Here is the first snapshot of my Tcl DNS server. It requires the tcludp extension. If you have a problem compiling it yourself, let me know and Ill send you a copy of mine. I'll compile it on Windows as a test later. I really doubt this is production server ready, but Its posted here at [JYL]'s request now. I'll be posting the enhancements/fixes as soon as I make them. My intention IS to run this on a production machine. My experiences in writing an email anti-spam proxy has proven to me that tcl is capable of handling continuous traffic on a low volume server like the ones I maintain (a thousand or so emails per day). Setup: As youll see, all the DNS entries are stored in an array, which makes the records easy to retrieve. For now, Its probably best to place them in a separate file and source them on startup. If I get time, I'll make a "Bind hosts file" to "Tcl DNS" converter app. I really hope someone beats me to it :) [SRIV] Right now the server responds to queries for A,NS,CNAME,MX and HINFO. package require udp array set ::db {0 ""} set ::db(,soa) {} set ::db(,email) {} set ::db(,serial) 2002032103 set ::db(,refresh) 1800 set ::db(,retry) 3600 set ::db(,expire) 2400 set ::db(,ttl) 3600 set ::db(,NS) {} set ::db(,MX) {{5} {10}} set ::db(,A,) {} set ::db(,A,www) {} set ::db(,A,mail) {} set ::db(,A,test) {} set ::db(,CNAME,dns) {} set ::db(,CNAME,dns2) {} set ::db(,PTR) "" set ::db(,HINFO,www) {{1.1ghz Intel P4} {SR Tech Linux}} proc cvtname {dnsname} { #convert from binary dns hostname format to readable string set result "" set chr 0 while {$chr < [string length $dnsname]} { binary scan [string index $dnsname $chr] c* groupcnt if {$chr > 0} {set dnsname [string replace $dnsname $chr $chr "."]} incr chr +$groupcnt incr chr } return [string range $dnsname 1 end] } proc cvthostnamedns {hostname} { #convert from text hostname format to dns binary format set result "" set hostname [split $hostname "."] foreach part $hostname { append result "[format %c [string length $part]]$part" } return $result } proc cvtaddressdns {address} { #convert from text dotted address format to dns binary format set result "" set address [split $address "."] foreach octet $address { append result "[format %c $octet]" } return $result } proc process_dns {host port pkt} { #[binary format H* $reply] binary scan $pkt H* cvt_data #puts $cvt_data set transid [string range $cvt_data 0 3] set params [string range $cvt_data 4 7] set quests [string range $cvt_data 8 11] set answers [string range $cvt_data 12 15] set authors [string range $cvt_data 16 19] set addits [string range $cvt_data 20 23] set queryname [string range $cvt_data 24 end-8] set querytype [string range $cvt_data end-7 end-4] set queryclass [string range $cvt_data end-3 end] switch $querytype { 0001 {set qtype A} 0002 {set qtype NS} 0005 {set qtype CNAME} 000c {set qtype PTR} 000d {set qtype HINFO} 000f {set qtype MX} default {set qtype error} } set qname [split [cvtname [string range $pkt 12 end-4]] "."] set llen [llength $qname] set qhost [string map {" " .} [lrange $qname 0 end-3]] set qdomain [string map {" " .} [lrange $qname end-2 end-1]] puts "Rec query from $host on port $port for host $qhost at $qdomain type $qtype" set answer "0001" set author "0000" set params "8180" ; #this indicates a successful query set class $queryclass set type $querytype #heres all the brains of the lookup set error 0 if {! [info exists ::db($qdomain,soa)]} { #domain doesnt exist, so resolve elsewhere if set params "8181"; #this indicates an error set error 1 set answer "0000" puts "error: no domain entry found" } if {! [info exists ::db($qdomain,$qtype,$qhost)] && $qtype != "NS" && $qtype != "MX"} { #host doesnt exist, so return an error reply in bits 13-16=0001 set params "8181"; #this indicates an error set error 1 set answer "0000" puts "error: no host entry found" } set resp_answer "" set recindex 0 while {! $error} { #return a response for each record found switch $qtype { A {set lookup [cvtaddressdns [lindex $::db($qdomain,$qtype,$qhost) $recindex]]} MX {set mxprefix [lindex [lindex $::db($qdomain,$qtype) $recindex] 0] set lookup [cvthostnamedns [lindex [lindex $::db($qdomain,$qtype) $recindex] 1]] } NS {set lookup [cvthostnamedns [lindex $::db($qdomain,$qtype) $recindex]]} CNAME {set lookup [cvthostnamedns [lindex $::db($qdomain,$qtype,$qhost) $recindex]]} HINFO {set lookup [lindex $::db($qdomain,$qtype,$qhost) $recindex]} } #test for no more records, then break to sent accumulated response if {$lookup == ""} {break} set len [string length $lookup] binary scan $lookup H* hexlookup switch $qtype { A {set data $hexlookup} NS {set data "${hexlookup}00" incr len } CNAME {set data "${hexlookup}00" incr len } MX {set data "[format %04x $mxprefix]${hexlookup}00" incr len +3 } HINFO {incr recindex set data "[format %02x $len]${hexlookup}" set lookup [lindex $::db($qdomain,$qtype,$qhost) $recindex] set len [string length $lookup] binary scan $lookup H* hexlookup append data "[format %02x $len]${hexlookup}00" set len [expr [string length $data] / 2 -1] } } set len [format %04x $len] set ttl [format %08x $::db($qdomain,ttl)] #puts "${type} ${class} ${ttl} $len $data" append resp_answer "C00C${type}${class}${ttl}${len}${data}" incr recindex set answer [format %04x $recindex] } set resp_author "" set resp_addit "" set response "[string range $cvt_data 0 3]${params}[string range $cvt_data 8 11]${answer}${author}[string range $cvt_data 20 end]" udp_puts $host $port [binary format H* ${response}${resp_answer}${resp_author}${resp_addit}] } # Send data to a remote UDP socket proc udp_puts {host port data} { set s [udp_open] fconfigure $s -translation binary udp_conf $s $host $port puts -nonewline $s $data close $s } proc udpEventHandler {sock} { set pkt [read $sock] set peer [udp_conf $sock -peer] process_dns [lindex $peer 0] [lindex $peer 1] $pkt return } proc udp_listen {port} { set srv [udp_open $port] fconfigure $srv -buffering none -translation binary fileevent $srv readable [list ::udpEventHandler $srv] puts "Listening on udp port: [udp_conf $srv -myport]" return $srv } set sock [udp_listen 53] vwait forever close $sock