**What features should be added to 9.0?** Please, only things that are not possible to fit into earlier versions though... ''Please also see [Tk 9.0 WishList] for suggestions for Tk'' ''Please also see [Jim], where [SS] is actually implementing a lot of this stuff'' Please note that this is a ''wishlist''. A brainstorming session. Not all of these will make the cut. But if we don't know what people want, how can we decide what to put in? <> Is it ok if we reorganize this into sections: * '''Things that need to be done''' ...and no one disagrees). Bug fixes fall into this category. (That doesn't mean it will be done, alas. For example, perhaps no one understands how to fix something.) * '''Things that probably can be done if the proposal was fleshed out further.''' ...but won't be if no one picks up the ball.) Drag and drop is an example. * '''Things over which there is fundamental disagreement over.''' (And always will be.) This doesn't mean such a change won't happen, however. The name and structure of the list command is a good example. * '''Things over which there are fundamental incompatibilities.''' ...in other words, everyone agrees this was be a good thing but it is currently incompatible with Tcl as it stands. * '''Things that don't need to be done.''' ...for any of a number of reasons. Example: bad proposal, better alternative, incompatible with Tcl way, not much payoff for the work, etc. * There may be other such categories or perhaps a different organization. Feel free to contribute. - [Don Libes] [LV] - Yes, I think this would be a valuable reorganization. Anyone with an opinion should feel free to step in and start. It ''might'' be easier to actually create pages for these categories and move things to the new pages, to prevent this page from getting much bigger... [DKF] - Note that some of the items here are the subject of [TIP]s, which should be referred to for definitive suggestions. ''[MGS]'' - Would it make sense to split this page up into several pages? It would make it easier to track changes ... [DKF] - Longer items should be placed on their own page with a link (preferably including the currently bold text!) from here. [Lars H]: And if several items discuss closely related matters, then they could be collected together on a separate page. This was how [expr shorthand for Tcl9] came about. [DGP] Better idea: Anything mentioned here that is not registered as a Feature Request at SourceForge, register it. Then make this page nothing more that a list of links to those reports. <> ---- See http://tcl.projectforum.com/roadmap/ for one proposal on a direction for tcl/tk. ---- **How to develop Tcl 9?** There has been a lot of discussion on what version control system to use for Tcl 9 development. There is a general consensus not to use [CVS] but to opt for [git] or [fossil]. ***Sourceforge*** A `tcl9` project was started by [FB]: [FB]: I've created a project on SourceForge dedicated to everything Tcl9-related: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcl9/ Currently it only holds the mailing list for [Cloverfield] but I'd be very happy to host other projects as well. ***Fossil*** Is there a public [fossil] repository for Tcl 9 yet? [DKF]: See the [novem] branch, but it doesn't have particularly large changes yet. ***Git/GitHub*** A [tcl] repository was created by [das] on GitHub: https://github.com/das/tcl . This is a copy of the SourceForge CVS repository, with all history, updated every hour. Any other Git repositories? ---- **Suggestions** ***1-9*** <> 1. Replace the use of rename to destroy a proc with something more elegant and unified. The use of rename for this purpose is so bizarre that I can't think of anything else that has copied that model. And it has spawned a myriad of ways to destroy things which is quite unhelpful. Consider these: ====== rename proc "" unset var destroy .widget close channel after cancel id bind tag "" file delete filename ====== (there's probably more) [FW] contributes: ====== image delete imagename array unset arrayName key ====== [FW], months later, thinks of another: ====== namespace delete namespace ====== [Larry Smith] Actually, these are all symptoms of having missed a fundamental paradigm. Ideally, we shouldn't even declare procs. A proc should be just a variable containing a block of code. set add1 { init varname ""; if {$varname eq ""} return; upvar $varname var; incr var } Thereafter, executing [add1 foo] should increase foo by one. This scheme does require some better way to deal with arguments, here I used [init]. In theory, you'd really need [$add1 foo], but some command-dispatching logic could deal with that. This system also permits truly anonymous procs: [{init varname ""; if {$varname eq ""} return; upvar $varname var; incr var } foo] ...would work as expected. Couple this with Rexx-style stem variables: set .this.name "John Q. Typical" set .this.address "123 Somewhere Street" ...so $this becomes the dict { {name} {John Q. Typical} {address} {123 Somewhere Street} } Actually, .this.name is probably not Tcl-ish: { this name } is probably more so, but requires more typing. Less than ::this::name does, though. The concept of namespaces folds in. "this" is a namespace containing the vars name and address. You would execute code there: in .this { set swap { set temp $name; set name $address; set address $temp; unset temp } } .this.swap would define a method unique to "this" that would swap name and address (to pick a moronic example). (Yes, you could also just do "set .this.swap ...", but I wanted to show the basic idea.) This produces a protoype-based class system like Self. "unknown", faced with a var name it doesn't know, would look up the class of "this" (if it had one) to dispatch class-based method calls. Since these could happen a lot, that logic would probably be hardwired in C rather than being a Tcl procedure, though you could still extend or replace it in Tcl. If you were to use TokyoCabinet or other such database to manage the symbol table, you would effectively get a completely check-pointable interpreter for free. [KJN] adds ====== unload foo.dll interp delete $interpreter ====== ---- On a related note, [AMG] finds this to be insane: % proc "" {x} {expr {$x * $x}}; "" 5 25 % rename "" "" ; "" 5 empty command name "" [KJN] It is a quirk of Tcl that the name of a variable or proc may be the empty string. The variable {} is quite often used as an array in a namespace. The proc {} is not often used, though it would have made widget name processing easier if it had been adopted instead of . as the Tk root window. [KJN] The unfortunate thing here is the unhelpful error message 'empty command name', which occurs whether or not proc {} was once defined. Since an empty command name is permitted, the usual error message for an undefined command, 'invalid command name ""', would be more appropriate. % "" 5 empty command name "" % proc "" {x} {expr {$x * $x}} % "" 5 25 % rename "" "" % "" 5 empty command name "" Indeed, better hope that no Perl advocates see this or Tcl will never live it down. They'll be delirious at an example of something even more obscure than Perl syntax. [WJP] [LV] please Please PLEASE '''PLEASE''' if you find bugs, or at least strange behaviors, visit http://tcl.sf.net/, submit a bug report, and, at the very least, hopefully you will get an ''explanation'' for the strange behavior... [LV] Note that if you look at the code in init.tcl, you will see where the error msg is raised. It looks, to me, like the situation is this. When, in interactive command mode of [tclsh], an attempt to access a proc occurs, tcl first looks to see if it is defined. If not, there is some code there in init.tcl that tries to locate an existing command for which the name is an abbreviation. So init.tcl calls [info] commands $name* (where name is set at this point to the value of {}). The call to info commands results in a match against all tcl commands. Then it goes to look for the first match in the list of hits. So init.tcl executes: string first $name $candidate expecting an index into the list of the first command that matches the first characters of name. In this case, however, string first returns a -1 . None of the items begin with a null character. To keep from hitting an error, specific code was added to init.tcl to avoid this edge case. Perhaps what should be done is a change in the error message - I suspect the reason for the unique error message was to distinguish the case. ---- This is one of the reasons I would really love to see a catalog of tcl error messages, what they are trying to convey, and what the programmer should do about it. That's a very useful catalog in Perl, and I suspect Tcl developers would also benefit. [tonytraductor] Yes...What is "Error: Invalid command name 10", etc. [KJN] Thanks for the explanation, Larry. (In this case you've saved us from reporting a strange behaviour that isn't really a bug). I agree that we need a catalog of Tcl error messages - will you add this as a separate feature request? If error messages were managed by msgcat this would also help with i18n. [LV] There are several feature requests that are relevant here - 1744149, 1214322, 1182109, 1182108, 218345. Well, the first is specific to the idea. The others relate to KJN's mention of [i18n]. Note to passer-bys. There are currently over 190 open feature requests. Surely there is at least one there that you could take a crack at. There are items which are merely a request for a change in the docs, some that are new docs to be written, others that are tcl code, and others that involve changes in C code. That should provide a wide spectrum of opportunities for the community to show their appreciation. ---- [Duoas] thinks not. Currently he can say things like % proc p args {puts $args} % set p 42 42 % p $p 42 Moreover, being able to rename a proc is often essential when creating [Megawidget]s: proc megawidget {name args} { ... frame $name ... rename $name ... proc $name ... ... return $name } He also thinks that most other delete/destroy/abort/rename commands are appropriately named, and have never caused him confusion. <> ---- <> 2. Remove/change octal support syntax. [[Isn't there a [TIP] for this?]] [[ [DKF] - Yes, #114[http://purl.org/tcl/tip/114.html] ]] This