I just announced a running version of [WebDAV]-support for [TclHttpd]. ([Stefan Vogel] 28. July 2004) For further infos, downloads and instructions have a look at http://www.vogel-nest.de (follow the link to WebDAV). This page is provided for further discussion. At the moment this software is ''pre-alpha''-status. I did it as a fun-project. But when I have a look at it (especially how fast things develop ... at least when you have climbed the start-learning-curve) I see a lot of opportunities here. E.g. TclHttpd is often used as an embedded webserver in applications (because it is very small). So you can now easily provide WebDAV-support as well. With this you can also integrate your application easily in [Konqueror] (using "webdav:"-protocol-support) or Windows-Explorer/Internet-Explorer (with "Web folders"). BUT ... many features are still missing: * Currently only DAV 1 support (no LOCKing) * depth-header is silently ignored * No Versioning, ... * not tested with [thread]ing * what about Authorization? * handling of prefix-urls is not quite sufficient (for each module you have to define a "root"-folder) * ... What are you missing? [SEH] Looks nice, but the world is full of half-done WebDAV implementations. I hope you folow through and get this to a mature state, then you may really have something. What advantage does WebDAV have over ftp in the area of filesystem mounting? Windows Explorer will mount an ftp site as well as a WebDAV site, and ::tcllib::ftpd is a mature package. ---- [[ [Category TclHttpd] | [Category Internet] ]]