**Looping 102 - for and incr** !!!!!! '''[Tcl Tutorial Lesson 9%|%Previous lesson%|%]''' | '''[Tcl Tutorial Index%|%Index%|%]''' | '''[Tcl Tutorial Lesson 11%|%Next lesson%|%]''' !!!!!! Tcl supports a loop construct similar to the `for` loop in C. The `for` command in Tcl takes four arguments; an initialization, a test, an increment, and the body of code to evaluate on each pass through the loop. The syntax for the `for` command is: ====== for start test next body ====== During evaluation of the `for` command, the `start` code is evaluated once, before any other arguments are evaluated. After the start code has been evaluated, the `test` is evaluated. If the `test` evaluates to true, then the `body` is evaluated, and finally, the `next` argument is evaluated. After evaluating the `next` argument, the interpreter loops back to the `test`, and repeats the process. If the `test` evaluates as false, then the loop will exit immediately. `start` is the initialization portion of the command. It is usually used to initialize the iteration variable, but can contain any code that you wish to execute before the loop starts. The `test` argument is evaluated as an expression, just as with the `expr`, `while` and `if` commands. `next` is commonly an incrementing command, but may contain any command which the Tcl interpreter can evaluate. `body` is the body of code to execute. When braces are used for grouping, the newline is not treated as the end of a Tcl command. This makes it simpler to write multiple line commands. However, the opening brace '''must''' be on the line with the `for` command, or the Tcl interpreter will treat the close of the `next` brace as the end of the command, and you will get an error. This is different than other languages like C or Perl, where it doesn't matter where you place your braces. Within the `body` code, the commands `break` and `continue` may be used just as they are used with the `while` command. When a `break` is encountered, the loop exits immediately. When a `continue` is encountered, evaluation of the `body` ceases, and the next iteration is started (if there is one left). Because incrementing the iteration variable is so common, Tcl has a special command for this: ====== incr varName ?increment? ====== This command adds the value in the second argument to the variable named in the first argument. If no value is given for the second argument, it defaults to 1. ---- ***Example*** ====== for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} { puts "I inside first loop: $i" } for {set i 3} {$i < 2} {incr i} { puts "I inside second loop: $i" } puts "Start" set i 0 while {$i < 10} { puts "I inside third loop: $i" incr i puts "I after incr: $i" } set i 0 incr i # This is equivalent to: set i [expr {$i + 1}] ====== <>Resulting output ======none I inside first loop: 0 I inside first loop: 1 I inside first loop: 2 I inside first loop: 3 I inside first loop: 4 I inside first loop: 5 I inside first loop: 6 I inside first loop: 7 I inside first loop: 8 I inside first loop: 9 Start I inside third loop: 0 I after incr: 1 I inside third loop: 1 I after incr: 2 I inside third loop: 2 I after incr: 3 I inside third loop: 3 I after incr: 4 I inside third loop: 4 I after incr: 5 I inside third loop: 5 I after incr: 6 I inside third loop: 6 I after incr: 7 I inside third loop: 7 I after incr: 8 I inside third loop: 8 I after incr: 9 I inside third loop: 9 I after incr: 10 ====== <> !!!!!! '''[Tcl Tutorial Lesson 9%|%Previous lesson%|%]''' | '''[Tcl Tutorial Index%|%Index%|%]''' | '''[Tcl Tutorial Lesson 11%|%Next lesson%|%]''' !!!!!!