Version 3 of Snit Id/Label menubutton

Updated 2008-12-16 16:17:09 by LV


Many forms require the selection of pre-defined options and common methods of linking that to your data is by a primary id. So, to ease the burden of my own app, I made this snit widget. Bear in mind, I'm a novice and this is my first venture into snit and into making my own widget. Please, please, please comment or update the code if you find problems.



 package require Tk
 package require tile

 package require snit

 snit::widget idlabelmenubutton {
         hulltype ttk::frame

         delegate option -width to mb
         delegate option -direction to mb

         option -textvariable  {}
         option -listvariable  {}
         option -idvariable    {}

         variable ids -array {}
         variable item_id    -1

         constructor {args} {
                 install mb using ttk::menubutton $win.mb
                 $self configurelist $args
                 $win.mb configure -textvariable $options(-textvariable)
                 pack $win.mb -padx 0 -pady 0 -expand 1 -fill x

                 install mopts using menu $
                 $win.mb configure -menu $

                 upvar #0 $options(-idvariable) idvar
                 upvar #0 $options(-listvariable) listvar
                 trace add variable idvar   write [list $self id_updated]
                 trace add variable listvar write [list $self list_updated]

                 $self list_updated
                 $self id_updated

         method add {id label} {
                 $ add command -label $label -command [list $self update $id $label]
                 set ids($id) $label

         method clear {} {
                 catch {$ delete 0 end}

         method item_id {} {
                 return $item_id

         method update {new_id new_text} {
                 $win.mb configure -text $new_text
                 set item_id $new_id

                 upvar #0 $options(-idvariable) idvar
                 upvar #0 $options(-textvariable) textvar
                 catch {set idvar $new_id}
                 catch {set textvar $new_text}

         method id_updated {{var {}} {args {}}} {
                 upvar #0 $options(-idvariable) idvar
                 upvar #0 $options(-textvariable) textvar
                 if {[catch {
                                 if {$idvar == {}} {
                                 }}]} {

                 if {[catch {set textvar $ids($idvar)}]} {
                         return -code 1 "$idvar not found in idlabelmenubutton"

         method list_updated {{var {}} {args {}}} {
                 upvar #0 $options(-listvariable) listvar
                 if {$listvar == {}} {
                 $win.mb configure -text ""
                 $self clear
                 foreach {id label} $listvar {
                         $self add $id $label
                 $self id_updated

         delegate method * to mb

Example of using it

Here is a sample of one way of using it:

 set greetingid 1
 set greeting ""
 set greetings {1 Hello 3 "What's Up" 2 Goodbye}

 ttk::frame .f
 pack .f -expand 1 -fill both

 ttk::label .f.greeting_l   -text "Greeting:"
 idlabelmenubutton .f.greeting -listvariable greetings -width 10
 ttk::button .f.greet -text "Greet" -command {
         tk_messageBox -message "$greeting, World!"

 grid .f.greeting_l .f.greeting -padx 3 -pady 3
 grid .f.greet -column 1 -padx 3 -pady 3 -sticky w

 wm title . "Greeter"
 raise .

You can easily take the above app and drive it from PostgreSQL for example:

  set res [pg_exec $dbh "SELECT id,name FROM types"]
  set greetings [pg_result $res -list]
  pg_result $res -clear