ncgi::exists q]} { # Background operation: check query ::ncgi::header $ctx puts " checkName [nameInUse [::ncgi::value q]] " } else { # Initial call: build page ::ncgi::header $cth puts "" puts "" puts "" puts " This name is in use, please try another. " } Execute this as CGI script. Tried with IE 6.0 and Firefox 1.5... ----