SourceForge - aka [SF] - is an ambitious attempt to provide open source projects with freely available source code , bug, and request management facilities, mailing list support, compile farm access, software distribution, and more. The effort has over 324,000 projects at this time (2013-08-31). Free to OpenSource developers, and development collaborators, SourceForge provides: * Apache/PHP web support with CGIs * SSH based shell access * FreeBSD and multi-version Linux compile resources * Web, wiki, tickers, feedback/discussions * Git, Mercurial and (frozen) CVS repositories with SSH-based update, public access and web browsing * High speed FTP and HTTP download sites [APN] 2013-08-31 The list below is hopelessly out of date. Your are better off going to|%SourceForge Tcl directory%|% [GWL] 2013-09-01 Please note that the main repository of the Tcl/Tk project (as well as those marked with an asterisk "*") is on as Fossil[] repositories. But rather than ''advertising'' SourceForge here, go browse the projects, or start your own, and announce it below: * [] The Tcl core software home (*) * [] The Tk core software home (*) * [] [] Abuse Postmasters' Tool * [] [] AOLserver * [] [] Brag * [] [] Capster * [] [] CarMP3 * [] [] Drone * [] [] Ecume * [] [] Entity * [] [] NSCL SpecTcl * [] [] TkGames ... * [] [] Tcllib (*) * [] [] Tcl SOAP and XML-RPC * [] [] TclXML and TclDOM * [] [] TiK Instant Messenger * [] [] TiK (non-core) Packages and Plugins * [] [] The TIL * [] [] Tix ''Tk Interface eXtension'' * [] [] Tk Console * [] [] TkInspect * [] [] TLS ''OpenSSL/RSA-bsafe extension'' * [] [] TclUDP ''Tcl UDP extension'' * [] [] TWAPI ''Tcl Windows API'' ... * [] [] vTcl ... * [] [] Yozilla browser * [] [] LinuDent ''Dental Front Office Application' * [] [] IICMD ''Tcl Extension for Ingres DBMS'' * [] mpr ''Media Play Restarter'' etc. There is also a small ''code snippets'' library there: ---- Please note that not everyone is perfectly content with sourceforge: You may not agree with them, but they mention some reasonable points. [DKF]: IMHO, SF sucks. But it is really nice that they are providing/handling all the sysadmin/hardware side of things, so I guess it doesn't suck too much. ---- [Tcl Foundry] ---- Where in all of SF does one find the ''[tclconfig]'' module that so many TEA based extensions needs? [AK]: It is not a module, but a subdirectory in the module '[sampleextension]' in the project 'tcl'. ---- Get to a bug report, knowing only its number (219137 in this example): <> Community | Repository