will only be a problem for code handling Unix permission words, and in that particular case we can still accept old-style octals without compromising things too badly; I don't know anyone setting permissions using numbers parsed out of time strings! ''(Personally, I quite like the 0o01234567 way of handling octals, and we could add support for binary numbers (0b01) at the same time. But a more general mechanism is probably just "cute" bloat... - [DKF])'' [http://purl.org/tcl/tip/114] I second adding support for binary numbers along the lines of 0b01. This is a curious gap in programming languages in general. The only language I can think of that supports such binary constants is Pike. Addendum: I now see that Ruby also has binary constants. [WJP] [MJ] - [Smalltalk] has had arbitrary base numbers from the beginning with the notation XrY where X is the base and Y the number in that base. So 0b, 0o and 0x would be 2r, 8r and 16r respectively. While there is a strong case for removing octal support in things like expr, the octal character escape should be preserved. The hex escape has the (sometimes undesirable) property of being "greedy" whereby a "\x" sucks up all successive valid hex digits. Why does this mater? I present the following situation: There is a Tcl enabled application (Modelsim [http://www.model.com]) that fails to preserve quoting of shell arguments when they get passed into the interpreter. The result is that any argument with embedded spaces is seen as multiple arguments by the internal Tcl based argument processor (''tclapp "arg1 arg2"'' is same as ''tclapp arg1 arg2''). The solution is an escape character for the space. The natural inclination to use hex presents a problem. ''tclapp "arg1\x20arg2"'' produces an embedded STX,newline instead of the desired space. Because octal character codes are restricted to no more than three digits we can safely use ''tclapp "arg1\040arg2"'' or even ''tclapp "arg1\0401234"''. - [KPT] [ET]: How about allowing constants to include an underscore for readability. For example, 0x07fff_1000. This would be especially useful if binary were allowed as mentioned above, 0b10101010101010101001010101 is pretty hard on the eyes, where 0b10_1010_1010_1010_1010_0101_0101 is decipherable. With 64 bit here, it will help even more. Seems like a trival lexical scanning change. And no reason to not allow these in decimal numbers also, including in the fractional part: 123_456_789.111_222 ''([FB]: I second that. [Eiffel] allows this, and it greatly improves readability)''. And while we were at it, maybe augment the format command to include something like, %08_4x or %,3d or some such (and how about a %b for binary output). [WJP]: If we're going to allow separators to be specified in format strings as FB suggests, we should go whole hog and provide for specification of the following information: (a) decimal point; (b) group separator; (c) low group length; (d) other group length. By "group length" I mean the number of digits between separators. The usual value is 3, but in the Sinosphere one sometimes finds 4. The reason for the distinction between "low group length" and "other group length" is that in India the traditional way of writing numbers is with a group length of 2 but with three digits in the low group, e.g. 12,34,567.89. <> ---- <> 3. {expand} [[What is the TIP number for this one?]] [[ [DKF] - #103[http://purl.org/tcl/tip/103.html] though I don't think it goes far enough... ]] I think we need to think about the syntax of this a bit more, but the semantics are really good. The original proposal is one that doesn't break things, but isn't (IMHO) beautiful enough, so perhaps using something that is more beautiful but which breaks existing code would be better? Since it is a major version change, we could do this... ''(Maybe something with parentheses?)'' [RS]: In the [Tcl chatroom], [dkf] at one time proposed just to use back-apostrophe (`) as escape character, e.g.: pack `[winfo children $w] -side left I like it for its minimality (and probably few people used it in code so far), so I second that motion. [Lars H]: An alternative is to use $, with $$var for the expansion of the list $var. Then one could write e.g. lappend listVar $$moreItems destroy $[winfo children .] button .b $$stdargs -text $mytext -bd $border exec $prog $$opts1 $[getMoreopts] $file1 $file2 The meaning of $$ or $[[ is not defined in the [Endekalogue] (it says $ means there will be substitution, but it doesn't say what happens in these cases). An advantage over ` is that there is no need to change the string representations of lists, since $ is already quoted. [Donald Arseneau]: Ack! No! Any naive user who writes $$var wants double dereferencing ([how do i do $$var - double dereferencing a variable]), so if $$var is used for anything, that is what it must be. Please don't hunt for scraps of unused syntax to implement new features, because that's how you create a frankenlanguage. [DKF]: See also [TIP]#144[http://purl.org/tcl/tip/144] as #103 was rejected. <> [http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/done.gif] Done in Tcl 8.5. See TIP 157 [http://tip.tcl.tk/157] and [{expand}]. Also see the new spelling, [{*}]. ---- <> 4. Feather Again, [Feather] is an important project (Feather is a set of dynamically loadable extensions which have been created to try and exploit the Tcl object to its full potential. It provides an interface mechanism and uses it with various types including some mutable ones), but one which is unlikely to break existing code (well, modulo new commands created, of course!) Most of this doesn't involve backwardly incompatible changes and should hopefully be going into Tcl 8.4. However there are some areas of this which would benefit from some mild backwardly incompatible changes mainly to do with the way in which Tcl variables are structured. ''[LV]:'' is there a page describing Feather somewhere that we can point to here? Wish lists without descriptions are useful to the proposer only... ''[KBK]:'' You can get a link to the Feather page at [http://purl.oclc.org/net/pduffin/home] The page itself is currently at [http://skyscraper.fortunecity.com/straylight/526/feather/feather.htm] but Paul's changed ISP at least once, so tracing through purl is probably the better option. Oh yeah, I also ought to mention that Usenix members can get his paper from [http://www.usenix.org/publications/library/proceedings/tcl2k/duffin.html]. Does anyone know if [Paul Duffin] is still actively pursuing this? ''[DKF]:'' He keeps talking about Feather on news:comp.lang.tcl, so I suspect he is still (at least semi-)active on it. [LV] From info from this past summer, Paul is no longer purusing this, and the original source code is no longer available (it was lost during a move). If people want this functionality, then someone needs to read over Paul's paper and start either from there, or come up with their own design. [LV] (later) The source code for [Feather] is now available at http://tcl.sf.net/ , but said to be a pretty gnarly hack that really needs re-implemented. [LV] (2011) I wonder whether, with Tcl 8.6, how much of the feather concepts (not implementation) are possible to implement. Paul talked about creating vectors, maps, hashes, structures, generics, curry, lamda, overrides, as well as several other concepts in the paper. <> ---- <> 5. Auto expansion of leading words. (something for the [http://www.cs.manchester.ac.uk/~fellowsd/tcl/future.html%|%future]…) This is related to both of the previous topics, and would make supporting things like commands with variable contexts ''much'' easier. This would break code that has commands with spaces in the names, but that's pretty rare. <> ---- <> 6. Move list commands into subcommand-form. This ''will'' break lots of scripts since the natural outer command is currently a list constructor, but people are already proposing ways to (semi-)automatically fix this. Everything else can be handled by existing mechanisms. [Carsten Zerbst] ''summarizes the pros and cons of this as'' + cleans up the interface + for every newcomer easier to learn - breaks compatibility very much - there is no chance to save things by a compatibility package. e.g.. tcl8.1 tcl9 set l [list create test] set l [list create test] {create test} {test} A proposed solution for this is a converter script which should help with many things. [Lars H] - What's wrong with using '''List''' as the base command? In the distant future it might require people to think a ''little'' more, but it will save an enormous amount of scripts from breaking. Then perhaps around Tcl 10 you could consider switching from interp alias {} list {} List create to interp alias {} list {} List as default ''if'' people have really started to prefer the subcommand form. [TV] What's with the constructor idea as of higer order (cf. 