My objective is to make a direct translation from Tcl/Tk to Tkinter and this work is just the beginning, If someone is interested by the work he is welcome. **Tkinter Widgets:** [standard widgets options] ***Container Widgets*** [tkinter.Notebook] <
> [tkinter.LabelFrame] <
> [tkinter.Frame] <
> [tkinter.Checkbutton] <
> [tkinter.Entry] <
> [tkinter.Label] <
> [tkinter.Listbox] <
> [tkinter.Radiobutton] <
> [tkinter.Scale] <
> [tkinter.Spinbox] **Geometry management** [pack()] ***Copyright*** [Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International] <
> Tcl/Tk--|direct translation|-->Tkinter by Gourinda Adil is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. <
> To view a copy of this license, visit <
> Based on a work at <> Tkinter