** Question ** [Richard Suchenwirth] 2001-05-31 - Robin Lauren wrote in [the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup]: I want to split an argument which contains spaces within quotes into proper name=value pairs. But I can't :) Consider this example: ====== set tag {body type="text/plain" title="This is my body"} set element [lindex $tag 0] set attributes [lrange $tag 1 end] ;# *BZZT!* Wrong answer! ====== My attributes becomes the list {type="text/plain"} {title="This} {is} {my} {body"} (perhaps even with the optional backslash before the quotes), which isn't really what i had in mind. ** Answer ** To a human, $tag intuitively looks like a list of three items, but according to Tcl list syntax, it has 6 items, and the second item, for example, contains two literal quotes. One solution would be to see $tag as a string, and split it on the double-quote characters into a list. Each item in the list that ends in "=" is now followed by an item that is the contents of what was in double quotes in the original string. The solution below assumes that quoted items only begin after an "=" character, and that there is no way within double quotes to escape another double quote: ====== set result {} foreach {out in} [split $tag {"}] { #catch the case where quote is the last character if {$out eq {}} break foreach i $out { if [regexp =$ $i] { set i [list [string range $i 0 end-1] $in] } lappend result $i } } ====== ======none % set result body {type text/plain} {title {This is my body}} set attributes [lrange $result 1 end] {type text/plain} {title {This is my body}} ====== ====== set matches [regexp -all -inline {([^ =]+)=(\S+|"[^"]+")} $tag] set result [list] foreach {dummy key value} $matches { set value [string trim $value {"}] lappend result $key $value } ====== ====== %puts $result {type text/plain} {title {This is my body}} ====== That will also match single-word vars which aren't in quotes (short=foo long="foo bar"). It currently dies on empty strings (short= or long="") but just replace the +'s with *'s to make those acceptable. ** See Also ** * [Splitting a string on arbitrary substrings] * [split] * [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] <> Parsing String Processing