'object') than the fundamental primarily 1 dimensional datastructure list, and eval of that ? [AMG]: See my comments on #67, below. [Fabricio Rocha] - 06 Apr 2010 - Incompatibilities like this are expected in new major versions, aren't them? If it comes for the sake of evolution and natural coherence (we already have [array] and [chan] working with subcommands), it is worth the change for sure. [bll] - 2014-2-23 - I think it's a really bad idea to break backwards compatibility. How about: tcl8.1 tcl9 tcl9 set l [list create test] set l [list create test] package require Tcl 9.0 {create test} {create test} set l [list create test] {test} The package require is now overloaded with two meanings. (a) The tcl version that is required to run the script and (b) whether or not backwards-compatible features will be enabled. [DKF]: I think that changing [list] is too big an incompatibility; we want as many existing scripts to work (with no/minimal changes) as possible, saving the incompatibilities for areas where it is strongly justified. Making `list` be an ensemble is a beautiful plan, but one that runs into the rocks of reality as it forces too many changes. (Doing magic with [package require] is just scary; it's ''already'' too complicated for its own good, even if necessarily so…) <> ---- <> 7. General context mechanism support. Support for a general context mechanism which can be used as the basis for all existing contexts (e.g. procs, namespaces, global namespace/interpreter context) and is exposed at the Tcl and C API level so that it can be used as a building block for [[incr Tcl]] and other OO frameworks. [Zarutian] 3. july 2005: would stackframes fall under general context mechanism? (when you invoke a proc an new stackframe is created which holds the values of local variables) <> ---- <> 8. Rationalisation of the C API. There are many C functions which are no longer necessary. There are four ways to set a variable from C. ''(Tcl_SetVar, Tcl_SetVar2, Tcl_SetVar2Ex, Tcl_ObjSetVar2)'' The only difference between these is the type of parameters they take and could easily be replaced by two a string and a Tcl_Obj version. They also need to be generalised to support multi-dimensional containers. [MAK] - See also: [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=10894&atid=360894&func=detail&aid=572392] regarding using format/printf() style arguments instead of Tcl_AppendResult(). <> ---- <> 9. Rationalisation of namespaces. There have been some good arguments for changing namespace syntax to be more Tclish. [http://deja.com/getdoc.xp?AN=626207568] The namespace separator :: was borrowed from C++, but a more natural Tcl expression would use the space character (" ") to separate namespaces, so fully qualified names are actually lists. So instead of a::b, you would use {a b}. Namespaces become a sort of dispatching mechanism, and major/minor commands become trivial. It has also been pointed out that namespace resolution presently ignores parent namespaces. - [RWT] '''[LV]:''' So what, one would say {blt table} -flag -arg stuff -otherarg morestuff ? That's rather '''ugly''' isn't it? '''[DKF]:''' That is ugly. The aim [http://purl.org/tcl/tip/112] is to also have each namespace be a command, so that you could write the following: blt table -flag -arg stuff -otherarg morestuff Integrating this with ensembles is also a goal (i.e. this and the next point are really one and the same IMHO.) Extending (or, conversely, restricting) core commands becomes massively easier like this. ''[MGS]'' - How about mapping namespaces to a file-like hierarchy? So that tcl procs are like programs? For example: /blt/table -flag -arg stuff -otherarg morestuff Each namespace could then have a PATH variable for finding commands, instead of namespace importing and interp aliases. set PATH [list / /blt] '''Chang:''' The "command subcommand args ..." is more tclish. Is it easy to replace :: by space? I disagree on this, the namespace denotation looks relatively clean, is easy to spot, and references a similar functionality in another language making it easy to pickup. the file system look is confusing when looking at unfamiliar code. Also, imnsho, forcing a namespace to be a command makes assumptions on the usage of namespaces for the coder. Some might use a particular namespace to hold state only. I would say this is one area that tcl is currently doing well, and attention should be focused elsewhere. <> ---- ***10-19*** <> 10. Ensemble support. '''[LV]:''' - please make sure that as terms are tossed out one defines what you mean, so that we make sure that we are are agreeing, or disagreeing, on the same things ;-) . '''[AK]''' -- For that see (and extend/change) our [Glossary of terms]. ''[DKF]:'' Commenting on cross-relevance. Namespace rationalisation interacts interestingly with leading word expansion which interacts interestingly with ensembles. <> [http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/done.gif] Done in Tcl 8.5. See TIP 112 [http://tip.tcl.tk/112] and [namespace ensemble]. ---- <> 11. Micro Tcl. It should be made easier to separate out features that are unlikely to be needed in embedded systems. Ideally, only a handful commands like set, while, proc, uplevel, upvar, catch, expr and a reduced version of load should be in the interpreter, with everything else linked in as static packages. The reduced load command could then be used to initialize all the other stuff as needed. ''Discussion moved to [MicroTcl for Tcl9]'' <> ---- <> 12. Better Support for static packages. Static packages should not need a pkgIndex.tcl somewhere on disc. And, instead of [[load {} PkgName]], perhaps a special command could be provided. ''Discussion moved to [Better Static Package Support for Tcl9]'' <> ---- <> 13. OO System. An OO system provided by the core should use ''Tcl_Obj''s, so that objects get deleted automatically when they go out of scope. ''Discussion moved to [OO System for Tcl9]'' ''discussion moved from #26 below'' A thread actually a bit forgotten, the (optional) '''OO extension''' : [http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/done.gif] 8.6 includes a general system for shipping external packages with Tcl, and there is a version of [itcl] in it. ''[DKF]'' - So long as it is not integrated with the core but merely shipped in Sumo/BI, this is not an incompatible change. [TV] One may want to think about what such buzzword in effect means, for instance in terms of list operators, maybe half a dozen things like constr, data and functions grouped togehter, a hierarchy of functions/data and inheritance are more a matter of style of implementation than a fundamental issue. Having procs which are also lists and vv. is a fundamental and relevant issue. <> [http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/done.gif] Done in 8.6. See [TIP #257: Object Orientation for Tcl] (spec at [http://tip.tcl.tk/257]) and [TclOO]. ---- <> 14. Better Arrays. Arrays should be objects that can be passed around and returned. ''Discussion moved to [Better Arrays for Tcl9]'' Sounds like [dict]s, already in Tcl 8.5. See TIP 111 [http://tip.tcl.tk/111] . ''14a.'' Get rid of arrays, and use the name(index) syntax to refer to dictionary variables. ''Discussion moved to [Better Arrays for Tcl9]'' <> ---- <> 15. Direct use of shared libs. It should be possible to use shared libs without any wrappers written in C. ''Discussion moved to [Direct Shared Library Use for Tcl9]'' This appears to be addressed by TIP 239 [http://tip.tcl.tk/239] (and, somewhat, [http://tip.tcl.tk/357.html%|%TIP 357], but isn't really done yet. <> ---- <> 16. Removal of ancient deprecated interfaces Such as [[[case]]] [[puts $chan $msg nonewline]] and the old style of [[pack]]. -- '''[DGP]''' ''Volker'' - seconded. Also, for the C-Interface. Perhaps introduction of a tcldeprecated.h. Or, what about versioning the headerfiles like the libs? '''tcl83.h?''' ''[DKF]'' - I'm not really in favour of versioning the C interface too much (for one thing, it goes strongly against the principles of '''stubs''' if you then force everyone to hard-code in a particular version of header file!) but doing so on a basis of just the major version might work (i.e. ''tcl8.h'') I'd rather not though if possible, especially since the version is already ''#define''-ed. <> ---- <> 17. Manage ::errorInfo as list, not string If the stack trace is a true Tcl list, it is much easier for wrappers to properly make themselves transparent by removing their entries from that list. As is, the burden of parsing ''$::errorInfo'' as a string is so hard few people bother to try. See [http://www.deja.com/=dnc/getdoc.xp?AN=581560466]. This is conceptually a simple change, but it touches many portions of the core. -- '''[DGP]''' This is also related to TIP#90 [http://www.tcl.tk/cgi-bin/tct/tip/90.html]. Why not make a list with the entire "error context"? <> ---- <> 18. Deprecate global variables Most, if not all, global variables (see [http://www.purl.org/tcl/home/man/tcl8.4/TclCmd/tclvars.htm]) should be replaced with either commands (''$tcl_version'' --> [[package present Tcl]]) or properly namespaced variables (''$tcl_platform'' --> ''$tcl::platform''). Compatibility support can be provided through Tcl 9 with variable read traces. -- '''[DGP]''' [Tv] What's the fundamental problem with global variables? When something is stored programwise, one stores it in a global variable, and when the program doesn't have too many names to distinguish, what's the point of using seperate name spaces? Jeez, those OO-ers have a religion of their own. What became of the hardware java machine, was it so much more efficient we all buy it nowadays? <> ---- <> 19. Make Tcl work better on 64-bit platforms. [DKF]: 64-bit platforms are becoming ever more common, and at the moment Tcl only supports them insofar as it works on them, as opposed to actually making best use of the platform. This can be broken down into several sub-jobs: * '''Reorder common structures''' to get better alignment * '''Make string and list lengths "long"''' which will allow references to data structures containing far more data than is currently possible. * '''Make ckalloc() etc. use "unsigned long"''' * ''(I know there was something else here...)'' All of these should have no ill-effect on 32-bit platforms, other than (at worst) completely breaking binary compatability. They all ''definitely'' break binary compatability on 64-bit platforms, but that's the point. On the other hand, they should be largely source-compatbile, since static structure declarations (like ''Tcl_ObjType'') will not need to be changed; if there are any alignment issues, they won't need tackling because the number of structure instances should be quite small. The impact on the core (and anyone using things declared in ''tclInt.h'') will be larger, but should affect fewer people and less code. ''See TIP#115 [http://purl.org/tcl/tip/115]'' <> ---- ***20-29*** <> 20. Make socket support UDP [Sebastian Wangnick]: The [socket] command should support [UDP] sockets so that datagram-style communication (e.g., with [DNS] servers) can be done. [sergiol], 2006-09-13: One of my wishes is to add UDP sockets to the core of the language in the style [[socket -type udp]]. i am beginning my experimentations to implement that. <> ---- <> 21. Support Unix named sockets (AF_UNIX) <> ---- <> 22. Speed up IO [RM] - How about speeding up the I/O. <
> [TV] Why, is it slow? <> ---- <> 23. Make Tk be a usual loadable extension [Carsten Zerbst]: Putting all '''Tk''' related things into the namespace Tk, make it a '''usual loadable extension'''. [http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/done.gif] + cleans