** Description ** A list of all the Tcl commands. ---- See http://www.purl.org/tcl/home/man/tcl/TclCmd/Tcl.htm for the reference page on constructing calls to the commands with arguments, etc. ** See Also ** * [BOOK TCL/TK Pocket Reference] (also a community version available for download) * [Tcl syntax] * [Tk syntax help] * [Best Practices] * [Official library of extensions] * [Common Tcl Error Messages and Possible Explanations] ** Commands ** * [after] * [append] * [apply] (new in 8.5) * [array] * [auto_execok] * [auto_import] * [auto_load] * [auto_load_index] * [auto_mkindex] * [auto_mkindex_old] * [auto_qualify] * [auto_reset] * [bgerror] * [binary] * [break] * [case] * [catch] * [cd] * [chan] (new in 8.5) * [oo::class%|%class%|%] (new in 8.6) * [clock] - ::tcl::clock:: [[document the tcl::clock commands somewhere... perhaps on the clock page itself? ]] * [close] - ::tcl::chan::close * [concat] * [continue] * [oo::copy%|%copy%|%] - Tcl 8.6 * [coroutine] - Tcl 8.6 * [oo::define%|%define%|%] - Tcl 8.6 * [dict] * [encoding] * [eof] - ::tcl::chan::eof * [error] * [eval] * [exec] * [exit] * [expr] - ::[tcl::mathfunc] , ::[tcl::mathop] * [fblocked] - ::tcl::chan::blocked * [fconfigure] - ::tcl::chan::configure * [fcopy] - ::tcl::chan::copy * [file] * [fileevent] - ::tcl::chan::event * [flush] - ::tcl::chan::flush * [for] * [foreach] * [format] * [gets] - ::tcl::chan::gets * [glob] * [global] * [history] * [if] * [incr] * [info] - ::tcl::info * [interp] * [join] * [lappend] * [lassign] (new in 8.5) * [lindex] * [linsert] * [list] * [llength] * [load] * [lrange] * [lrepeat] (new in 8.5) * [lreplace] * [lreverse] (new in 8.5) * [lsearch] * [lset] * [lsort] * [memory] * [msgcat] - package for internationalization of dialogs * [my] - Tcl 8.6 (should this be oo::my?) * [namespace] * [next] - Tcl 8.6 (should this be oo::next?) * [oo::object%|%object%|%] - Tcl 8.6 * [open] * [package] * [parray] * [pid] * [pkg::create] * [pkg_mkIndex] * [prefix] - Tcl 8.6 * [proc] * [puts] - ::tcl::chan::puts * [pwd] * [read] - ::tcl::chan::read * [refchan] (new in Tcl 8.5) * [regexp] * [regsub] * [rename] * [resource] - Macintosh specific command * [return] * [safe] * [scan] * [seek] - ::tcl::chan::seek * [self] - Tcl 8.6 * [set] * [socket] * [source] * [split] * [string] * [subst] * [switch] * [tailcall] - Tcl 8.6 * [tcl_endOfWord] * [tcl_findLibrary] * [tcl_startOfNextWord] * [tcl_startOfPreviousWord] * [tcl_wordBreakAfter] * [tcl_wordBreakBefore] * ::[tcl::pkgconfig] * ::[tcl::tm::path] * ::[tcl::tm::roots] * ::[tcl::tommath] * [tclLog] * [tclPkgSetup] * [tclPkgUnknown] * [tell] - ::tcl::chan::tell * [throw] - Tcl 8.6 * [time] * [trace] * [transchan] - Tcl 8.6 * [try] - Tcl 8.6 * [unknown] * [unload] (new in Tcl 8.5) * [unset] * [update] * [uplevel] * [upvar] * [variable] * [vwait] * [while] * [yield] - Tcl 8.6 * [zlib] - Tcl 8.6 ** Contingent Commands ** * [memory] - specialty command not available by default ** Auxiliary Information ** * [filename] * [library] * [packagens] - man page name for the pkg::create command * [tcl::mathfunc] (new in 8.5) * [tcl::mathop] (new in Tcl 8.5) not a command, but information about a namespace containing math operator functions * [re_syntax] - not a command, but information about regular expression syntax * [tclvars] - describes Tcl variables ** Packages in the Tcl core distribution ** * [dde] * [http] * [opt] - package for parsing command line arguments * [platform] (new in 8.5) a package for determining platform specific information package * [platform_shell] (new in 8.5) a package for determining platform specific information * [platform::shell] * [registry] * [TclOO] * [tcltest] - a package used for test suites * [tm] - (new in Tcl 8.5) information on the [Tcl Modules] package * ::tcl::chan::Truncate * ::tcl::chan::rCreate * ::tcl::chan::rPostevent * ::tcl::chan::Pending * ::tcl::Bgerror * ::tcl::dtrace * ::tcl::CopyDirectory <> Category Command | Tcl syntax help | Syntax | Package