Version 0 of Tclers Chat Tk GUI

Updated 2001-09-27 15:57:37

# this appears to be partly busted. When I run it on my machine

 # I get the following in the console:
 # invalid command name "::htmlparse::mapEscapes"
 # which either means something was left out, or the package 
 # require statements aren't strict enough. Is mapEscapes part
 # of a later version of tcl or tcllib or something?

 # Tk front end to the Tcl'ers chat
 # author: Bruce B Hartweg [email protected]
 # This program is free to use, modify, extend
 # at will, the autor provides no warantees, guarantees
 # or any responsibility for the use, re-use, abuse
 # that may or may not happen. If you somehow sell
 # this and make a ton of money - good for you, how
 # about sending me some?
 # Suggestions can be sent to the author - fixes even better!
 # If you update this file on the Wiki PLEASE add to the change
 # log so others can see what has been done so fizxes/changes
 # aren't lost or overwritten
 # Change Log:
 # Date       Name             Comments
 # ---------  ---------------  ---------------------------------
 # 26Sep2001  B. Hartweg       Initial release to wiki
 # 26Sep2001  J. Hobbs         several enhancements
 # 27Sep2001  B. Hartweg       Add font selections
 # 27Sep2001  B. Hartweg       Add URL handling & minor fixes
 # 27Sep2001  P. Thoyts        Support for Proxy Authentication
 package require http
 package require textutil
 package require htmlparse
 package require base64
 package require Tk 8.3

 namespace eval ::wikichat {
     # Everything will eventually be namespaced

 set ::DEBUG 1
 proc vputs {args} {
     if {$::DEBUG} {
         set name [lindex [uplevel 1 info level 0] 0]
         if {[llength $args]} {
             puts "$name: $args"
         } else {
             puts "CALLED $name"

 proc errLog {args} {
     puts stderr [join $args]
     update idletasks

 # If Proxy Authentication was specified then each HTTP request
 # must have an authentication header. This procedure supports 
 # proxys accepting Basic authentication by building the header
 # required from the users login and password.
 #  - PT
 proc buildProxyHeaders {} {
     global Options
     set auth {}
     if { $Options(UseProxy) \
              && [info exists Options(ProxyUsername)] \
              && $Options(ProxyUsername) != {} } {
         set auth [list "Proxy-Authorization" \
                       [concat "Basic" \
                            [base64::encode \
     return $auth

 proc msgSend {str {user ""}} {
     global Options
     set qry [::http::formatQuery \
                    action postmsg \
                    name $Options(Username) \
                    password $Options(Password) \
                    color $Options(MyColor) \
                    updatefrequency 600 \
                    new_msg_on_top 0 \
                    ls  "" \
                    msg_to $user \
                    msg  $str \
     ::http::geturl $Options(URL) \
           -query [string map {%5f _} $qry] \
           -headers [buildProxyHeaders] \
           -command msgDone

 proc msgDone {tok} {
     errLog "Post: status was [::http::status $tok]"
     switch [::http::status $tok] {
         ok { if {[catch {fetchPage} err]} { errLog $err } }
         reset { errLog "User reset post operation" }
         timeout { tk_messageBox -message "Message Post timed out" }
         error {
             tk_messageBox -message \
                   "Message Post Errored: [::http::error $tok]"
     ::http::cleanup $tok

 proc logonChat {} {
     global Options
     set qry [::http::formatQuery \
                    action login \
                    name $Options(Username) \
                    password $Options(Password) \
     ::http::geturl $Options(URL2) \
           -query $qry \
           -headers [buildProxyHeaders] \
           -command logonDone

 proc logonDone {tok} {
     errLog "Logon: status was [::http::status $tok]"
     switch [::http::status $tok] {
         ok { if {[catch {pause off} err]} { errLog $err } }
         reset { errLog "User reset logon operation" }
         timeout { tk_messageBox -message "Logon timed out" }
         error { tk_messageBox -message "Logon Error: [::http::error $tok]" }
     ::http::cleanup $tok
 proc logoffChat {} {
     global Options
     set qry [::http::formatQuery \
                    action gotourl \
                    url  chat.cgi \
     ::http::geturl $Options(URL2) \
           -query $qry \
           -headers [buildProxyHeaders] \
           -command logoffDone

 proc logoffDone {tok} {
     errLog "Logoff: status was [::http::status $tok]"
     # don't really care if this works or not
     ::http::cleanup $tok

