Over the past year or so I have been thinking about what it would take to make a mostly pure Tcl/Tk Office type system. To me it makes sense to have one, due to Tcl being portable on so many fronts. It would be nice to have a full Tickle package where all applications can talk to, embed and link to each other. This wiki item is just an idea generator and thought process recorder. Here is what I see in a full office type system, and possible code candidates/donators. Please add your ideas and comments below. Note – The GUI should use Tile as much as possible. Drawing and Presentation starter candidates – TkPaint: [http://wiki.tcl.tk/7801] Impress: [http://www.ntlug.org/~ccox/impress/] Others ???? Word processor starter candidates - ASED: [http://wiki.tcl.tk/1278] Tease: [http://tease.sourceforge.net/] Others ???? Spread sheets starter candidates – Tktable: [http://wiki.tcl.tk/1877] Others ???? Data base candidates – PgAccess: [http://wiki.tcl.tk/7171] - have it Ported to use Sqlite for the “native” db and ODBC (via snodbc or TclOdbc) for other dbms. Others ????? Optional apps - File management starter candidates – tkmc – source can be found via a Google from several locations. Others ???? Personal finance packages???? ---- %|[Category Application] | [Category Office Automation]|%