up the namespace + via namespace import won't break old apps - ? ''[DKF]'' - Was agreement ever reached about what effect this should have on the termination behaviour of scripts? (''tclsh'' terminates at end of main script, ''wish'' terminates after end of script only when all windows are deleted.) Whatever happened to the [[package require Wish]] suggestion? This is part of TIP 248 [http://tip.tcl.tk/248], approved for Tk 8.5. [DKF]: Note that the namespace cleanup is definitely more of a 9.0 thing. <> ---- ''#24 was a duplicate of #6'' ---- <> 25. Extend ?command subcommand? syntax with own subcommands '''Generally''' a possibility to '''extend the "command subcommand" syntax on the script level with own subcommands''' ''[DKF]'' - This sort of thing might follow from TIP#112. <> [http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/done.gif] Done in 8.5. See [namespace ensemble]. ---- ''#26 was a duplicate of #13'' ---- <> 27. More additional extension shipped with the core [Carsten Zerbst]: I'd like to see more extensions shipped with Tcl (Tcl Sumo Distribution Kit) ''[DKF]'' - Again, this is not incompatible. <> [http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/done.gif] Done in 8.6. (At time of writing, shipping with [itcl] and [tdbc]; plan also to have [thread] and maybe [sqlite].) ---- <> 28. Unified DB interface Another important thing (IMHO), '''a unified DB interface''' [http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/done.gif] ''[DKF]'' - See the news:comp.lang.tcl thread on '''tcldbi'''. [http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&safe=off&q=tcldbi&btnG=Google+Search&meta=group%3Dcomp.lang.tcl.*] [EG] - Since 8.6 a unified database interface ([TDBC]) is bundled with Tcl. <> [http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/done.gif] Done in 8.6. See [TDBC]. ---- <> 29. More flexible brace styles ''[GPS]'' - I would like support for '''more flexible indentation of curly braces''' (Allman style indentation). Then I wouldn't have to use \ to get the curly braces the way that I want them. ''This discussion, which ended with'' ''GPS'' - I would like to note that I have changed my mind and don't currently feel that this aspect of Tcl should change. ''has been moved to [Why can I not start a new line before a brace group].'' [RLH] 2005-12-22: I would settle for uncuddled else statments. I don't want to hack around it. I want it to just be a part of Tcl. <> ***30-39*** <> 30. More command-line options in tclsh ''[PSE]'' - '''command line options to support package loading and one-liner behaviour a la [perl]'''. ''[DKF]'' - that's just a little Tcl script. Got one handy? [RS]: How about [owh - a fileless tclsh] ? ---- <> 31. 8.6 emulation mode by command-line switch ''[FW]'': '''A switch for the interpeter executable''' (-c?) '''to emulate Tcl 8.6''' (or whatever the last version is before 9.0) '''for backward compatibility'''. This would solve the "list" subcommand issue, as well as any other incompatibilities <> <> 32. Autodetect whether to emulate ''[FW]'' Here's a radical (and probably dubious) idea: Rename a common command (like "puts") to something else, and then as the interpreter compiles the script, if it notices a use of the "puts" command, revert to compatibility mode. (''DKF'' i.e. '''autodetect backward compatibility mode''') <> <> 33. Declared version of Tcl drives whether to emulate ''[DGP]'' Both of the last two comments assume that emulation is a satisfactory solution. I don't think it is, because it erects a wall through which no integration of packages is possible, and being good at package integration is fundamentally important for Tcl. [glennj] Speaking of packages, [[package require Tcl 8.x]] will fail in Tcl 9.x, will it not? '''[DGP]''' I haven't TIPped the idea yet, but in Tcl 8.5 I want to '''extend [[package require]] to accept ranges of acceptable version numbers''', not just a single minimum acceptable version. ([http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/done.gif]) See [package BoF: PACKAGE REQUIRE support for RANGES of acceptable versions]. With that in place, then [[package require Tcl 8.2]] would fail in a Tcl 9 interpreter, but [[package require Tcl 8.5-10]] or [[package require Tcl 8.5-]] would not. That provides the bridge for a script that runs in both Tcl 8.5 and Tcl 9.x. [glennj] I would suggest the syntax: '''package require ?-exact?''' ''package ?version1? ?version2?'', where ''version1'' is the minimum acceptable package version, and ''version2'' is the maximum acceptable package version. ''version2'' can be the string "-" to represent "at least ''version1''". The option '''-exact''' is ignored if ''version2'' is specified. '''[DGP]''' A ''maximum acceptable'' version is a maintenance nightmare. Instead, the max end of the range needs to be the first version ''not'' supported. It's the same as the distinction between an open and a closed interval in mathematics. Also, having string arguments that look like ranges allows for multiple ranges in a single [[package require]]. And the less said about '''-exact''' the better. Before we continue to repeat things already gone over, be sure to do a Google search for the many comp.lang.tcl discussions in this area. <> ---- <> 34. Math operators as commands [GPS]: I would like the '''math commands + - * / in the standard Tcl 9.0'''. ''Discussion moved to [expr shorthand for Tcl9].'' <> [http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/done.gif] Done in 8.5. ---- <> 35. Objectification hook 30oct02 [jcw] - I would like '''[An objectifying hook for Tcl 9]''' <> ---- <> 36. Asymmetric channel close 18-Nov-2002 [DKF]: '''Asymmetric channel close''' so that you can send an EOF on a socket or pipe and still read data back. This is useful with Unix commands like ''sort''... <> [http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/done.gif] Done in 8.6 ---- <> 37. Remove special boolean strings 28-11-2002: I'd be happy to see the '''removal of''' the special '''boolean strings''': "true", "false", "on", off", "yes", "no". Tcl's [if] command could be cleaned up: remove "then" and remove the optionality of 'else' before an else-block. Contraversial i'm sure ;) ''[DKF] -'' I don't like this idea at all. ''[Breadcrust]'' - Are you crazy? that would totally break backwards compatability as well as just end up making (tcl) code that would be not as clean. And not all people like using 0 and1 boolean. I prefer using true and false. '''[wdb] Please NOT!''' I really like the way of saying "yes" and "no" instead of 1 and 0. '''Really!''' <> ---- <> 38. Vector and matrix expressions 2002-11-28 [RS]: '''Extend [expr] to vector/matrix operations'''. If one operand to a binary operator is a (possibly nested) list, and the other a scalar, perform the operations element-wise on each. If both operands are (nested?) lists of same structure, apply operator pairwise. Else throw error (like before).- Also, allow "and", "or", "not" keyword aliases for "&&", "||", "!". ''[DKF] -'' This is a really simple parser change. Prototyping it should take about half an hour or so; you just need to alter the lexer part of the expr parser to detect the words and return the correct token... [DKF]: Note that extending the domain of [expr]'s operators is quite difficult as they're implemented directly in the bytecode engine. <> ---- <> 39. Make the empty variable name be a proper dummy variable Jan 4 03 [FW]: '''Make it do nothing when you attempt to give the empty variable name a value rather than actually setting it''' so you can use {} as a dummy variable when things like regexp require a variable argument without worrying about memory consumption. [AJD] Perhaps this would be better as just a special case in regexp. In this case i would suggest that a dash indicates 'do nothing'. eg. [[regexp {((a?)b)(c?)} $s - - A C]]. Saves a keystroke (- versus ""). It also probably reflects current practise. Maybe even allow "->" as a 'do nothing' in the case of the matchVar. [AJD] Just tried a simple patch to tclcmdM-Z.c to do the above: % time { regexp {(a)(b)} ab mv A B } 10000 31 microseconds per iteration % time { regexp {(a)(b)} ab -> - - } 10000 26 microseconds per iteration OK, so it's not a big win, but as Paul Daniels would remark, every microsecond counts. [AJD] Jeff Hobbs has pointed out on tcl-core that this optimisation is already available to the submatchVar's within the re_syntax as "(?:)". Learn something new everyday! The "->" optimisation for the matchVar is still a valid possibility eg. [[regexp {^([[^:]]*):} $str -> x]]. [Lars H]: OTOH, to generally declare that the empty name variable doesn't exist could be useful with other commands than regexp. It is not uncommon to see procedures with optional arguments that are names of variables in which to return extra data. If the empty string was not a variable name, then one could declare that [[upvar "" somevar]] simply makes somevar a local variable, and thus simplify the common idiom proc do_something {a b {optVarArg ""}} { if {[string length $optVarArg]} then {upvar $optVarArg optRes} ... to proc do_something {a b {optVarArg ""}} { upvar $optVarArg optRes ... without leaving stray variables all over. Another possibility this opens up is that '''$('''...''')''' can be used as an [expr shorthand for Tcl9], but that is a different topic. [ulis], 2004-01-10: Empty name variable is already heavy used by [stooop], '''hugelist''' and aliens, and surely many others. Changing its use will be a great incompatibility. <> ---- ***40-49*** <> 40. Multiple assignment [Multi-assign] (several closely related issues) <> [http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/done.gif] Done in Tcl 8.5 with TIP 57 [http://tcp.tcl.tk/57] . ---- <> 41. Special syntax for expressions [Larry Smith] wanted a special syntax to invoke [expr]; discussion was moved to [expr shorthand for Tcl9]. ''(Item moved here 10 jan 2003 from the [Tk 9.0 WishList].)'' <> ---- <> 42. Built-in stacking [Larry Smith] wanted built-in [stacking] ''(Item moved here 10 jan 2003 from the [Tk 9.0 WishList].)'' <> ---- <> 43. Built-in parameter parsing [Larry Smith]: I want something like [getparams] ''(Item moved here 10 jan 2003 from the [Tk 9.0 WishList].)'' <> ---- <> 44. A built-in object system [Larry Smith] - Building-in [Thingy: a one-liner OO system] may be the most minimal change that can be made that turns Tcl into an object-oriented language without the massive politics of blessing one of the many oo extensions. <
