See [Design patterns in Tcl]. Started by [Peter Lewerin] (2003-08-17). IANAPG (I am not a patterns guru), so I use the example code from as a base for my implementations. '''Chain-of-responsibility:''' "Avoid coupling the sender of a request to its receiver by giving more than one object a chance to handle the request. Chain the receiving objects and pass the request along the chain until an object handles it." package require snit snit::type handler { option -handleIf variable condition false onconfigure -handleIf value {set condition $value} option -handleBy variable consequent {} onconfigure -handleBy value {set consequent $value} option -elseReportTo variable alternative {} onconfigure -elseReportTo value { set alternative [concat $value handle \$request] } method handle request { if $condition $consequent $alternative } } Example: proc main args { handler Tom -handleIf { $request >= 0 && $request < 10 } -handleBy { puts "$self handled request $request" } -elseReportTo Gus handler Gus -handleIf { $request >= 10 && $request < 20 } -handleBy { puts "$self handled request $request" } -elseReportTo Mary handler Mary -handleIf { $request >= 20 && $request < 30 } -handleBy { puts "$self handled request $request" } foreach request [list 2 5 14 22 18 38 3 27 20] { Tom handle $request } } ---- '''Command:''' "Encapsulate a request as an object, thereby letting you parameterize clients with different requests, queue or log requests, and support undoable operations." package require snit snit::type command { option -calculator variable state 0 method execute {operator operand} { set state [[$self cget -calculator] $operator $state $operand] puts "Total = $state (following $operator $operand)" } method unexecute {operator operand} { set state [[$self cget -calculator] inverse $operator $state $operand] puts "Total = $state (following inverse $operator $operand)" } } # receiver snit::type arithmeticCalculator { method + {op1 op2} {$self operation + $op1 $op2} method - {op1 op2} {$self operation - $op1 $op2} method * {op1 op2} {$self operation * $op1 $op2} method / {op1 op2} {$self operation / $op1 $op2} method operation {operator op1 op2} { expr [list $op1 $operator $op2] } method inverse {operator op1 op2} { $self operation [string map {+ - - + * / / *} $operator] $op1 $op2 } } snit::type invoker { variable commands variable current 0 method redo levels { puts "---- Redo $levels levels" for {set i 0} {$i < $levels} {incr i} { if {$current < [llength $commands]} { foreach {cmd opt opd} [lindex $commands $current] { $cmd execute $opt $opd } incr current } } } method undo levels { puts "---- Undo $levels levels" for {set i 0} {$i <= $levels} {incr i} { if {$current >= 0} { foreach {cmd opt opd} [lindex $commands [incr current -1]] { $cmd unexecute $opt $opd } } } } method invoke {command operator operand} { $command execute $operator $operand lappend commands [list $command $operator $operand] set current [llength $commands] incr current } } Example: proc main args { set cmd [command %AUTO% -calculator [arithmeticCalculator %AUTO%]] invoker user user invoke $cmd + 100 user invoke $cmd - 50 user invoke $cmd * 10 user invoke $cmd / 2 user undo 4 user redo 3 } ---- '''Iterator:''' "Given a language, define a representation for its grammar along with an interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentences in the language." ---- '''Iterator:''' "Provide a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation." package require snit snit::type stringIterator { method new {varname} { set i [iterator %AUTO% -variable $varname -firstCommand { string index $%N [set %C 0] } -nextCommand { string index $%N $%C } -donePredicate { expr {$%C >= [string length $%N]} } -currentReader { string index $%N $%I } -currentWriter { set %N [string replace $%N $%I $%I $%V] }] } } snit::type iterator { option -variable variable varname onconfigure -variable value {set varname $value} option -firstCommand option -nextCommand option -donePredicate option -currentReader option -currentWriter variable current method first {} { set cmd [$self cget -firstCommand] lappend mappings %C [varname current] %N $varname set cmd [string map $mappings $cmd] eval $cmd } method next {} { set cmd [$self cget -nextCommand] lappend mappings %C [varname current] %N $varname set cmd [string map $mappings $cmd] incr current eval $cmd } method isDone {} { set cmd [$self cget -donePredicate] lappend