[http://mini.net/sdarchive/starchive.jpg] The Starkit Distribution Archive (http://mini.net/sdarchive) is a catalog of many useful Tcl/Tk applications, packages and documentation sets packaged as [Starkit]s. Submissions of new Starkits can be made via http://mini.net/sdarchive/submit.cgi If you have a stand-alone Tcl/Tk script you want to wrap before submitting it - use the [sdx] "qwrap" (quick wrap) command. This will create a Starkit containing a TIP 55 compliant VFS directory structure. Don't forget to add "package require Tk" if your script needs Tk. For more details on constructing Starkits see the Starkit home page at http://www.equi4.com/starkit. -- [stevel]