> ''[MS] asks: isn't [interp alias] enough - as described in the new version of Thingy?'' [DKF]: Tcl 8.6 includes [TclOO] which is thoroughly object-oriented. [http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/done.gif] ''(Item moved here 10 jan 2003 from the [Tk 9.0 WishList].)'' <> ---- <> 45. Scripted access to bytecode compiler 14 Jan 2003 [Lars H] - '''A script level interface for defining commands that get byte compiled''' One application of this could be to remove the performance penalties on many types of syntactic sugar. Consider a '''macro''' command which has syntax like '''proc''', but whose body (i) returns the code that is really to be evaluated and (ii) is evaluated when the command is to be byte compiled. Then one could define things such as the [let] suggested in item 40, and have the advantage of byte compilation, without having to add them to the Tcl core. If '''''' is such that proc let {args} would return foreach {a b c} [info commands] {break} in response to let a b c @:= info commands (or whatever, but this is the syntax on the [let] page), then macro let {args} should have the effect that the byte compiler, upon seeing this '''let''' in a procedure, will evaluate the and instead of the '''let''' command compile whatever script the returns (presumably the '''foreach''' construction above). [Roy Terry], 2 Apr 2003: The Tmac [http://www.tclbuzz.com/v0/tmac] package implements this concept as "filter" macros. It also provides a block macro to subsitute a fixed block of text/code with parameter insertions. Alas, the macro invocation must be delimited so that the preprocessor can find it. Exception could be made for this requirement but the result would not be very robust. Also, as JCW notes below, the macro doesn't have access to valid variable values since it's called before the code runs. This '''macro''' command is however not sufficient for many control structures. I would like to see some interface that would let me implement '''breakeval'''! 15jan03 [jcw] - This is similar to Forth's "immediate" command, which tells the parser to evaluate at compile time. It's not possible to get this right for the general case in Tcl: ... [[$var ...]] ... cannot do anything at (byte-)compile time, since it would have to see what $var contains, which in turn may not have been set yet. But for the limited case of verbatim macro names, it can probably be done. One could do even more. The moment the word "let" is seen as command, and it is recognized to be defined as compile-time action, it can take over the rest of the parsing. This means that notations such as "while a != 3 do { ... }" (no, there are no typo's in there) could be dealt with. In other words, seeing "let" with a space after it in the place where a command name is expected, could cause the compiler to turn control over to "let", and have it deal with parsing its own args. Taken to extremes, the compiler "vanishes" into a number of macro's called proc, set, if, expr, etc. [Lars H] - It would definitely be necessary for macros to deal with arguments that will be subject to substitution. E.g. let a = 2 * $b must be possible to translate to set a [expr {2 * $b}] if desired. I was thinking that the macro body should receive the command parsed into words, but that these should not have been subjected to substitution (nor stripping off braces or removing of quotes). [Roy Terry] - yes Tmac offers this kind of parsing by default and does not use the Tcl parser generally. Your suggestion goes a bit further, and is more powerful, but it would require that the macro body can make use of the parser. (It would BTW be a good thing if scripts could do that in general.) [DKF] 20-Oct-2010: [KBK] presented [GSoC] work on [TAL] which makes it look like it may be possible to establish enough of a set of safety guarantees to actually allow for cool stuff to go in the core. Very interesting work; watch this^Wthat space? <> ---- <> 46. Remove value/command dichotomy ''46.'' 15jan03 [jcw] - ''moved to [Getting rid of the value/command dichotomy for Tcl 9]'' <> ---- <> 47. Improve abbreviation of -nonewline [FW]: '''Add -nn as an alternative to the -nonewline switch of puts''' for brevity. [Donald Arseneau]: I find -nnl more mnemonic. <> ---- <> 48. Improve network capabilities on windows. [DG]: Similar to 20. and 21. but up the requirements to include the '''ENTIRE''' WinSock-2 API on windows to bring us not only [UDP], but also [NetBIOS], [IrDA], [IPX], [AppleTalk], [Vines], [IPv6], and even allow [CLSID]s for protocol providers not yet known. Also improve the [WinSock] I/O model as the current Win3.1 interface of WSAAsyncSelect has performance issues and limits Tcl currently. Overlapped I/O using completion ports would be a sweet performance improvement (on the NT OSes) and allow WinSock to keep going on accept'ing and read'ing should the event loop in tcl be running a little slower than the network events coming in. Currently things crash in an ungraceful manner when the input is faster than Tcl is able to service it and is a pure I/O model issue. And for the fun of it, maybe add all ioctl's in existance as [fconfigure]'s like -keepalive, -nagle, etc.. And the way socket error codes are returned needs some work. When a connect fails, all we seem to get is "invalid argument". What a PITA. Give me the '''real''' drawn-out one, please. Tell me "host not found" and was that the authoratative one or not?, or WSAEPROVIDERFAILEDINIT and stop the info loss in the POSIX error code translation. This needs to be for 9.0 as the generic part of the socket command is going to have to take some changes to provide additional protocols with an understanding or passing off of the new forms. set sock [socket -ipx 0xFEDCBA98 0x1A2B3C5D7E9F 0x0453] IPX args would be: * A 4-byte network number (server) * A 6-byte node number (server) * A 2-byte socket number (server process) A beta implimentation of this is ready @ [http://sourceforge.net/projects/iocpsock] [DKF] - What's involved in setting up an IPX server? Can we discover the network and node numbers for people? (I presume you'd have to still specify something like a socket number, as it'd seem very limiting to only be able to open one socket per process.) [DG] - name resolution in winsock can include NDS [http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/winsock/winsock/name_resolution_model_2.asp] and other dynamic types. I haven't played around with this stuff yet. Looks interesting... I think they call it process (for socket) by convention and isn't a per-process limit [http://www.novell.com/documentation/lg/nw6p/index.html?page=/documentation/lg/nw6p/ipx_enu/data/hvvqznoa.html#h80jhyqp]. We could also do with a decent abstraction for packet-oriented sockets; they don't really fit too well with the current channel-based model, and that'd be useful for all sorts of protocols (notably [UDP].) [DG] - The lolevel part of the driver should work just fine with UDP. I haven't tried attaching a UDP implimentation to it yet, but the gutts are there and waiting [http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/iocpsock/iocpsock/ws2udp.c?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup]. [DKF] - I'm not worried at all about the low-level stuff. I'm worried about the high-level abstraction! In TCP, a lot of effort is done (behind the scenes, of course) to make sure that if the sender sends a byte, the receiver will get that byte once and only once (or a detectable failure happens.) You don't get that guarantee with UDP, which merely offers "best-effort" semantics (plus port numbers and [CRC]s.) This means that the natural level of abstraction for a UDP (or any other packet-oriented protocol) is that of the packet, and not the stream. Tcl's channel abstraction matches virtually perfectly with streams, and not at all well with packets. [DG] - We do have the difference between [gets] and [read]. Could tcl channels be oriented toward message-base by somehow manipulating -buffering to be message-based? Appletalk and IPX: your days are numbered! [http://istpub.berkeley.edu:4201/bcc/Spring2001/net.appletalk.html] [http://net.berkeley.edu/netinfo/ipx/ipx-appletalk-abatement.shtml]. Just a reference. (If anyone wants to add [[fconfigure]] support for the various things you can fiddle with via ''ioctl()'', '''please be my guest'''. All it takes is a little TIP and a little coding work.) <> ---- <> 49. Event loop control. ''49.'' [FW]: How about an 'event_loop' command that, given a single boolean argument, '''enables or disables the event loop'''. Not given an argument, it returns 1 or 0, for whether the event loop is currently activated. This would allow one to do this: ====== event_loop on ====== Rather than the significantly weirder and less logical ====== vwait forever ====== I've yet to receive an answer on whether it's even technically possible to turn off the event loop, so comments are encouraged. [DG] I don't think it's possible to turn it off mainly because from where you might call [[event_loop off]] would most likely be from an event loop invocation itself. See tk/generic/tkEvent.c for Tk_MainLoop(): ======c void Tk_MainLoop() { while (Tk_GetNumMainWindows() > 0) { Tcl_DoOneEvent(0); } } ====== Which translates to english to mean "keep the event loop running until all windows go away". When Tk_MainLoop() exits, so does wish. What's wrong with tclsh and being able to fall into the event loop and control it with vwait? '''[DGP]''' I'd like to see this one addressed via an (ab)use of [package]. Have those packages like Tk that startup an event loop also [package provide eventloop], and have any script that wants an event loop running do a [package require eventloop], with a simple fallback "eventloop" package that does nothing more than the equivalent of a [vwait]. This way we could avoid some of the event loop nesting that happens sometimes. This might help Tk, which is a bit less happy running within a [vwait] than it is within its own Tk_MainLoop(). <> ---- ***50-59*** <> 50. Stack functions [AJD] 3Feb03. It would be nice if the core included commands for the stack functions ''lpop'', ''lshift'' and ''lunshift'' (lprepend?). Of course these are simple to code in Tcl (remembering to use the K-combinator with [lreplace]/[linsert]!), but i would argue these are common enough to justify inclusion in the core (8.5?) [Lars H]: Agreed, but this is perhaps rather an item for the [What feature or functionality is missing in Tcl] page? Indeed, the ''lshift'' command is already mentioned there. <> ---- <> 51. Bare names in expressions [MSW] 17. Feb 2003. '''[expr] to understand bare-names''' Mmmm. I am personally disturbed by having to use $ in '''expr'''. Maybe change it so that if expr can determine that something can be a variable reference (i.e. variable of the print-name in scope), you can omit the $. When it cannot determine that it's a var, it assumes it's a string. Particular behaviour can be forced by appropriate quotes or a $. % set a 1; set b 2; expr a + b 3 % expr "a" == b 0 % proc x { } { expr ::a + ::b }; x 3 % set b "a"; expr $a == "b" 0 % unset a; expr a == b; # a is string, b is var 1 ''See also [expr shorthand for Tcl9].'' [MSW]: Well, not exactly :p my suggestion is not to get rid of expr, but to get rid of dollars in expr :) (but see '''also''' fits well tho i guess) [Lars H]: I don't think any of the suggestions there are incompatible with expr. Several are precisely ''shorthands'' for expr. But let's try to be formal about this. Suppose there was a command like ====== proc echovar {name} { if {[uplevel 1 [list info exists $name]]} then { return [uplevel 1 [list set $name]] } else { return $name } } ====== (if it is a variable, then return its value, otherwise echo the name) is it then correct to interpret your suggestion as: a stray ''word'' in [expr] expressions should be parsed as [[echovar ''word'']]? This would mean expr a + b is parsed as expr {[echovar a] + [echovar b]} which is equivalent to expr {$a + $b} if a and b are variables. [MSW]: Yup. [Donald Arseneau]: I think this proposal is terribly inconsistent. OK, I know that [expr] already has its own syntax, but that is no excuse for abandoning what little consistency remains between it and the rest of Tcl. [slebetman]: Please no. I would be personally disturbed by not having to use $ in '''expr'''. Barewords should always be treated as a string, even by exprs. Unfortunately currently in some cases you need to quote with "" for words to be treated as a string. I personally prefer to be able to write: if {$a = test} { ... That would be more consistent with the 12 rules of Tcl but currently the code will complain about a syntax error. I can see how this is a good thing in avoiding bugs so I'll live with it for now. [wdb]: I agree with slebetman. The differences between [Tcl] and [expr] should be kept to a minimum. I'm disturbed by the enforcement of quotes "" or braces {} with strings, because in Tcl, you can "forget" them sometimes ... but before any improvement proposal, I must think of the side-effects. <> ---- <> 52. Extra syntactic sugar for loops. [MSW]: 25. Feb 2003: Some more sugar for my poor teeth. Currently we have if { condition } [then] { then } [else] { else} with then and else being syntactic sugar. A ''do'' would be nice for all those sh programmers :) while { condition } [do] {body} for {init} {test} {update} [do] {body} foreach {var(s)} {producer} [do] {body} or even (sh de luxe) foreach {var(s)} [in] {producer} [do] {body} supposedly easy to be done, wouldn't hurt people who don't want it, make others happy, cost about nothing. woohoo :) [DKF] - There's problems with [[foreach]] because the current syntax allows for iteration over multiple lists at once, which is sometimes very useful indeed. Suggestion is feasable for ''while'' and ''for'' though. [AJD] No need for any core change... this is Tcl remember ;) ====== rename while __while proc while { args } { if {[llength $args] == 2} { uplevel __while $args } elseif {([llength $args] == 3) && ([lindex $args 1] == "do")} { uplevel __while [list [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 2]] } else { error "usage: while EXPR \[do] BODY" } } ====== [MSW] - DKF: works fine for [[foreach]] too, check if the number of arguments to it is even- or odd-numbered (including the block). If it is even-numbered, it is either a syntax error or includes the do. foreach {a b} {cmd1} {d c} {cmd2} do {block} <-- even numbered @ AJD: Who says I'm ''waiting'' for a core change to do this, this is a wishlist of things we'd like to see in 9.0 - if it is there already, no need for every programmer to sweeten his programs on his own :) [Lars H]: Note that with wish #45, syntactic sugar such as this could have the advantage of byte-compilation without any need to go into the core proper. <> ---- <> 53. Tailcall optimization ''53.'' [MSW] @ 18 Mar 2003. I think this is self-explanatory -- ''SCNR'':) [DKF] - Hard to mix this with command and execution tracing. But it'd be cool if it could be done all the same. [MSW] You know, if a misleading errorinfo (only one stack-entry where there should be a couple of them) and command/execution tracing is the price for getting tail call optimization, I'm happy to pay it. Maybe follow some suggestion on the [Tail call optimization] page and have it be a runtime tunable option from within tcl, even default off so you have all the tracing etc. People who bomb their stacks (gotta love to see bus error (core dumped)) can then turn it on and be happy :) [Lars H]: The [returneval] command could provide a conceptually clean way of asking for tail call optimization (even though the current script level implementation will cause the stack to grow, thus missing the point). I wonder if this could be improved ... <> [http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/done.gif] Done in 8.6. See [tailcall]; you have to use it explicitly, but you can do it. ---- <> 54. Configuration interface [TV] @ 2 April 2003: I'm not sure how to date this request is, but long ago when I started with tcl/tk, I found it possible to take the configuration information of components in tk, check wether they are all default value, and automatically scan the whole hierarchy of windows and store their state. More or less, that worked. I don't have access to the work I did then, and I know that there is a list of values for each configuration property of which roughly the last value is the current active value, but I didn't check recently wether it is reasonably possible to save the state of a graphical interface by neatly walking a window hierarchy and intelligently storing all config info. I guess the request is to allow that in an organised manner, which to me, apart from porting that information, would technically seem reasonable. Maybe one should purchase tclpro instead? [TV] Maybe just talking to myself on this item, but I just found there is no distinction possibility between $widget conf -text $widget conf -textvariable possible without checking the widget class. Or in other words, the handy shortcut idea cannot be overridden to force a complete match. <> ---- <> 55. More natural language in expressions [rmax] proposed to allow an "in" operator for [expr], so {val in $list} is equivalent to {[[[lsearch] $list val]>=0} ? [RS]: I would sure welcome that very much - it is a bit down Perl road, but the savings in writing, and the gain in readability, is just so much. It also reminds me of an earlier proposal: allow "in" as second arg for [for], which causes an error now, so [[for i in $list]] acts like the simple case [[foreach i $list]] ..and allowing "and", "or", "not" as aliases for && || ! I think Tcl 9 can well stand a facelift, driving it closer to natural language. [FW]: Many people will claim trying to be a natural language isn't in the "Tcl Way" (which they claim is to try to be so simple it doesn't have to be like a natural language)... I think this should be true of the command syntax, but the usage of the actual commands can be as sugary as you want and still feel like Tcl, IMHO. [RS]: See TIP 133 for a comparison of if {[lsearch -exact $list $element] >= 0} {#current Tcl} ;# and if {$element in $list} {# proposed new operator} I think the second is more natural, more simple, and still in the spirit of Tcl. [FW]: [MOOcode], by the way, uses this method as the exclusive means of doing case-insensitive list searching, so it's not like we've just invented the idea. [Python] just introduced this feature as well. [RLH] - I like that. It is very clean. <> ---- <> 56. Deep list searching [TV] @ 13 April 2003: Would it be reasonable to wish a lsearch which like lset is recursing into sublists ? I'm sure I'd find it powerfull, though I'm not sure what the gains would be wrt doing such 'by hand' using a script (e.g. in [Recursive list searching]). And of course there'd be the compatibility issue. [DKF] - You'd need to specify a depth bound because a term like ''"a"'' is both a singleton list and a leaf; Tcl syntax doesn't distinguish between the two. On the other hand, we could turn this to our advantage a bit since specifying the search depth provides a fairly natural way to enable deep searching. And we could trivially retrofit [lsearch] to return a index path as a list; the current result is indistinguishable (i.e. it is a degenerate case.) Thus, we might have: set list { {a b c} {d e f} {g h i} } lsearch -depth 2 $list f ;# => 1 2 lsearch -depth 2 $list g ;# => 2 0 lsearch -depth 2 $list no ;# => {} or -1 The main issue is what to do in the not-found case. Could be an empty list, or could be -1. Is this covered by TIP 127 [http://tip.tcl.tk/127]? [wdb] As I understand, no. The search criterion is here that the element is '''anywhere''' in the list items, but in TIP 127, it is at a special index. <> ---- <> 57. Case-insensitive command names [GPS] @ 24 April 2003: It seems that 99% of the time people don't care about the case of a command. I think that Tcl should not care whether a command is written as Cmd or cmd or CMD. This approach has worked for Ada and I think it will help prevent bugs, and settle silly arguments over style. [LV] has had the same desire about package require names - I never remember whether I need Oratcl, oratcl, OraTcl, OraTCL (and similar variations for