[APN] I have made a *rough* draft of a new http://www.magicsplat.com/tclwinfaq.html%|%Tcl on Windows FAQ%|%. Eventually I hope it will replace the Tcl Windows FAQ on [http://www.tcl.tk] and sourceforge. It is meant partly as a FAQ and partly to let prospective Tcl'ers that you can do a lot more with Tcl on Windows than indicated in the outdated FAQs. Please comment below on any and all of the following: * questions that should not be in there * questions that should be in there but are not * editorial comments, better clarity etc. * errors of course * anything else There are a few unanswered questions marked by 'TBW'. Answers to these are welcome. ---- [pi31415]: How can I launch a web page with TCL? [APN] Why the {} ? Seems to work with or without it ? Also, it is a LOT slower than executing the same from the DOS command line. Any idea why? ====== [catch {exec {*}[auto_execok start] {} [list $url]}] ====== ---- '''[dkf] - 2012-04-23 17:12:47''' Everywhere you have `exec [[auto_execok …` it is wrong. :-) That's because [auto_execok] returns a list of words; the recommended way is `exec [{*}][[auto_execok …` The expansion operator is critical! If you're using 8.4 and before, you have to use `[eval] [exec]` and be ''much'' more careful because Windows command lines often (usually?) contain backslashes. '''Wrong''' ====== exec [auto_execok start] "" [file nativename [file normalize foo.bar]] ====== '''Right''' ====== exec {*}[auto_execok start] "" [file nativename [file normalize foo.bar]] ====== '''Wrong (8.4 and before)''' ====== eval exec [auto_execok start] "" [file nativename [file normalize foo.bar]] ====== '''Right (8.4 and before)''' ====== eval exec [auto_execok start] [list "" [file nativename [file normalize foo.bar]]] ====== or ====== eval [linsert [linsert [auto_execok start] 0 exec] end "" [file nativename [file normalize foo.bar]]] ====== I do recommend using 8.5 or later. :-) <> Windows | FAQ