[MAKR] 2004-11-18: I noticed - and came across the same problem - people on [comp.lang.tcl] are regularly asking for tools to automatically generate documentation from source code. It seems no page is currently dedicated to maintain a list of tools available for Tcl. ** See Also ** [Literate Programming]: another approach to document generation, where the documentation is the primary content, and the program must be extracted from it. Not as popular as document extraction, but advocated by [Donald Knuth]. [Tcl Style Guide]: Contains a couple of recommendations about documentation near the end of the page. [GSoC Idea: Auto Documentation Tool for Tcl]: a 2011 project proposal in this direction [docbook]: However, I'm uncertain how much use of docbook occurs in the tcl development community efforts to document tcl. ** Documentation Extraction ** The following systems operate by extracting documentation from comments in the program code [autodoc]: [ddoc]: [docextract]: extracting [doctools] text from source files [docstring]: using leading comment in [proc] bodies [docstrip]: [docstrip and tclldoc]: Literate programming the scripting way [doctools]: this is more a generic [markup language] tool [doxygen]: documentation tool; has tcl support starting with version 1.7.5 (see [doxygen+tcl]) and can be used for tcl with a filter/pre-processor [http://therowes.net/~greg/software/tcl-doxygen-filter/tcl-dox-0.6.tar.gz] [http://therowes.net/~greg/download/tcl-doxygen-filter/] [A little doxygen converter] [HelpSystem]: interactive help doc embedded into tcl/tk code - kind of different [robodoc]: [Ruff!]: generates documentation via runtime introspection [Sdoc]: [http://pietersz.co.uk/software/simpledoc%|%Simpledoc]: very simple: generates HTML from source with markup in comments. [src2tex]: [tcl2tex]: [tcldoc]: similar to javadoc [tdoc]: [TL]: this is a glue language that has auto documentation functions [TMML]: this is more a generic [markup language] tool [tna]: [tycho]: this [GUI] [itcl] dev environment included a system to create [HTML] from [itcl] classes [zdoc]: [feathers: an hand-written documents tool]: [NaturalDocs]: attempts to parse code docs written in a very natural manner [XOTcl Documentation Tool]: ** Development Tools ** [ParseTools]: extension that can be used to write documentation extractors ** Discussion ** ---- [escargo] 2005-04-21: One thing to keep in mind with these tools is that some of them might be used with [OO] systems that extend the Tcl syntax, [Snit] for example. Now, instead of just need to track [proc] definitions, [namespace]s, and [global] variables, you might want to keep track of classes, [method]s, typemethods, and other interesting extended Tcl syntax. I haven't looked at all of these tools, but I know that [robodoc] made it possible to handle pretty arbitrary ''things'' to track and document. ---- [MAKR] 2006-12-08: Half a year ago I decided to move over to [robodoc]. I now have all in-source documentation (C and Tcl) converted to this format. This was one of the best ideas I ever had. The commentary in the sources is clean and readable. The resulting HTML documentation is it too. You can format it to your liking using CSS... [escargo]: Do you use any [OO] extensions, or just plain [Tcl]/[Tk]? [MAKR] 2006-12-13: As it gets tool specific, I continue at the [robodoc] page ... ---- [MAKR] 2007-12-14: just stumbled over discussions about the Tcl [user documentation project] and also saw an [http://www.linux.com/articles/34212%|%What you need to know to write man pages], by Peter Seebach, 2004-02-10, at [c.l.t.] about how to write [manpages]. ---- [Lorance]: Since I have used Perl POD for years I decided I Should use that for Tcl. I have added embedded POD support to my personal tcl.vim syntax file. See my https://github.com/LStinson/Vim%|% Github Repository%|% for more information (The Wiki has screenshots). <> Documentation