any other packages). [Donald Arseneau]: Yes Yes! For package names, but not for command names. [Lars H]: Caselessness isn't all that simple anymore, now that we've gone international. Which of the following four commands would you want to identify? I ; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I i ; # LATIN SMALL LETTER I \u0130 ; # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE \u0131 ; # LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I A "convert command name to lower case before looking it up" approach probably would work, but the results wouldn't be universally intuitive. Another matter is that caselessness would break things; e.g. [Alphatk] needs to distinguish between '''Bind''' and '''bind''', and also between '''Menu''' and '''menu''', but such incompatibilities could happen at a major version switch. My real objection is however that I feel this would be rather unTclish; why should one identify command names which are different strings, when (almost) any string can be the name of a command? Nor am I that convinced that it would do that much in the matter of style, since case doesn't seem to be the most common stilistic variation in current use. Package names are another matter. Package names have a strong connection to file names, and file names are often caseless. The style confusion also seems much more severe in that context. [DKF] - FWIW, I think that Tcl ought to stay case-sensitive (why break stuff that doesn't need breaking? And I'm a UNIX/C/Java hacker too, so case sensitivity makes sense to me.) Perhaps we need some additional recommendations on package/command names to keep them fairly easy to type...? [AJD] The effect could be achieved by changing [unknown] to look for a command which differs only in case (would also need to redefine [proc] to check for other commands whose names only differ in case and either warn or redefine). But personally i would find it more confusing having [[xyz]] being identical to [[XYZ]]. [DKF]: There are a few other complexities too. Case mapping is locale-sensitive IIRC (Turkish uses different, and when you look at it from a textual PoV more sensible, rules to English) so the code to do it needs to be a lot more complex than otherwise. Given that case-sensitivity equates to cheap binary comparison (as well as simple hashing), there's genuinely no reason to do it any other way. (Anyone who wants can modify [unknown] of course.) <> ---- <> 58. Scriptable AtExit support. ulis, 2003-05-09. '''AtExit''' functionality at the script level. Unset traces fired during [exit]. <> ---- <> 59. Tcl bindings to PCRE [Luciano ES] @ 02 Jul 2003. '''PCRE'''. Tcl bindings for the GNU [PCRE] library. [DKF]: [GNU] eh? Bet that means that, for licensing reasons, we can't incorporate this into Tcl. However, it can be done with a separate extension/package, and it would be interesting to see what this ends up looking like. [JH]: PCRE is BSD licensed and not GNU. Implementation here [https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=1860727&group_id=10894&atid=310894]. <> ---- ***60-69*** <> 60. Expose math ops as Tcl commands [Lars H], 4 Jul 2003: '''Expose bytecoded math operations as Tcl commands''' (This is an offspring from [expr shorthand for Tcl9], and I suspect it might not be necessary to wait for Tcl 9 to implement it.) It would often be convenient to instead of e.g. string range $s [expr {$idx + 1}] end write something like string range $s [+ $idx 1] end and of course this can be arranged on the script level; [Importing expr functions, part 2] defines an '''::exprlib::+''' that can be imported into another namespace and then used this way. That currently carries a factor 16 (or thereabout) performance penalty however, so people tend to avoid using it. My idea is that if ::exprlib::+, ::exprlib::-, etc. are made byte-compiled commands that compile to precisely the bytecode operation they anyway boil down to, then this performance penalty could be lifted. The effect on the language as such is extremely small, since all the new command would initially only exist in a separate namespace. A generalisation of the current exprlib implementations that might be in order is to make the associative operations ([+], [*], [&], etc.) ''n''-ary rather than merely binary. [FW]: I personally love this idea. Does anyone else agree with it? [wdb]: Neither ''no'' nor ''yes'', but consider that this breaks the (philosophical) decision to keep arithmetics out of the core. It could be desirable to keep the language small. [Lars H]: Unlike most of the things discussed in [expr shorthand for Tcl9], these things would ''not'' give arithmetic any more central position in the language than it already has. The bytecodes already exist because of [expr]. Also compare how TIP#232 [http://tip.tcl.tk/232.html] deals with functions. [DKF]: We've got all the operators (except for the shortcut ones; use [if] as a replacement for those) in the core. All are variadic if that is at all sensible. Look in the [tcl::mathop] namespace. <> [http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/done.gif] Done. See [TIP] #174 [http://tip.tcl.tk/174.html]. ---- <> 61. SIGINT handling [TV]: June 4 '03 '''KILL or equivalent''' In wish/tclsh. I just hang a shell by some unknown reason, and it would be good and reasonable I guess to have some way to gain back some control. Maybe there are already ways to do that (an command eval-ing entry with recurring after or so), but it would seem nice to be able to simply have the wish or tclsh capable of being forced into some form of responsiveness when debugging gets hot. [DKF]: This might be possible with a combination of a [TclX] signal handler (which is how you find out about the Ctrl-C in the first place), a suitable master interpreter, and some [TIP]#143 magic... <> ---- <> 62. Threads [ES]: July 11 '03 '''Threads a core feature''' It's difficult to develop with threads when you know that the users's interp is not particularly likely to be compiled with thread support. Make this a core feature, always there. [FW]: Yes, yes, yes. Tcl is completely unable to, say, make use of multiple processors with an event loop. It's impractical to have both threads and an event loop in a Tk application, but the wider-spread usage of threads for console apps as an alternative to the event loop is not a bad idea. [DKF]: Threads have a whole bunch of practical problems on assorted strange platforms, but there's no reason we can't move ASAP to making threaded builds the standard (letting people turn it off at the build stage if desired.) I'm not so sure about packaging the thread extension with Tcl for now (8 Aug 2003); it's still in a bit too much flux for my taste. But who's to say that that'll be the same as we move into the 9.0 release timeframe... <> [DKF]: We're very close to having this for 8.6. ---- <> 63. Object type control [DKF] and [JYL]: '''Object Type Control''' See [Object Type Control Discussion] for details. <> ---- <> 64. Unbroken exec command. '''exec -exact''' or '''exec -pure''' or '''exec -nohinder'''. I wish there was an option to make [exec] only exec whatever it is given as argument, '''just the way it is'''. No evaluation, substitution, attempts to slash or de-slash paths, '''nothing'''. Just pass it to the underlying shell and get the output. [Lars H]: Isn't one of the points with [exec] that there ''is no'' "underlying shell"? (This is BTW probably a Very Good Thing, because shells tend to wreck far more havok on the data they process than [Tcl] does; almost every non-alphanumeric character is special!) Everything is done on the level of kernel calls in terms of setting up processes, creating pipes, etc. Of course, for those who want to feed things through another shell, [TclX] provides [system]. [SLB] there's some discussion of the problems with exec in [exec ampersand problem] ''merge from #94'' In comp.lang.tcl, Kevin Kenny writes: : "Expect and BLT both do their own forking rather than use [exec] or `Tcl_CreatePipeline`. They do this for very good reasons: it has become quite clear that [exec] is rather a botch. This immediate problem can't be fixed until a better alternative is available, so a first project might be for someone to develop one. [blt_bgexec] might be a good starting point. The developed alternative should use `posix_spawn()` in preference to `fork()`/`exec()`, in order to make sure that a threaded build on QNX doesn't completely take away the ability to launch subprocesses." [DKF]: `posix_spawn()` is described in [http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/posix_spawn.html] and is probably just right for redoing [exec]. <> ---- <> 65. Static variables [FW]: [Static variables] in the core, byte-coded. [DKF]: Suppose you could create a stack frame as a separate named entity. At that point, you could quite easily use the [upvar] and [uplevel] commands to access it. And everything would be nice, neat and conceptually backward-compatible (though I'm less sure about actual backward-compatability. But I don't think it would be a vast issue.) And that would let you get something very close to C's ''static'' modifier. The other alternative is to use a [namespace]. <> ---- <> 66. Duplicating a namespace [KPV]: the ability to '''instantiate separate copies of a namespace'''. This touches on somewhat on classes and OO, but what I want is much simpler. I don't want inheritance, lifetime management, polymorphism, etc. Rather, I just like more core support in managing global variables, but I'm not sure exactly what I want. I view global variables as a big bag of variables, and namespaces as bunches of littler bags of variables. Now, I'd like some support in working with those bags, such as copying, temporarily replacing, etc. [DKF]: Would the ability to clone a [namespace] be sufficient (or a restatement of what you want)? [KPV]: Possibly, even probably. I have to admit I not quite clear on what exactly I want. [MGS] [[2003/09/15]] - I've been working on a generic '''clone''' package, which can clone almost anything, namespaces included. Drop me a line if you'd like a peek at the code. [NEM]: I wrote some notes on creating a [[namespace inherit]] command[http://mod3.net/~nem/tcl/inheritance.xml]. The idea is still in the early stages