 proc pause {pause {notify 1}} {
     global Options
     set ::wikichat::pause [string is true -strict $pause]
     if {$pause} {
         after cancel $Options(FetchTimerID)
         after cancel $Options(OnlineTimerID)
         catch {::http::reset $Options(FetchToken)}
         catch {::http::reset $Options(OnlineToken)}
         if {$notify} {
             if {![winfo exists .pause]} {
                 toplevel .pause -class dialog
                 wm withdraw .pause
                 wm transient .pause .
                 pack [label .pause.m -text \
                             "The session is paused,\nno updates will occur."]
                 button .pause.r -text "Resume" \
                       -command { pause off ; wm withdraw .pause }
                 pack .pause.r -padx 5 -pady 10
                 bind .pause <Destroy> [list pause off]
             catch {::tk::PlaceWindow .pause widget .}
             wm deiconify .pause
             raise .pause
     } else {

 proc fetchPage {} {
     global Options

     if {[info exists Options(FetchToken)]} {
         # already fetching page, don't start again

     after cancel $Options(FetchTimerID)
     set Options(FetchTimerID) -1
     set qry [::http::formatQuery \
                    action chat \
                    name $Options(Username) \
                    password $Options(Password) \
                    color $Options(MyColor) \
                    updatefrequency 600 \
                    new_msg_on_top 0 \
                    ls  "" \
     set Options(FetchToken) [::http::geturl $Options(URL) \
                                    -query $qry \
                                    -headers [buildProxyHeaders] \
                                    -command fetchDone]

 proc fetchDone {tok} {
     global Options
     if {[string equal $tok $Options(FetchToken)]} {
         unset Options(FetchToken)
     } else {
         errLog "Fetch Command finished with token $tok" \
               "expected $Options(FetchToken)"
         unset Options(FetchToken)
     if {!$::wikichat::pause} {
         set Options(FetchTimerID) [after $Options(RefreshMS) fetchPage]
     errLog "Fetch: status was [::http::status $tok]"
     switch [::http::status $tok] {
         ok - OK - Ok {
             if {[catch {parseData [::http::data $tok]} err]} { errLog $err }
         reset - Reset - RESET {
             errLog "User reset post operation"
         timeout - Timeout - TIMEOUT {
             tk_messageBox -message "Message Post timed out"
         error - Error - ERROR {
             tk_messageBox -message "Message Post Errored: [::http::error $tok]"
     ::http::cleanup $tok

 proc onlinePage {} {
     global Options
     if {[info exists Options(OnlineToken)]} {
         # already fetching page, don't start again

     after cancel $Options(OnlineTimerID)
     set Option(OnlineTimerID) -1
     set qry [::http::formatQuery \
                    action stillalive \
                    name $Options(Username) \
                    password $Options(Password) \
                    color $Options(MyColor) \
                    updatefrequency 600 \
                    new_msg_on_top 0 \
                    ls  "" \
     set Options(OnlineToken) [::http::geturl $Options(URL) \
                                     -query $qry \
                                     -headers [buildProxyHeaders] \
                                     -command onlineDone]

 proc onlineDone {tok} {
     global Options
     if {[string equal $tok $Options(OnlineToken)]} {
         unset Options(OnlineToken)
     } else {
         errLog "Online Command finished with token $tok" \
               "expected $Options(OnlineToken)"
         unset Options(OnlineToken)
     if {!$::wikichat::pause} {
         set Options(OnlineTimerID) [after $Options(RefreshMS) onlinePage]
     errLog "Online: status was [::http::status $tok]"
     switch [::http::status $tok] {
         ok {
             if {[catch {updateNames [::http::data $tok]} err]} { errLog $err }
         reset {
             errLog "User reset post operation"
         timeout {
             tk_messageBox -message "Message Post timed out"
         error {
             tk_messageBox -message "Message Post Errored: [::http::error $tok]"
     ::http::cleanup $tok

 proc updateNames {rawHTML} {
     set i 0
     .names config -state normal
     .names delete 1.0 end
     set exp {<A HREF="(.+?)".*?>(.+?)</A>}
     foreach {full url name} [regexp -nocase -all -inline -- $exp $rawHTML] {
         # NOTE : the URL's don't work because of the & in them
         # doesn't work well when we exec the call to browsers
         # and if we follow spec and esacpe them with %26 then
         # the cgi script on the other end pukes so we will
         # just do an inline /userinfo when they are clicked
         .names insert end "$name" [list NICK URL URL-[incr ::URLID]] "\n"
         .names tag bind URL-$::URLID <1> [list msgSend "/userinfo $name"]
         incr i
     .names insert 1.0 "$i Users Online\n\n" TITLE
     .names config -state disabled

