**Tcl 8.6 Wish List** * [TDBC] * TkWeb (compile Tk code to webpages instead of regular forms, also possibly make it Volta-ish[http://labs.live.com/volta/]) * [regexp] maintainer (I would love to see more work done to improve, modernize and add feature to regexp) * [Fixing Tk_Uid Leaks] * [TclOO] ready for the core * Expanded tutorial/docs on ttk * TIP #285 (script cancellation via Tcl_CancelEval and [interp cancel]) * Batteries included release! ---- **Commentary** [DKF]: BI releases depend on other people to put them together. [ActiveTcl]'s an instance of this, and both [tclkit] and [eTcl] are others. But the core bits aren't likely to be done as a BI release directly since that makes things take longer as well as being more difficult for people who want stripped-down releases. ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Suggestions] |% !!!!!!