[HaO] 2015-04-27: I am attacking the subject to write a more or less generic TCLWS [Web Service] client for SAP. This is my "progress report page", which might involve the next days when I progress. Thanks to Gerald W. Lester for the great package ! **Literature** This is the book I am using for reference: [https://www.rheinwerk-verlag.de/sap-schnittstellenprogrammierung_3496/] **Authentication** SAP has many authentication and transport security options. I tried HTTP Basic Authentication and no transport layer security. Within this clt thread [https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.lang.tcl/uOAhxCNPLwk], JMar wrote how to use basic authentication: ======tcl #-- http basic authentication set authinfo [ base64::encode $szUsername:$szPassword ] set httpHeader [ list Authorization "Basic $authinfo" ] set szResponseDct [ ::WS::Client::DoCall $szServiceName myMethod $myRequest $httpHeader ] ====== This worked out of the box. **WSDL File** The WSDL file delivered by SAP parses out of the box. **CALL** The main Information is that SAP only supports WSDL 1.1 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Services_Description_Language%|%Wikipedia WSDL%|%]. <>WEB Service