Please just throw ideas here and keep verbose comments for [TCL Marketing discussion]. Thanks! * [Robert Abitbol] IMHO 3 individuals with 3 excellent TK/TCL apps are giving TCL/TK a great name outside TCL/TK circles: [Will Duquette] with [Notebook], [Brian Theado] with [TK outline] and [Mark Roseman] with [Project Forum]. When I realized that these 3 apps were coded in TCL/TK and that they all could hold in one exe, I was interested in the language. '''So blame Duquette, Theado and Roseman for having attracted me here! :-)''' Now with how many scripting languages are we able to code apps that hold in one exe, with no dlls and to boot: the app is portable to all OSs. '''This possibility to produce exes easily and the great TCL Kit system to execute tcl files are TCL/TK's great strengths.''' The more '''good apps''' will be programmed in TCL/TK (commercial or not) the more they will be known and the more programmers will be attracted to TCL/TK. Making '''tclkit''' known to the programmers is also a step in the right direction... * [Robert Abitbol] (...) So think of us poor laymen, unprogramming dummies and please produce exes we can download and run like Will, Brian and Mark have done. There is a lot of great stuff here I want to try but I see all these technical terms "package this required", "package that required" and it just turns me off. EXES Por favor! Des EXES pour l'amour de Dieu! * [RLH] - It would be nice if Tcl had something akin to either Zope, Rails, or Template Toolkit. Something that makes it really nice to use Tcl for web stuff.