A usenet poster to news:comp.lang.tcl asked how to display text with super and subscripts. [Kevin Kenny] was kind enough to demonstrate two ways to do this: 1. text tags (only possible in text widgets, but there even before 8.1) 1. Unicoded superscripts (only possible if you have a font that contains these characters) font create normal -family times -size 12 font create small -family times -size 10 grid [text .t -width 40 -height 5 -font normal] -columnspan 2 .t tag configure subscript -font small -offset -5p ;# (1) .t insert 1.0 "Little Willy took a drink,\n" {} .t insert 2.0 " But he will drink no more,\n" {} .t insert 3.0 "For what he thought was H" {} "2" subscript "O\n" {} .t insert 4.0 " Was H" {} "2" subscript "SO" {} "4" subscript "!" {} button .b1 -text "H\u2082O" -command { exit 0 } ;# (2) button .b2 -text "H\u2082SO\u2084" -command { exit 1 } ;# (2) grid .b1 .b2 -pady 5 grid columnconfigure . { 0 1 } -weight 1 ---- [text] - [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] [Category GUI]