of baking, but I think it's basically sound. [Sarnold]: On the french Wiki, I have created a page for ''Cloner des espaces de noms'' [http://wfr.tcl.tk/1044] <> ---- <> 67. Constructing a list with substitution. [SLB] A concise, simple syntax for '''constructing a list''' from a collection of values '''with command and variable substitution''' performed. Consider the bind command. If you don't need variable substitution you can write: bind all <1> {foo xyz %W} If you do need substitution you should write: bind all <1> [list foo $x %W] but this is a bit verbose, so many Tcl developers (and some Tcl books) would write: bind all <1> "foo $x %W" which works, providing $x does not contain white space. This variety of forms is complicated for beginners and encourages bad habits in some of us who should know better. For creating longer lists, there's a slightly different problem, if the list spans multiple lines, you need to write: ====== set l [list $a $b $c \ $d $e $f \ $g $h $i] ====== and it's easy to forget a backslash. I'd like to use, say, parentheses to group a sequence of values into a list, with substitution performed and multiple lines permitted. The above examples could then be written: ====== bind all <1> (foo xyz %W) bind all <1> (foo $x %W) set l ($a $b $c $d $f $g $h $i $j) ====== It would also mean you could write procedures as: ====== # Argument list in parentheses. proc foo (x w) { ... } ====== [KPV] interesting idea. So the difference between using '''list''' and '''()''' would be how it handles new lines? [SLB] list is a command and so is terminated by an unescaped newline or semicolon. The parentheses syntax would not be. [Lars H] Please no! The savings are marginal, whereas the risk of messing things up is huge. Consider instead writing a command '''substlist''' which does the above on an ordinary list -- something like ====== proc substlist {L {level 1}} { set res [list] foreach word $L { lappend res [uplevel $level [list ::subst $word]] } return $res } ====== Then you can go ====== proc sbind {args} { eval [list bind] [lrange $args 0 end-1] [list [substlist [lindex $args end] 2]] } sbind all <1> {foo $x %w} ====== all you want without messing up the general syntax. The foreach in substlist similarly takes care of occational newlines between list elements and treats them as mere spaces. [SLB] That's an interesting alternative. However, the idea behind the proposal was to have a uniform solution wherever you want a list. You'd therefore need a lot of wrapper functions beside sbind and some, like the configure sub-commands of button, radiobutton and checkbutton, would be harder to wrap than bind. When you talk of the huge risk of messing things up, are you talking about compatibility with existing scripts? As one measure of how much would be broken, I did a quick search through tcllib, looking for parantheses at the start of a word that are not within a comment, quoted string or an infix expression. This showed up only stoop with its use of the empty string as an array name: ====== set ($this,size) $size ====== This might have to change to: ====== set \($this,size\) $size ====== So yes, this change would break some code but maybe little enough code to justify the change in a major release. It's then a question of whether the benefits justify it. [Lars H]: tcllib is not a survey of Tcl coding practices, so the chances that you have missed some are fairly large. Also the "not within a quoted string" condition can do wonders at hiding characters, since some people quote ''everything'' that isn't "syntax", whether it is necessary or not. But as you write, it is a question of whether the benefits justify breaking code and complicating the syntax rules of Tcl. Since the only benefit would be a "uniform solution wherever you want a list" and the [list] command already is completely uniform and general, it is hard to see that the benefit could justify anything at all. Typing "list" and some backslashes is extremely little work. [AMG]: I was about to add this same suggestion, but of course it's already here. :^) Yes, this is exactly how I'd like for list construction using parentheses to work. Also, '''()''' would construct an empty list, like how '''[[list]]''', '''""''', and '''{}''' construct an empty string. (By the way, why doesn't the result of '''[[list]]''' already have a list representation? ''[Lars H]: See discussion in the [concat] page.'') If lists were formed using parentheses instead of the [[[list]]] command, then [[[list]]] could be used as a list manipulation ensemble command, subsuming [[[lindex]]], [[[lreplace]]], and the rest. And since I've already broken compatibility in a most unforgivable way, let's get rid of [[[concat]]], replacing it with: * '''(`$a `$b)''' to concatenate lists '''$a''' and '''$b''' * '''"$a $b"''' to concatenate strings '''$a''' and '''$b''' Adding '''[[list concat]]''' and '''[[string concat]]''' might be alright, too, but the above two syntaxes are more flexible. In the case of lists, the components are only optionally expanded. (By '''`''' I mean [{*}]. I'm just copying from [AMG's language ideas].) In the case of strings, the separator character is stated explicitly and can be left out entirely. If this change is made (as if!), we should deprecate using '''"$a $b"''' to concatenate lists because of the type shimmering involved. Other tricks: * '''set a (`$a $b $c)''' == '''lappend a $b $c''' == appending two elements * '''set a ($b $c `$a)''' == '''set a [[[concat] [[[list] $b]] [[[list] $c]] $a]]''' == prepending two elements <> ---- <> 68. Proper integers [Lars H]: [Proper integers for Tcl 8.5 or 9.0], preferably the former. <> [http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/done.gif] Done in Tcl 8.5. See TIP 237 [http://tip.tcl.tk/237] ---- <> 68½. Documentation DOCUMENTATION !!! <
> DOCUMENTATION !!! Decent documentation for the existing Tcl would be far more useful than Tcl 9. The existing Tcl documentation SUCKS!!! Actually, it's very good. EXCEPT for the fact that too much basic simple stuff is omitted. Like EXAMPLES in the man pages, for example. [DKF]: That's not a suggestion for 9.0 though. More and better docs are ''always'' welcome. Just write them so that the core people can figure out what they're saying and how to format them (yes, you don't need to write [nroff]) and submit them as a "patch" on [SourceForge]. :^) [RLH]: As someone new to Tcl and just learning I would agree that the docs could be better. Examples would be the first best thing to include. One good thing about the Perl docs is that in almost every case they give a short example to get you thinking. Case in point, I was looking at using [Tcl] to modify some registry settings and I finally wound up in the test scripts to find my answer. [RLH]: Although I have not had any issues with speed, it is pretty much always a good idea to speed things up. : ) [DKF]: There are now examples for almost all Tcl manual pages. Most of Tk is still to be done though. :^/ [RLH]: Does this mean they will work there way into the ActiveTcl docs as well at some point? [DKF]: Yes, at the next release. <> ---- <> 69. Unified database interface '''A Unified Database Interface''' [RLH]: One nice thing I do like about Perl is DBI. My wish would be for a nice and clean Unified Database Interface. [FW]: Couldn't you guess that that's considered library functionality? ;) [RLH]: Actually I probably couldn't. I just started with Tcl/Tk and so am not up on its nuances. Maybe you could explain it to me a little more in depth or point to someplace that does? DBI in Perl is just a library as well. Then other database specific libraries use the DBI to connect to the databases. Someone has thought of it [http://wiki.tcl.tk/5537]. So what does your statement mean? [FW]: What I'm saying is a common database interface, much like an object-oriented programming system, is something that's not part of the basic set of language features (like, say, a new data structure would be), and would work fine loaded in a package, as it is in Perl. The TCT itself rarely implements features themselves; a member or of course an independent Tcl'er will implement one, then it can be proposed as a TIP to be included. But if you look, even basic stuff like threads and more extensive image handling are relegated to packages ([Thread], [Img]). The closest thing to "official" inclusion for something like a DBI would be if it was one of the packages that came with ActiveTcl, and that wouldn't fall under a Tcl 9 request. Regardless, it's not a bad idea. [Lars H]: There might actually be some TCT support for this "in the core" idea. [Kevin Kenny] wrote in [http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=4314876&forum_id=3854] that : I'm coming to believe that, while the Core is not the correct place for any specific SQL database extension, it would be a good idea for the Core to provide a (very thin) wrapper layer by which such extensions are to be accessed, and to specify the API that such an extension should use. (November 2007): There is now a [TIP] [http://tip.tck.tk/308] dealing with this. See also [TDBC]. <> [http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~fellowsd/done.gif] Done in 8.6. See [TDBC] ---- ***70-79*** <> 70. Script-level access to low-level internals [CMcC]: Direct, script-level '''access''' to low level tcl core, such as '''bytecode'''. * Inline generation of bytecode within procs, * bytecode objects as first-class objects (there is a TIP for this), * ability to script command compilation. * introspection for bytecode - pull apart and inspect first-class bytecode objects. All the ideas that've come up around [bytecode] bear thinking about and inclusion in tcl9. It will facilitate a micro-tcl, as it would permit more of tcl to be generated in/by tcl without loss of performance. It will facilitate better compilation. It will facilitate low-level development of tcl core by opening it to easier experimentation. [Zarutian]: I support this idea/wish/suggestion. It would make it easer to make speed critical cross-platform extensions than linking with native libraries. And it would make Tcl even more portable than it is today. hmm... a little redundancy there Possible syntax: bytecode eval ?version number? bytecode compile