Version 0 of TCLWS (Web Services for Tcl) as SAP Client

Updated 2015-04-27 09:18:43 by oehhar

HaO 2015-04-27: I am attacking the subject to write a more or less generic TCLWS Web Service client for SAP. This is my "progress report page", which might involve the next days when I progress.

Thanks to Gerald W. Leister for the great package !


This is the book I am using for reference: [L1 ]


SAP seams to use HTTP Basic Authentication.

Within this clt threat [L2 ], JMar wrote how to use basic authentication:

#-- http basic authentication
set authinfo [ base64::encode $szUsername:$szPassword ]
set httpHeader [ list Authorization "Basic $authinfo" ]

set szResponseDct [ ::WS::Client::DoCall $szServiceName myMethod $myRequest $httpHeader ] 


The WSDL file delivered by SAP parses out of the box: