[EKB] This is a simple sliding panel widget (implemented as a [snit] widget). Here's what the output looks like with three stacked sliding panel widgets. First, with all panes closed: [http://www.kb-creative.net/screenshots/slidepanes_closed.gif] Then with one of them open: [http://www.kb-creative.net/screenshots/slidepanes_open.gif] Here's the code, with the three-panel sample at the end. This is [NOL] - the "no obligation license". package require snit image create photo slidepane_uparrow -data { R0lGODlhDwAQAIMAAPwCBARCZKze7IzK3ITC1Hy6zHSuzGSmxFyevAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAPABAAAAQ1EMhJq70428A1 CEIYZOBgDuMmEGybTmAhG3Pxgkau7yN4/MDgj4MoGo/GHmfJXHqe0KjHHgEA If5oQ3JlYXRlZCBieSBCTVBUb0dJRiBQcm8gdmVyc2lvbiAyLjUNCqkgRGV2 ZWxDb3IgMTk5NywxOTk4LiBBbGwgcmlnaHRzIHJlc2VydmVkLg0KaHR0cDov L3d3dy5kZXZlbGNvci5jb20AOw== } image create photo slidepane_downarrow -data { R0lGODlhDwAQAIMAAPwCBARCZKza5Kze7JzO3JTG1IS61HyyzGyivEyOtESG rDx+pCxynCRqlBxejAAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAPABAAAAQ8EMhJq704axu6 /x4QCAMpnARRGAfSJXAsx4Go3Hiu1FKw/EAgbxJgGI+MISXQaDqSmYBjqryE Ntis1h4BACH+aENyZWF0ZWQgYnkgQk1QVG9HSUYgUHJvIHZlcnNpb24gMi41 DQqpIERldmVsQ29yIDE5OTcsMTk5OC4gQWxsIHJpZ2h0cyByZXNlcnZlZC4N Cmh0dHA6Ly93d3cuZGV2ZWxjb3IuY29tADs= } snit::widget slidepane { hulltype frame option -text "" option -font {Helvetica 8 italic} option -relief flat option -bd 0 option -barrelief groove option -barlocation top variable closebutton variable openbutton variable buttonpath variable panestate variable panepath constructor {args} { $self configurelist $args frame $win.bar -relief $options(-barrelief) -bd 2 pack $win.bar -side $options(-barlocation) -fill x label $win.bar.l -text $options(-text) -font $options(-font) pack $win.bar.l -side left -fill x set panepath [frame $win.main -bd $options(-bd) -relief $options(-relief)] pack $win.main -fill both if {$options(-barlocation) == "top"} { set closebutton slidepane_uparrow set openbutton slidepane_downarrow } else { set closebutton slidepane_downarrow set openbutton slidepane_uparrow } set buttonpath [button $win.bar.b -image $closebutton -command [mymethod toggle]\ -relief flat] set panestate visible pack $buttonpath -side right } method toggle {} { if {$panestate == "visible"} { pack forget $panepath $buttonpath config -image $openbutton set panestate hidden } else { pack $panepath -fill both $buttonpath config -image $closebutton set panestate visible } } method pane {} { return $panepath } } ## An example wm geometry . 50x200 slidepane .pane1 -text "Top" label [.pane1 pane].l -text "Hi, there!" pack [.pane1 pane].l -side left pack .pane1 -side top -fill both slidepane .pane2 -text "Middle" checkbutton [.pane2 pane].c -text "Is it true?" pack [.pane2 pane].c -side top -anchor w button [.pane2 pane].b -text "OK" pack [.pane2 pane].b -side top pack .pane2 -side top -fill both slidepane .pane3 -text "Bottom" label [.pane3 pane].l -text "Peep bo!" pack [.pane3 pane].l -side left pack .pane3 -side top -fill both ---- Good!! -- ming ---- A same widget: http://wiki.tcl.tk/21914 <> GUI | Widget