The file tcl.h should be considered a public declaration of the Tcl C functions, defines/macros, and structures which a developer can ''safely'' depend on. (Some [extension]s also use things from tclInt.h, but the price for that is that they require more maintenance in order to keep working. Stick with tcl.h as long as possible.) Most of the actual function declarations are found in the tclDecls.h file; this has to do with the [Stubs] mechanism. [LV] When I look in tcl.h, I see only 3 functions listed, along with 2 tcl related #include lines - tclDecls.h and tclPlatDecls.h. Is it correct to assume that any function declared as EXTERN in these two additional files are also considered a part of the public [API] for Tcl? ---- Tcl C API functions include: * Tcl_Main * TclObjTest_Init * TclThread_Init * Tcl_SetVar * TCL_MEM_DEBUG * Tcl_Access * Tcl_AddErrorInfo * Tcl_AddObjErrorInfo * Tcl_AlertNotifier * Tcl_Alloc * Tcl_AllocStatBuf * Tcl_AllowExceptions * Tcl_AppInit * Tcl_AppInitProc * Tcl_AppendAllObjTypes * Tcl_AppendElement * Tcl_AppendObjToObj * Tcl_AppendResult * Tcl_AppendResultVA * Tcl_AppendStringsToObj * Tcl_AppendStringsToObjVA * Tcl_AppendToObj * Tcl_AppendUnicodeToObj * Tcl_AsyncCreate * Tcl_AsyncDelete * Tcl_AsyncInvoke * Tcl_AsyncMark * Tcl_AsyncProc * Tcl_AsyncReady * Tcl_AttemptAlloc * Tcl_AttemptRealloc * Tcl_AttemptSetObjLength * Tcl_BackgroundError * Tcl_Backslash * Tcl_BadChannelOption * Tcl_CallWhenDeleted * Tcl_CancelIdleCall * Tcl_ChannelBlockModeProc * Tcl_ChannelBuffered * Tcl_ChannelClose2Proc * Tcl_ChannelCloseProc * Tcl_ChannelFlushProc * Tcl_ChannelGetHandleProc * Tcl_ChannelGetOptionProc * Tcl_ChannelHandlerProc * Tcl_ChannelInputProc * Tcl_ChannelName * Tcl_ChannelOutputProc * Tcl_ChannelProc * Tcl_ChannelSeekProc * Tcl_ChannelSetOptionProc * Tcl_ChannelThreadActionProc * Tcl_ChannelVersion * Tcl_ChannelWatchProc * Tcl_ChannelWideSeekProc * Tcl_Chdir * Tcl_ClearChannelHandlers * Tcl_Close * Tcl_CloseProc * Tcl_CmdDeleteProc * Tcl_CmdProc * Tcl_CmdTraceProc * Tcl_CmdObjTraceProc * Tcl_CommandComplete * Tcl_CommandTraceInfo * Tcl_Concat * Tcl_ConcatObj * Tcl_ConditionFinalize * Tcl_ConditionNotify * Tcl_ConditionWait * Tcl_ConvertCountedElement * Tcl_ConvertElement * Tcl_ConvertToType * Tcl_CreateAlias * Tcl_CreateAliasObj * Tcl_CreateChannel * Tcl_CreateChannelHandler * Tcl_CreateCloseHandler * Tcl_CreateCommand * Tcl_CreateEncoding * Tcl_CreateExitHandler * Tcl_CreateFileHandler * Tcl_CreateHashEntry * Tcl_CreateInterp * Tcl_CreateMathFunc * Tcl_CreateObjTrace * Tcl_CreateSlave * Tcl_CreateThread * Tcl_CreateThreadExitHandler * Tcl_CreateTimerHandler * Tcl_CreateTrace * Tcl_CutChannel * Tcl_DStringAppend * Tcl_DStringAppendElement * Tcl_DStringEndSublist * Tcl_DStringFree * Tcl_DStringGetResult * Tcl_DStringInit * Tcl_DStringLength * Tcl_DStringResult * Tcl_DStringSetLength * Tcl_DStringStartSublist * Tcl_DStringTrunc * Tcl_DStringValue * Tcl_DecrRefCount * Tcl_DeleteAssocData * Tcl_DeleteChannelHandler * Tcl_DeleteCloseHandler * Tcl_DeleteCommand * Tcl_DeleteCommandFromToken * Tcl_DeleteEventSource * Tcl_DeleteEvents * Tcl_DeleteExitHandler * Tcl_DeleteFileHandler * Tcl_DeleteHashEntry * Tcl_DeleteHashTable * Tcl_DeleteInterp * Tcl_DeleteThreadExitHandler * Tcl_DeleteTimerHandler * Tcl_DeleteTrace * Tcl_DetachChannel * Tcl_DetachPids * Tcl_DiscardResult * Tcl_DoWhenIdle * Tcl_DontCallWhenDeleted * Tcl_DumpActiveMemory * Tcl_DuplicateObj * Tcl_Eof * Tcl_ErrnoId * Tcl_ErrnoMsg * Tcl_Eval * Tcl_EvalEx * Tcl_EvalFile * Tcl_EvalObjEx * Tcl_EvalObjv * Tcl_EvalTokens * Tcl_EvalTokensStandard * Tcl_EventuallyFree * Tcl_Exit * Tcl_ExitThread * Tcl_ExposeCommand * Tcl_ExprBoolean * Tcl_ExprBooleanObj * Tcl_ExprDouble * Tcl_ExprDoubleObj * Tcl_ExprLong * Tcl_ExprLongObj * Tcl_ExprObj * Tcl_ExprString * Tcl_ExternalToUtf * Tcl_ExternalToUtfDString * Tcl_FSAccess * Tcl_FSChdir * Tcl_FSConvertToPathType * Tcl_FSCopyDirectory * Tcl_FSCopyFile * Tcl_FSCreateDirectory * Tcl_FSData * Tcl_FSDeleteFile * Tcl_FSEqualPaths * Tcl_FSEvalFile * Tcl_FSFileAttrStrings * Tcl_FSFileAttrsGet * Tcl_FSFileAttrsSet * Tcl_FSFileSystemInfo * Tcl_FSGetCwd * Tcl_FSGetFileSystemForPath * Tcl_FSGetInternalRep * Tcl_FSGetNativePath * Tcl_FSGetNormalizedPath * Tcl_FSGetPathType * Tcl_FSGetTranslatedPath * Tcl_FSGetTranslatedStringPath * Tcl_FSJoinPath * Tcl_FSJoinToPath * Tcl_FSLink * Tcl_FSListVolumes * Tcl_FSLoadFile * Tcl_FSLstat * Tcl_FSMatchInDirectory * Tcl_FSMountsChanged * Tcl_FSNewNativePath * Tcl_FSOpenFileChannel * Tcl_FSPathSeparator * Tcl_FSRegister * Tcl_FSRemoveDirectory * Tcl_FSRenameFile * Tcl_FSSplitPath * Tcl_FSStat * Tcl_FSUnregister * Tcl_FSUtime * Tcl_Finalize * Tcl_FinalizeNotifier * Tcl_FinalizeThread * Tcl_FindExecutable * Tcl_FindHashEntry * Tcl_FirstHashEntry * Tcl_Flush * Tcl_Free * Tcl_FreeEncoding * Tcl_FreeParse * Tcl_FreeResult * Tcl_GetAlias * Tcl_GetAliasObj * Tcl_GetAssocData * Tcl_GetBoolean * Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj * Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj * Tcl_GetChannel * Tcl_GetChannelBufferSize * Tcl_GetChannelHandle * Tcl_GetChannelInstanceData * Tcl_GetChannelMode * Tcl_GetChannelName * Tcl_GetChannelNames * Tcl_GetChannelNamesEx * Tcl_GetChannelOption * Tcl_GetChannelThread * Tcl_GetChannelType * Tcl_GetCharLength * Tcl_GetCommandFromObj * Tcl_GetCommandFullName * Tcl_GetCommandInfo * Tcl_GetCommandInfoFromToken * Tcl_GetCommandName * Tcl_GetCurrentThread * Tcl_GetCwd * Tcl_GetDefaultEncodingDir * Tcl_GetDouble * Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj * Tcl_GetEncoding * Tcl_GetEncodingName * Tcl_GetEncodingNames * Tcl_GetErrno * Tcl_GetHashKey * Tcl_GetHashValue * Tcl_GetHostName * Tcl_GetIndexFromObj * Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct * Tcl_GetInt * Tcl_GetIntFromObj * Tcl_GetInterpPath * Tcl_GetLongFromObj * Tcl_GetMaster * Tcl_GetMathFuncInfo * Tcl_GetMemoryInfo * Tcl_GetNameOfExecutable * Tcl_GetOSTypeFromObj * Tcl_GetObjResult * Tcl_GetObjType * Tcl_GetOpenFile * Tcl_GetPathType * Tcl_GetRange * Tcl_GetRegExpFromObj * Tcl_GetServiceMode * Tcl_GetSlave * Tcl_GetStackedChannel * Tcl_GetStdChannel * Tcl_GetString * Tcl_GetStringFromObj * Tcl_GetStringResult * Tcl_GetThreadData * Tcl_GetTime * Tcl_GetTopChannel * Tcl_GetUniChar * Tcl_GetUnicode * Tcl_GetUnicodeFromObj * Tcl_GetVar * Tcl_GetVar2 * Tcl_GetVar2Ex * Tcl_GetVersion * Tcl_GetWideIntFromObj * Tcl_Gets * Tcl_GetsObj * Tcl_GlobalEval * Tcl_GlobalEvalObj * Tcl_HashStats * Tcl_HideCommand * Tcl_IncrRefCount * Tcl_InitCustomHashTable * Tcl_InitHashTable * Tcl_InitMemory * Tcl_InitNotifier * Tcl_InitObjHashTable * Tcl_InputBlocked * Tcl_InputBuffered * Tcl_Interp * Tcl_InterpDeleted * Tcl_InvalidateStringRep * Tcl_IsChannelExisting * Tcl_IsChannelRegistered * Tcl_IsChannelShared * Tcl_IsSafe * Tcl_IsShared * Tcl_IsStandardChannel * Tcl_JoinPath * Tcl_JoinThread * Tcl_LinkVar * Tcl_ListMathFuncs * Tcl_ListObjAppendElement * Tcl_ListObjAppendList * Tcl_ListObjGetElements * Tcl_ListObjIndex * Tcl_ListObjLength * Tcl_ListObjReplace * Tcl_LogCommandInfo * Tcl_MacConvertTextResource * Tcl_MacEvalResource * Tcl_MacFindResource * Tcl_MacSetEventProc * Tcl_Main * Tcl_MakeFileChannel * Tcl_MakeSafe * Tcl_MakeTcpClientChannel * Tcl_Merge * Tcl_MutexFinalize * Tcl_MutexLock * Tcl_MutexUnlock * Tcl_NewBooleanObj * Tcl_NewByteArrayObj * Tcl_NewDoubleObj * Tcl_NewIntObj * Tcl_NewListObj * Tcl_NewLongObj * Tcl_NewOSTypeObj * Tcl_NewObj * Tcl_NewUnicodeObj * Tcl_NewWideIntObj * Tcl_NextHashEntry * Tcl_NotifyChannel * Tcl_NumUtfChars * Tcl_ObjGetVar2 * Tcl_ObjSetVar2 * Tcl_OpenCommandChannel * Tcl_OpenFileChannel * Tcl_OpenTcpClient * Tcl_OpenTcpServer * Tcl_OutputBuffered * Tcl_Panic * Tcl_PanicVA * Tcl_ParseBraces * Tcl_ParseExpr * Tcl_ParseQuotedString * Tcl_ParseVar * Tcl_ParseVarName * Tcl_PkgInitStubsCheck * Tcl_PkgPresent * Tcl_PkgPresentEx * Tcl_PkgProvide * Tcl_PkgProvideEx * Tcl_PkgRequire * Tcl_PkgRequireEx * Tcl_PosixError * Tcl_Preserve * Tcl_PrintDouble * Tcl_PutEnv * Tcl_QueueEvent * Tcl_Read * Tcl_ReadChars * Tcl_ReadRaw * Tcl_Realloc * Tcl_ReapDetachedProcs * Tcl_RecordAndEval * Tcl_RecordAndEvalObj * Tcl_RegExpCompile * Tcl_RegExpExec * Tcl_RegExpExecObj * Tcl_RegExpGetInfo * Tcl_RegExpMatch * Tcl_RegExpMatchObj * Tcl_RegExpRange * Tcl_RegisterChannel * Tcl_RegisterObjType * Tcl_Release * Tcl_RestoreResult * Tcl_SaveResult * Tcl_ScanCountedElement * Tcl_ScanElement * Tcl_Seek * Tcl_ServiceAll * Tcl_ServiceEvent * Tcl_SetAssocData * Tcl_SetBooleanObj * Tcl_SetByteArrayLength * Tcl_SetByteArrayObj * Tcl_SetChannelBufferSize * Tcl_SetChannelOption * Tcl_SetCommandInfo * Tcl_SetCommandInfoFromToken * Tcl_SetDefaultEncodingDir * Tcl_SetDoubleObj * Tcl_SetErrno * Tcl_SetErrorCode * Tcl_SetErrorCodeVA * Tcl_SetHashValue * Tcl_SetIntObj * Tcl_SetListObj * Tcl_SetLongObj * Tcl_SetMainLoop * Tcl_SetMaxBlockTime * Tcl_SetOSTypeObj * Tcl_SetObjErrorCode * Tcl_SetObjLength * Tcl_SetPanicProc * Tcl_SetRecursionLimit * Tcl_SetResult * Tcl_SetServiceMode * Tcl_SetStdChannel * Tcl_SetStringObj * Tcl_SetSystemEncoding * Tcl_SetTimer * Tcl_SetUnicodeObj * Tcl_SetVar * Tcl_SetVar2 * Tcl_SetVar2Ex * Tcl_SetWideIntObj * Tcl_SignalId * Tcl_SignalMsg * Tcl_Sleep * Tcl_SourceRCFile * Tcl_SpliceChannel * Tcl_SplitList * Tcl_SplitPath * Tcl_StackChannel * Tcl_StandardChannels * Tcl_Stat * Tcl_StaticPackage * Tcl_StringCaseMatch * Tcl_StringMatch * Tcl_SubstObj * Tcl_Tell * Tcl_ThreadAlert * Tcl_ThreadQueueEvent * Tcl_TraceCommand * Tcl_TraceVar * Tcl_TraceVar2 * Tcl_TranslateFileName * Tcl_Ungets * Tcl_UniChar * Tcl_UniCharAtIndex * Tcl_UniCharCaseMatch * Tcl_UniCharIsAlnum * Tcl_UniCharIsAlpha * Tcl_UniCharIsControl * Tcl_UniCharIsDigit * Tcl_UniCharIsGraph * Tcl_UniCharIsLower * Tcl_UniCharIsPrint * Tcl_UniCharIsPunct * Tcl_UniCharIsSpace * Tcl_UniCharIsUpper * Tcl_UniCharIsWordChar * Tcl_UniCharLen * Tcl_UniCharNcasecmp * Tcl_UniCharNcmp * Tcl_UniCharToLower * Tcl_UniCharToTitle * Tcl_UniCharToUpper * Tcl_UniCharToUtf * Tcl_UniCharToUtfDString * Tcl_UnlinkVar * Tcl_UnregisterChannel * Tcl_UnsetVar * Tcl_UnsetVar2 * Tcl_UnstackChannel * Tcl_UntraceCommand * Tcl_UntraceVar * Tcl_UntraceVar2 * Tcl_UpVar * Tcl_UpVar2 * Tcl_UpdateLinkedVar * Tcl_UtfAtIndex * Tcl_UtfBackslash * Tcl_UtfCharComplete * Tcl_UtfFindFirst * Tcl_UtfFindLast * Tcl_UtfNext * Tcl_UtfPrev * Tcl_UtfToExternal * Tcl_UtfToExternalDString * Tcl_UtfToLower * Tcl_UtfToTitle * Tcl_UtfToUniChar * Tcl_UtfToUniCharDString * Tcl_UtfToUpper * Tcl_ValidateAllMemory * Tcl_VarEval * Tcl_VarEvalVA * Tcl_VarTraceInfo * Tcl_VarTraceInfo2 * Tcl_WaitForEvent * Tcl_WaitPid * Tcl_WinTCharToUtf * Tcl_WinUtfToTChar * Tcl_Write * Tcl_WriteChars * Tcl_WriteObj * Tcl_WriteRaw * TclTomMathInitializeStubs * attemptckalloc * attemptckrealloc * ckalloc * ckfree * ckrealloc * panic * panicVA [[A list by topic (where related functions are collected together) should be more useful, as the HTML docs already provide this kind of alphabetic list.]] [[Feel free to organize data on the wiki in the way that helps you most - or seems to be most helpful.]] with the following APIs having their own pages here on the wiki: * [Tcl_CreateEventSource] * [Tcl_CreateObjCommand] * [Tcl_DoOneEvent] * [Tcl_GetIndexFromObj] * [Tcl_InitStubs] * [Tcl_Init] * [Tcl_NewStringObj] * [Tcl_ParseCommand] * [Tcl_ResetResult] * [Tcl_SetObjResult] * [Tcl_WrongNumArgs] * [Tcl_ListObjReplace] * [Tcl_ParseCommand] * [Tcl_CreateEventSource] * [Tcl_Eval] * [Tcl_Obj], [Tcl_Obj refCount HOWTO], [Tcl_Obj proposals], [Tcl_Obj vs Command], [Tcl_Obj types list], [Tcl_Objs], [Tcl_Obj Deep Copy], [Blessed Tcl_Obj Values] * [Tcl Command Evaluation: Layer 0: Tcl_ObjCmdProc call] * [Tcl_SaveResult() forward compatibility] * [Tcl_PkgPresent() forward compatibility] * [Tcl_GetChannelHandle() forward compatibility] * [Tcl_GetStringResult() forward compatibility] See also [Tcl API] and the references there. See also [Tcl/Tk 8.5: New public C routines] ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Tcl Library] |% !!!!!!