What: TKproE Where: http://tkproe.sourceforge.net/ Description: Integrated program develpment environment for Tcl/Tk. Currently at version 1.0 . Updated: 06/2004 Contact: See web site ---- [Kroc] - 29 Jun 2004 - I got ''Application requested Exit'' at startup and [exec magic] is missing. 29 Jun 2004 - Tried sourcing it from within tclkit and get "can't read "::mk4vfs::v::timer": no such variable'. The gui windows do come up after this. [George Peter Staplin]: A discussion of GUI builders came up, and I recalled reading about TKproE, so I decided to try it. The link above didn't work. This however does: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tkproe/ This is my review of it: GPS tkproe is interesting (after playing w/ it for 10 minutes), but it seems somewhat fragile. GPS I created a button and tried to set its -command, but couldn't find it in the options, so I tried to set a binding, but it kept popping up a "NoFunction" bgerror dialog. GPS And now the app I created when loaded pops up "unknown color name SystemWindowFrame" that's for Windows isn't it? yeah windows magic color I'm using NetBSD. It seems that it has some bugs to be worked out on non-Windows platforms. ---- [Category Application] | [Category Dev. Tools]