Extended Tcl has: * [abs] * [acos] * [alarm] * [asin] * [atan2] * [atan] * [bsearch] * [catclose] * [catgets] * [catopen] * [ccollate] * [cconcat] * [ceil] * [cequal] * [chgrp] * [chmod] * [chown] * [chroot] * [cindex] * [clength] * [cmdtrace] * [commandloop] * [cosh function%|%cosh] * [cos] * [crange] * [csubstr] * [ctoken] * [ctype] * [double] * [dup] * [echo] * [edprocs] * [execl] * [exp] * [fcntl] * [flock] * [floor] * [fmod] * [fork] * [for_array_keys] * [for_recursive_glob] * [ftruncate] * [funlock] * [host_info] * [hypot] * [id] * [infox] * [intersect3] * [intersect] * [int] * [keyldel] * [keylget] * [keylkeys] * [keylset] * [kill] * [lassign] * [lcontain] * [lempty] * [lgets] * [link] * [lmatch] * [log10] * [log] * [loop] * [lrmdups] * [lvarcat] * [lvarpop] * [lvarpush] * [mainloop] * [max] * [min] * [nice] * [pipe] * [popd] * [pow] * [profile] * [profrep] * [pushd] * [random] * [readdir] * [read_file] * [recursive_glob] * [replicate] * [round] * [saveprocs] * [scancontext] * [scanfile] * [scanmatch] * [select] * [showproc] * [signal] * [sinh] * [sin] * [sleep] * [sqrt] * [sync] * [system] * [tanh] * [tan] * [times] * [translit] * [try_eval] * [umask] * [union] * [wait] * [write_file] * [help] * [helpcd] * [helppwd] * [apropos] * [auto_commands] * [buildpackageindex] * [convert_lib] * [loadlibindex] * [auto_packages] * [auto_load_file] * [searchpath] The following global variables are set and/or used by the Tcl shell (not to be confused with [tclsh]). : '''argv0''' Contains the name of the Tcl program specified on the command line or the name that the Tcl shell was invoked under if no program was specified. argc Contains a count of the number of argv arguments (0 if none). : '''argv''' A list containing the arguments passed in from the command line, excluding arguments used by the Tcl shell. The first element is the first passed argument, not the program name. : '''tcl_interactive''' Set to 1 if Tcl shell is invoked interactively, or 0 if the Tcl shell is directly executing a script. Normally checked by scripts so that they can function as a standalone application if specified on the command line, but merely load in and not execute if loaded during an interactive invocation of Tcl. : '''auto_path''' Path to search to locate Tcl autoload libraries. Used by the both the Tcl and TclX library autoloading facility. : '''tclx_library''' Path to the TclX runtime library. If your running the TclX shell or an application based on it (like wishx). The TclX initialization file normally adds this to the auto_path. : '''tkx_library''' Path to the TkX runtime library. This is set only if your application has called Tkx_Init. The TkX initialization file normally adds this to the auto_path. : '''tcl_prompt1''' Contains code to run to output the prompt used when interactively prompting for commands. : '''tcl_prompt2''' Contains code to run to output the prompt used when interactively prompting for continuation of an incomplete command. : '''TCLXENV''' Array that contains information used internally by various Tcl procedures that are part of the TclX shell. <> Command | TclX