The section, "How to write the main.tcl for a starkit" in "[Starkit - How To's]", presents a coherent and correct model for organizing [starkit]-oriented [Tcl] coding. Jean-Claude highlights there construction which allows the same source to be run unwrapped, within a starkit, within a [starpack], and so on. It's important to understand the benefit of this. While I don't have a satisfying way yet to express it, the idea is something like this: to make the best advantage of existing software and experience in Tcl development, projects need to look "physically" as they always have: a main.tcl which [source]s other local Tcl scripts. If the project can be maintained either as a conventional [pure-Tcl] bundle, '''or''' a Starkit [VFS], then it'll enjoy the advantages of both modes. "How to write ..." aims at [package]-structured projects. . . . [[Why is this here rather than within the Starkit Wiki []? The benefit is to subordinate Starkit details to a focus on Tcl coding and the development process.]] [[... much more to say ...]] [[Comment clt thread [].]] [How to create my first Starpack] Attractive diagrams make "Anatomy of a starkit" [] particularly edifying.