 proc invClr {clr {grays 1}} {
     # A little extra magic to avoid near shades of grey
     scan $clr %2x%2x%2x r g b
     set R [expr {(~$r)%256}]
     set G [expr {(~$g)%256}]
     set B [expr {(~$b)%256}]
     if {$grays && abs($R-$r) < 32 && abs($G-$g) < 32 && abs($B-$b) < 32} {
         set R [expr {($r+128)%256}]
         set G [expr {($g+128)%256}]
         set B [expr {($b+128)%256}]
     return [format "%02x%02x%02x" $R $G $B]

 proc getColor {name} {
     global Options
     if {[catch {
         set w $Options(Color,$name,Which)
         set clr $Options(Color,$name,$w)
     } err]} {
         set clr ""
         errLog "bad color name '$name'"
     return $clr

 proc parseData {rawHTML} {
     global Options
     # get body of data
     set clr ""
     if {[regexp -nocase -- \
                {<BODY.*?(?:BGColor=.([[:xdigit:]]{6}?))?>(.*?)<A\s+NAME="end">.*?</BODY>} \
                $rawHTML -> clr body]} {
         if {[string length $clr] && \
                   [string compare $Options(Color,MainBG,Web) $clr]} {
             set iclr [invClr $clr]
             set Options(Color,MainBG,Web) $clr
             set Options(Color,MainFG,Web) $iclr
             .txt config -background "#[getColor MainBG]" \
                   -foreground "#[getColor MainFG]"
         # split into "lines"
         set dataList {}
         foreach item [::textutil::splitx [string trim $body] \
                             {[\s\n]*<BR>\n*}] {
             set item [string trimright $item]
             if {[string length $item]} {
                 lappend dataList $item
         set newList [getRecentLines $dataList]
         addNewLines $newList
     } else {
         errLog "No BODY found in HTML page"

 proc getRecentLines {input} {
     global Options
     set Found 0
     set mark 0
     set end [lindex $Options(History) end]
     set len [llength $Options(History)]
     while {[set idx [lsearch -exact [lrange $input $mark end] $end]] >= 0} {
         set num [expr {$mark + $idx}]
         set back [expr {$len - $num - 1}]
         set l1 [join [lrange $input 0 $num] +]
         set l2 [join [lrange $Options(History) $back end] +]
         set mark [incr num]
         if {[string equal $l1 $l2]} {
             set Found $mark
         update idletasks
     return [lrange $input $Found end]

 array set RE {
     HelpStart {^<FONT COLOR="(.+?)"><B>\[(.+?)\]</B>(.*)$}
     MultiStart {^<FONT COLOR="(.+?)"><B>(\S+?)</B>:(.*?)$}
     SectEnd {^(.*)</FONT>$}
     Color {^<FONT COLOR="(.+?)">(.*?)</FONT>$}
     Message {^<B>(\S+?)</B>:(.+?)$}
     Help {^<B>\[(.+?)\]</B>(.*)$}
     Action {^<B>\*\s+(\S+)\s+(.+)</B>$}
     System {^<B>(.*)</B>$}
     Memo {^<B>\[MEMO\]</B>(.*)$}
 proc addNewLines {input} {
     global Options RE

     set inHelp 0
     set inMsg 0
     foreach line $input {
         lappend Options(History) $line
         # only need enough history for matching new data
         set Options(History) [lrange $Options(History) end-50 end]
         # see if color is defined & strip it off
         if {[regexp -nocase -- $RE(Color) $line -> clr text]} {
             set line $text
             set color $clr
         } else {
             set color ""
         # check what kind of line it is
         if $inHelp {
             if {[regexp -nocase -- $RE(SectEnd) $line -> text]} {
                 lappend helpLines $text
                 set inHelp 0
                 addHelp $helpColor $helpName [join $helpLines \n]
             } else {
                 lappend helpLines [string trimright $line]
         } elseif $inMsg {
             if {[regexp -nocase -- $RE(SectEnd) $line -> text]} {
                 lappend msgLines [string trimright $text]
                 set inMsg 0
                 addMessage $nickColor $nick [join $msgLines \n]
             } else {
                 lappend msgLines [string trimright $line]
         } else {
             if {[regexp -nocase -- $RE(HelpStart) $line -> clr name str]} {
                 set inHelp 1
                 set helpColor $clr
                 set helpName $name
                 set helpLines [list $str]
             } elseif {[regexp -nocase -- $RE(MultiStart) $line \
                              -> clr name str]} {
                 set inMsg 1
                 set nickColor $clr
                 set nick $name
                 set msgLines [list [string trimright $str]]
             } elseif {[regexp -nocase -- $RE(Memo) $line -> str]} {
                 showMemo $color [string trim $str]
             } elseif {[regexp -nocase -- $RE(Message) $line -> nick str]} {
                 addMessage $color $nick [string trim $str]
             } elseif {[regexp -nocase -- $RE(Help) $line -> name str]} {
                 addHelp $color $name [string trim $str]
             } elseif {[regexp -nocase -- $RE(Action) $line -> nick str]} {
                 addAction $color $nick $str
             } elseif {[regexp -nocase -- $RE(System) $line -> str]} {
                 addSystem $str
             } else {
                 errLog "Didn't recognize - '$line' - assume help"
                 addHelp $color "" [string trim $line]

