'''Tcl Assembly Language'''. Assembles into stack-based CISC code. See [MS's bytecode engine ideas] and [The anatomy of a bytecoded command] for more explanations. As usual, Tcl's [introspection] helps in learning about TAL: ====== % tcl::unsupported::assemble help ====== bad instruction "help": must be push, add, append, appendArray, appendArrayStk, appendStk, arrayExistsImm, arrayExistsStk, arrayMakeImm, arrayMakeStk, beginCatch, bitand, bitnot, bitor, bitxor, concat, coroName, currentNamespace, dictAppend, dictExists, dictExpand, dictGet, dictIncrImm, dictLappend, dictRecombineStk, dictRecombineImm, dictSet, dictUnset, div, dup, endCatch, eq, eval, evalStk, exist, existArray, existArrayStk, existStk, expon, expr, exprStk, ge, gt, incr, incrArray, incrArrayImm, incrArrayStk, incrArrayStkImm, incrImm, incrStk, incrStkImm, infoLevelArgs, infoLevelNumber, invokeStk, jump, jump4, jumpFalse, jumpFalse4, jumpTable, jumpTrue, jumpTrue4, label, land, lappend, lappendArray, lappendArrayStk, lappendStk, le, lindexMulti, list, listConcat, listIn, listIndex, listIndexImm, listLength, listNotIn, load, loadArray, loadArrayStk, loadStk, lor, lsetFlat, lsetList, lshift, lt, mod, mult, neq, nop, not, nsupvar, over, pop, pushReturnCode, pushReturnOpts, pushResult, regexp, resolveCmd, reverse, rshift, store, storeArray, storeArrayStk, storeStk, strcmp, streq, strfind, strindex, strlen, strmap, strmatch, strneq, strrange, strrfind, sub, tclooClass, tclooIsObject, tclooNamespace, tclooSelf, tryCvtToNumeric, uminus, unset, unsetArray, unsetArrayStk, unsetStk, uplus, upvar, variable, verifyDict, or yield ** Examples ** [Fib in TAL], by [kbk], 2012-08-21 ** Discussion ** ---- [CMcC]: I've put some incomplete work on tcl script generation of bytecodes here: http://wiki.tcl.tk/_repo/bytecode/ It dates from Apr03, and may not even compile - it's certainly incomplete. ---- [Zarutian] 28. oktober 2006: hmm... specifying the grammar of TAL shouldn't be hard. Backus Naur Forms: ::= [