In understanding [Starkit] some questions and observations arise as to how starkits work. What *is* [[package starkit]]? ... what's the boot sequence? = Phase 0: before main.tcl is sourced = 1. mount the executable vfs under the path to the starkit executable. 2. set up some global variables 3. lappend the /lib directory to ::auto_path 4. source main.tcl from the top level directory of the starkit vfs. Invocation of a starkit causes a file main.tcl to be sourced. What environment exists at this point in the boot sequence? package starkit is there by the time main.tcl runs - it's provided by the binary. What facilities does it provide? = Phase 1: main.tcl runs = Invoking [[package require starkit]] from within main.tcl causes some processing to occur - what processing? What environmental impact does this processing have? What facilities are available as a result of this processing? What environment does [[package starkit]] establish, what facilities does it provides, and what environmental assumptions it makes in providing those facilities. = Phase 2: the application runs = What environmental assumptions should an application make? ---- !!!!!! %| enter categories here |% !!!!!!