[MEd] 2006-02-13: Another feature taken from [MetPad] (will be available in version 0.7). It adds block-selection capabilities to text widgets. The ''normal'' [text] widget selection is line-based, block selection allows you to select text ''square-based'' ...well, not easy to explain, if you are in doubt just try it out ;) Usage: 1. Control-ButtonPress-1 to activate block selection 1. Control-Button1-Motion to modify (increase/decrease) the selection 1. Control-x to cut selection, Control-c to copy selection to clipboard Known Issues: * Troubles when using Tabs * Selection currently works only from top-left to bottom-right ########################################################## # Name: blocksel.tcl # Author: Martin Eder, snofix@users.sourceforge.net # Description: Enables block selection for text widgets ########################################################## variable spos proc block_sel {wid x y} { $wid tag remove sel 0.0 end set fpos [split [$wid index "@$x,$y"] "."] for {set sl [lindex $::spos 0]} {$sl <= [lindex $fpos 0]} {incr sl} { $wid tag add sel "$sl.[lindex $::spos 1]" "$sl.[lindex $fpos 1]" } } proc mouse_down {wid x y} { $wid mark set insert "@$x,$y" $wid tag remove sel 0.0 end set ::spos [split [$wid index insert] "."] } proc copy_blocksel {txt {cutit 0}} { set starttag [$txt index end] set mseltxt "" while {[set curmtag [$txt tag prevrange sel $starttag]] != ""} { set msta [lindex $curmtag 0] set msto [lindex $curmtag 1] set mseltxt "[$txt get $msta $msto]\n$mseltxt" if {$cutit == 1} {$txt delete $msta $msto} set starttag [lindex $curmtag 0] } if {$mseltxt != ""} { clipboard clear clipboard append -- $mseltxt } } bind Text [list mouse_down %W %x %y] bind Text [list block_sel %W %x %y] bind Text [list copy_blocksel .txt 1] bind Text [list copy_blocksel .txt 0] # Testing the code: pack [text .txt -font "Courier 10"] .txt insert end "To activate block-selection press Ctrl + left mouse button and keep pressed. Move the mouse to increase/decrease the block. Press Ctrl+c to copy the selection to the clipboard. Press Ctrl+x to cut the selection. Known Issues: -Difficulties with -Selection just works just from top-left to bottom-right" ### End Of Script ---- See also [text] . ---- '''[SeS] - 2010-02-01 12:09:21''' Hi, thank you for the script to enable block selection. I was able to improve the script to enable selection from bottom-right to top-left direction. (As implemented in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyRvUm075Iw%|%tG2%|% v1.06.01) ====== proc block_sel {wid x y} { $wid tag remove sel 0.0 end set fpos [split [$wid index "@$x,$y"] "."] catch { if {[lindex $fpos 0] > [lindex $::spos 0]} { for {set sl [lindex $::spos 0]} {$sl <= [lindex $fpos 0]} {incr sl} { $wid tag add sel "$sl.[lindex $::spos 1]" "$sl.[lindex $fpos 1]" } } else { for {set sl [lindex $::spos 0]} {$sl >= [lindex $fpos 0]} {incr sl -1} { $wid tag add sel "$sl.[lindex $fpos 1]" "$sl.[lindex $::spos 1]" } } } } ====== <>Widget