mappings %C [varname current] %N $varname set cmd [string map $mappings $cmd] eval $cmd } method currentItem {{value {}}} { if {$value eq {}} { set cmd [$self cget -currentReader] } else { set cmd [$self cget -currentWriter] } lappend mappings %N $varname %I current %V value set cmd [string map $mappings $cmd] eval $cmd } } Example: proc main args { set ::a {Hello World} stringIterator si set i [si new ::a] for {$i first} {![$i isDone]} {$i next} { puts [$i currentItem] } } ---- '''Mediator:''' "Define an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact. Mediator promotes loose coupling by keeping objects from referring to each other explicitly, and it lets you vary their interaction independently." package require snit snit::type chatroom { variable participants method register participant { set participants([$participant cget -name]) $participant $participant configure -chatroom $self } method send {from whom what} { if {[info exists participants($whom)]} { set recipient $participants($whom) $recipient receive $from $what } } } snit::type participant { option -name option -chatroom method send {whom what} { [$self cget -chatroom] send [$self cget -name] $whom $what } method receive {from what} { return "$from to [$self cget -name]: '$what'" } } snit::type beatleParticipant { delegate option * to base delegate method send to base variable base method receive {from what} { puts "To a Beatle: [$base receive $from $what]" } constructor args { set base [participant %AUTO%] $self configurelist $args } } snit::type nonBeatleParticipant { delegate option * to base delegate method send to base variable base method receive {from what} { puts "To a Non-Beatle: [$base receive $from $what]" } constructor args { set base [participant %AUTO%] $self configurelist $args } } Example: proc main args { # Create chatroom chatroom c # Create 'chatters' and register them set George [beatleParticipant %AUTO% -name George] set Paul [beatleParticipant %AUTO% -name Paul] set Ringo [beatleParticipant %AUTO% -name Ringo] set John [beatleParticipant %AUTO% -name John] set Yoko [nonBeatleParticipant %AUTO% -name Yoko] c register $George c register $Paul c register $Ringo c register $John c register $Yoko # Chatting participants $Yoko send "John" "Hi John!" $Paul send "Ringo" "All you need is love" $Ringo send "George" "My sweet Lord" $Paul send "John" "Can't buy me love" $John send "Yoko" "My sweet love" } ---- '''Memento:''' "Without violating encapsulation, capture and externalize an object's internal state so that the object can be restored to this state later." package require snit # originator snit::type salesProspect { option -name option -phone option -budget method show {} { puts "\nSales prospect ---- " puts "Name: [$self cget -name]" puts "Phone: [$self cget -phone]" puts "Budget: [$self cget -budget]" } method createMemento {} { set m [prospectMemory %AUTO% -state [array get options]] } method restoreMemento {memento} { array set options [$memento cget -state] } } # memento snit::type prospectMemory { option -state } Example: proc main args { salesProspect s s configurelist { -name "Noel van Halen" -phone "(412) 256-0990" -budget 25000.0 } s show set m [s createMemento] s configurelist { -name "Leo Welch" -phone "(310) 209-7111" -budget 1000000.0 } s show s restoreMemento $m s show } ---- '''Observer:''' "Define a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically." package require snit snit::type investor { option -name method update stock { puts -nonewline "Investor [$self cget -name] notified of " puts -nonewline "[$stock cget -symbol]'s change to " puts [format "%.2f" [$stock cget -price]] } } snit::type stock { option -symbol option -price onconfigure -price value { set options(-price) $value $self notify } variable investors {} method attach investor {lappend investors $investor} method detach investor { set i [lsearch $investors $investor] if {$i >= 0} { set investors [lreplace $investors $i $i] } } method notify {} { foreach investor $investors { $investor update $self } } } snit::type IBM { delegate method * to base delegate option * to base variable base constructor args { set base [stock %AUTO%] $self configurelist $args } } Example: proc main args { investor s -name Sorros investor b -name Berkshire IBM ibm -symbol IBM -price 120.00 ibm attach s ibm attach b foreach p {120.10 121.00 120.50 120.75} { ibm configure -price $p } }