[MJ] - The below script (based on http://technotales.wordpress.com/2007/10/03/like-slime-for-vim/%|%Slime.vim%|%) defines some key bindings to execute contents of the current selection, paragraph or buffer in Vim in a running wish process using DDE. This is ideal for interactive developing where you can immediately test your changes. Put the following somewhere as a vim plugin: """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" let s:current_dir=expand(":p:h") function Send_to_Tcl(text) if has('win32') || has('win64') let s:tcl_file = s:current_dir . "/ipc-win.tcl" if !exists("g:tcl_ipc_initialized") tcl package require dde let g:tcl_ipc_initialized = 1 endif let running = 0 tcl ::vim::command "let running = [expr {[dde services TclEval vimsh] ne ""}]" if !running execute "silent !cmd /c start wish " . s:tcl_file else tcl dde eval vimsh [::vim::expr a:text] endif endif endfunction """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" vmap "ry :call Send_to_Tcl(@r) nmap vip nmap :call Send_to_Tcl(join(getline(1,'$'), "\n")) Put the following script in ipc-win.tcl in the same directory as the plugin file: package require dde dde servername vimsh That's it now C-c C-c will send the current selection (or the paragraph if there is no selection) and C-c C-b will send the whole buffer. Of course this requires a Vim built with Tcl support (if_tcl) and wish in the path. <>Enter Category Here