TIP is the acronym for [Tcl Improvement Proposal], a process put into place by the [Tcl Core Team] (TCT) for submitting changes to Tcl or Tk that would result in C API or script level API interfaces. For people who do not feel that they have the technical expertise to see a TIP through the process, at least for Tcl and Tk there is the [SourceForge] Feature Request mechanism. ---- Long ago, when "[Unix]" often as not meant "[Solaris]" (except that it was called "SunOS" then) or something now regarded as even more recondite, [serial port] work generally involved the command-line utilities tip(1) and cu(1) ([http://tautology.org/software/man/1/tip], or [http://www.daemon-systems.org/man/tip.1.html], for example). Questions sometimes still arise about these from new readers of '''[Exploring Expect]''', because that venerable volume was written at a time when tip(1) constituted a natural example for its lessons. tip(1) and cu(1) functions now might be done by minicom, ... [[Was tip(1) specifically a BSD creation?]] ---- [[ [Category Community] | [Category Acronym] ]]