It hurts me to advocate [Windows] but using [tcom] with the free speech engine from [Microsoft] is almost too easy (yes I know Microsoft and free speech sounds like an oxymoron :) package require tcom set voice [::tcom::ref createobject Sapi.SpVoice] $voice Speak "Hello World" 1 after 3000 exit The speech SDK is available from (51MB), there is a beta of .Net Speech at (200MB) but I haven't tried that yet. - VPT [MG] Anyone happen to have a link for more info on this? I've been using it successfully for a couple of weeks in something, but someone just found an error - $voice Speak "<> test <" 1 returns "0x80045042 {Unknown error}". I did a search on the Microsoft website for the code which, naturally, came up blank. Any ideas would be appreciated :) [NEM] On [Mac OS X] there is a command-line "say" program for accessing the built-in speech synthesis capabilities of the OS: exec /usr/bin/say "Hello World" ---- [GPS] [Rsynth] is a nice public domain package that I've used for speech synthesis. I wrote a say_this.tcl script that built a GUI for tweaking the voice. I've been thinking about improving Rsynth, because it seems to be at the moment dead. Another tool that I've heard good things about was Festival[]. CMU's Sphinx[] is another tool that may be good, but I haven't heard from users of it. See [Festtcl] for a Tcl interface to [Festival]. ---- Tcl'ers may be interested in the [CSLU Toolkit] [] developed at the Oregon Graduate Institute's Center for Spoken Language Understanding. It includes a [RAD] environment which supports Tcl and provides tools to do [Speech Recognition] as well as speech synthesis. -- [aricb] ---- JKM would like to know if [MG] found any solution to his "0x80045042 {Unknown error}". I'm getting the same error, but it may be for a different reason. By default, the SAPI tries to interpret the string with XML tags if the first character is '<'. Change your 1 to a 17 and you should be alright. I'm getting the same error with $voice Speak "c:/code/tcl/SAPI2.txt" 5 any help would be appreciated. ''[MG] never did, I'm afraid'' [MG] Having looked on the Microsoft website - for once, it's actually returned something sensible, searching for "sapi.spvoice" on - it seems that '5' means "speak a file", the 17 you mentioned before "speak without parsing XML", and 1 is the default. I can replicated the "Unknown Error", using '5', when the file in question doesn't exist. To quote one page of the MS website, the argument must be "a null-terminated, fully qualified path to a file". The page in question is [], and seems (as of July 10 2005, before they change the address) to be about the first page to start looking at, for this method of speech. ---- [ET]: Hey, this is pretty cool. I also downloaded the documentation and found these flags, so the 5 would be 4+1 or async and filename: Enum SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags 'SpVoice flags SVSFDefault = 0 SVSFlagsAsync = 1 SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak = 2 SVSFIsFilename = 4 SVSFIsXML = 8 SVSFIsNotXML = 16 SVSFPersistXML = 32 'Normalizer flags SVSFNLPSpeakPunc = 64 End Enum SVSFDefault Specifies that the default settings should be used. The defaults are: To speak the given text string synchronously (override with SVSFlagsAsync), Not to purge pending speak requests (override with SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak), To parse the text as XML only if the first character is a left-angle-bracket (override with SVSFIsXML or SVSFIsNotXML), Not to persist global XML state changes across speak calls (override with SVSFPersistXML), and Not to expand punctuation characters into words (override with SVSFNLPSpeakPunc). SVSFlagsAsync Specifies that the Speak call should be asynchronous. That is, it will return immediately after the speak request is queued. SVSFPurgeBeforeSpeak Purges all pending speak requests prior to this speak call. SVSFIsFilename The string passed to the Speak method is a file name rather than text. As a result, the string itself is not spoken but rather the file the path that points to is spoken. SVSFIsXML The input text will be parsed for XML markup. SVSFIsNotXML The input text will not be parsed for XML markup. SVSFPersistXML Global state changes in the XML markup will persist across speak calls. SVSFNLPSpeakPunc Punctuation characters should be expanded into words (e.g. "This is it." would become "This is it period"). ---- [ET]I found the following additional commands: $voice Rate ;# return the rate (can be changed while reading a file async) $voice Rate value ;# set the rate of speech. Seems to take values like, -5,-4,...0...1...5,6,... $voice Skip Sentence N ;# N is plus or minus, this is while it's reading a file $voice Volume ;# return volume $voice Volume N ;# set volume to N $voice Pause ;# these 2 work while reading a file, using option 5 (asyn, file) $voice Resume There are others that seem to return a handle, but I can't figure out how to then use them. The one I wanted to play with was Voice, you can do this set v [$voice Voice] $v which then gives you usage: handle ?options? method ?arg ...? But I couldn't figure out what to do next. Too bad it doesn't return a list of permitted options like many tcl commands do. ---- [Category Speech Synthesis]