Want to meet other Tcl'ers in your area? Here's a list of Tcl User Groups. If you are a member of a Tcl User Group that is not yet listed here, feel free to add it. ---- '''North America''' * Vancouver, CA, Canada * Is there anybody else in the Los Angeles area who'd be interested in a local group? -- [whd] * Is there anybody else in the Twin Cities area who'd be interested in a local group? [escargo] * Anyone in Ottawa? [ro] * [Bay Area Tcl Users Group] * [Chicago Area Tcl Users Group] * Enterprise Integration Group; Salem, Oregon [Joe Mistachkin] * Anyone in the Northeast Ohio area (Cleveland/Akron/Canton/Youngstown) interested in a local group? [sct] * Anyone in Las Vegas, Nevada interested in a Tcl Users Group? Lets pull it together. mailto:whited2@nevada.edu * Anyone in Austin, Texas interested in a Tcl Users Group? [Felipe Voloch] '''Europe''' * Tcl'ers User Group Munich [http://www.tugm.de] * Edinburgh / Scotland (A potential group for Scotland. Are you interested? Contact Glenn Halstead: glennh@slayer.com). * What about a [Dutch Tcl Users Group]? [AM] * Bristol and South West England. Contact Don Cruickshank mailto:etdxc@yahoo.com * Someone interested in a Tclers User Group in Aachen, Germany? mailto:usus@aladyn.de * And someone interested in a Tclers User Group in Stuttgart, Germany? Contact mailto:pointsman@gmx.net * [N�rnberg Tcl/Tk User Group] * DAS deutsch-sprachige TCL-Portal [http://portal.self-tcl.de/index.php] mailto:doudie@lycos.de * DAS deutsch-sprachige TCL-Forum [http://http://forum.self-tcl.de/] mailto:doudie@lycos.de ---- What are the goals of a User Group? What do we hope to achieve? ---- These are the goals I see for user groups in general that I believe would apply to a tcl user group as well. * Education; nobody knows everything, so people can learn from each other (or featured speakers). 1. What is new with Tcl/Tk/Expect. 1. What are people doing with Tcl/Tk/Expect. 1. What have people learned using Tcl/Tk/Expect. 1. How can Tcl/Tk/Expect help you. * Employment; networking might allow people to find jobs. * Drinking beer ''(Added by an unsigned user)''. ''Isnt that what [Swig] is for?'' * Drinking vodka. ''--[ro]'' [escargo] ---- [Category Community]