Purpose: to discuss the GUI editing program specTcl ---- ''''Someone''' wrote: [Stephen Uhler] originally designed SpecTcl to generate Perl and Java source, also. ---- However, [Larry Virden] doesn't recall it exactly that way. What he recalls is that specTcl came out, then [Mark Kvale] from the perl/Tk community made the patches for perl support and then later [Stephen Uhler] announced the availability of specJava; Larry is just uncertain who wrote the code. ---- In April 2001, [Morten Skaarup Jensen] plans to move SpecTcl to SourceForge [http://spectcl.sourceforge.net]. In the meantime, [Mark Kvale] maintains information about SpecTcl (including SpecPerl and SpecRuby) at [http://www.keck.ucsf.edu/~kvale/specperl.html].