TIP is the acronym for [Tcl Improvement Proposal], a process put into place by the [Tcl Core Team] (TCT) for submitting changes to Tcl or Tk which would result in C API or script level API interfaces. ---- All existing TIPs can be found at http://www.purl.org/tcl/tip/ , with backup at http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/fellowsd-bin/TIP/ . ---- Votes require (an) implementation (plan). A [SourceForge] "Feature Request" [??] is a lighter-weight entry point for people with clearer ideas about needs than implementation. One possible ideal: [TCT] does as little as possible with TIPs. That is, TCT supervises/manages/oversees the process. Engineering work shouldn't be a TCT responsibility (in general? sometimes? ...). ---- [Category Community] | [Category Acronym]