**Tcl Data Structures 101 - The list** !!!!!! '''[Tcl Tutorial Lesson 13%|%Previous lesson%|%]''' | '''[Tcl Tutorial Index%|%Index%|%]''' | '''[Tcl Tutorial Lesson 15%|%Next lesson%|%]''' !!!!!! The list is the basic Tcl data structure. A list is simply an ordered collection of stuff; numbers, words, strings, or other lists. Even commands in Tcl are just lists in which the first list entry is the name of a proc, and subsequent members of the list are the arguments to the proc. Lists can be created in several ways: * by setting a variable to be a list of values ====== set lst {{item 1} {item 2} {item 3}} ====== * with the `split` command: ====== set lst [split "item 1.item 2.item 3" "."] ====== * with the `list` command. ====== set lst [list "item 1" "item 2" "item 3"] ====== An individual list member can be accessed with the `lindex` command. The brief description of these commands is: `list ?arg1? ?arg2? ... ?argN?`: makes a list of the arguments `split string ?splitChars?`: splits the `string` into a list of items wherever the `splitChars` occur in the code. `SplitChars` defaults to being whitespace. Note that if there are two or more `splitChars` then each one will be used individually to split the string. In other words: `split "1234567" "36"` would return the following list: {12 45 7}. `lindex list index`: Returns the `index`'th item from the list. '''Note:''' lists start from 0, not 1, so the first item is at index 0, the second item is at index 1, and so on. `llength list`: Returns the number of elements in a list. The items in list can be iterated through using the `foreach` command: ===== foreach varName list body ===== The `foreach` command will execute the `body` code one time for each list item in `list`. On each pass, `varName` will contain the value of the next `list` item. In reality, the above form of `foreach` is the simple form, but the command is quite powerful. It will allow you to take more than one variable at a time from the list: `foreach {a b} $listofpairs { ... }`. You can even take a variable at a time from multiple lists! For example: ===== foreach a $listOfA b $listOfB { ... } ===== or: foreach {a b} $listOfAB { ... } ===== Furthermore, lists can be nested: ===== set nestedList { {1 2 3} {A B C D} {xyz 33 1A} } puts "The last element from the second sublist is: [lindex $nestedList 1 end]" ===== producing: ===== The last element from the second sublist is: D ===== ---- ***Examples*** ====== set x "a b c d e f g h" puts "Item at index 2 of the list {$x} is: [lindex $x 2]\n" set y [split 7/4/1776 "/"] puts "We celebrate on the [lindex $y 1]'th day of the [lindex $y 0]'th month\n" set z [list puts "arg 2 is $y" ] puts "A command resembles: $z\n" set i 0 foreach j $x { puts "$j is item number $i in list x" incr i } set i 0 foreach {a b} $x { puts "Pair $i in list x: $a, $b" incr i } ====== <>Resulting output Item at index 2 of the list {a b c d e f g h} is: c We celebrate on the 4'th day of the 7'th month A command resembles: puts {arg 2 is 7 4 1776} a is item number 0 in list x b is item number 1 in list x c is item number 2 in list x d is item number 3 in list x e is item number 4 in list x f is item number 5 in list x g is item number 6 in list x h is item number 7 in list x Pair 0 in list x: a, b Pair 1 in list x: c, d Pair 2 in list x: e, f Pair 3 in list x: g, h <> !!!!!! '''[Tcl Tutorial Lesson 13%|%Previous lesson%|%]''' | '''[Tcl Tutorial Index%|%Index%|%]''' | '''[Tcl Tutorial Lesson 15%|%Next lesson%|%]''' !!!!!!