by [Cameron Laird] - 'DejaNews:'' [] ''Mark Roseman returns next week.'' * Don Porter exteriorizes procedures for URL encoding (see []) * While c.l.t.a is so high in S/N it's generally read in its entirety, getting along well in the Windows world is important enough to give special attention to Nat Pryce's write-up on integrating Tcl shells into NT (see []) Similarly, while Jay Sekora's jstools speaks for itself (in English, French, and Portuguese), everyone should give it a chance, if only as a rich lode of examples of such common needs as prompting a user for a color name (see []) * Steve Ball covers the waterfront of Tcl-XML co-operation. The latest delivery is TclExpat 1.1 for Windows (see []) * Viktor Dukhovni masterfully analyzes costs and benefits of a proposal to modify internal management of array variables (see []) Notice also the supporting remarks of the two follow-ups. * Bryan Oakley, Jeff David, and Alexei V. Zakis configure texts which support cut-and-paste and programmatic man- ipulation, but not user edits (thread []) * Keith Vetter and Victor Wagner re-start Wish scripts (thread []) * Jean Brouwers usefully reviews signal-handling in Tcl contexts complicated by rsh (see []) * Practical advice on running CGI (see []) * Web sites, the annual Conference, c.l.t, mailing lists, ...--now Tcl has an IRC channel (see []) * Andreas Kupries works up an explanation of Tcl_{In,De}crRefCount (see []) * Mumit Khan extends his apparent campaign to document all difficulties involved in getting Cygwin and Tcl to work together (see [])