What: Supernotepad Where: http://www.geocities.com/pa_mcclamrock Description: Simple text and html editor written in Tcl/Tk. Can import existing files; maintains potentially long list of recently opened or inserted files, searchable by all or part of title. General editing features include unlimited undo/redo; Supercut, Supercopy, Superpaste (selection, retention, and insertion of multiple text blocks); single-click insertion of special characters and hexadecimal color codes. HTML editing features include conversion of plain text to simple html; minimal-effort insertion of html tags; easy creation of lists and tables. Search and replace can be done forwards or backwards, case sensitive or insensitive, exact or regexp, single or multiple (using "string map"). Can auto-indent and test-run Tcl code. Uses MULE license (Maximum Use License for Everyone), intended as happy medium between extremes of (1) GNU GPL and (2) BSD-type licenses. Based on Tk NotePad 0.5.0 by Joseph Acosta and textedit.tcl by Eric Foster-Johnson. Currently at version 1.4. Updated: 4/2005 Contact: mailto:mcclamrock@locl.net (David McClamrock) ---- [David McClamrock] [[ [Category Application] | ]]