 proc stripStr {str} {
     # remove any remaing tags
     regsub -all -nocase "<.*?>" $str {} tmp
     # replace html escapes with real chars
     return [::htmlparse::mapEscapes $tmp]

 proc parseStr {str} {
     # get href info return list of str link pairs
     set sList {}
     while {[regexp -nocase -- {^(.*?)<A.*?HREF="(.+?)".*?>(.*?)</A>(.*?)$} \
                   $str -> pre url link post]} {
         if {[string length $pre]} {
             lappend sList [stripStr $pre] ""
         lappend sList [stripStr $link] $url
         set str $post
     if {[string length $str]} {
         lappend sList [stripStr $str] ""
     return $sList

 proc checkNick {nick clr} {
     global Options
     if {[string equal $clr ""]} {
         set clr [getColor MainFG]
     if {[lsearch $Options(NickList) $nick] < 0} {
         lappend Options(NickList) $nick
         set Options(Color,$nick,Web) $clr
         set Options(Color,$nick,Inv) [invClr $clr]
         set Options(Color,$nick,Mine) $clr
         set Options(Color,$nick,Which) Web
         .mb.mnu delete 0 end
         .mb.mnu add command -label "All Users" \
               -command [list set Options(MsgTo) "All Users"]
         foreach nk [lsort $Options(NickList)] {
             .mb.mnu add command -label $nk \
                   -command [list set Options(MsgTo) $nk]
             .txt tag config NICK-$nk -foreground "#[getColor $nk]"
         set wid [expr {[font measure NAME $nick] + 10}]
         if {$wid > $Options(Offset)} {
             set Options(Offset) $wid
             .txt config -tabs [list $wid l]
             .txt tag config MSG -lmargin2 [incr wid 20]
     set old [getColor $nick]
     if {[string compare $Options(Color,$nick,Web) $clr]} {
         # new color
         set Options(Color,$nick,Web) $clr
         set Options(Color,$nick,Inv) [invClr $clr]
         .txt tag config NICK-$nick -foreground "#[getColor $nick]"
 proc addMessage {clr nick str} {
     global Options
     checkNick $nick $clr
     .txt config -state normal
     .txt insert end $nick [list NICK NICK-$nick] "\t"
     foreach {str url} [parseStr $str] {
         regsub -all "\n" $str "\n\t" str
         if {$url == ""} {
             .txt insert end "$str " [list MSG NICK-$nick]
         } else {
             .txt insert end "$str " \
                   [list MSG NICK-$nick URL URL-[incr ::URLID]]
             .txt tag bind URL-$::URLID <1> [list gotoURL $url]
     .txt insert end "\n"
     .txt config -state disabled
     if {$Options(AutoScroll)} { .txt see end }
 proc evalSelection {} {
     if {
         ![catch {selection get} script] &&
         [info complete $script]
     } then {
         uplevel #0 $script
     } else {
         tk_messageBox -message "The pasted script was not complete or there was nothing selected"

 proc findExecutable {progname varname} {
     upvar 1 $varname result
     set progs [auto_execok $progname]
     if {[llength $progs]} {
         set result [lindex $progs]
     return [llength $progs]

 proc gotoURL {url} {
     # this can take a bit
     . config -cursor watch
     .txt config -cursor watch
     if [regexp -nocase -- {&url=(.*)} $url -> trueUrl] {
         # this was a redirect - just get final destination
         set url $trueUrl
     } elseif [regexp -nocase -- {^chat} $url] {
         # this is a relative url
         set url "$url"
     } else {
         # assume a raw url
     global tcl_platform env
     # this code from
     switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
         "unix" {
             expr {
                   [info exists env(BROWSER)] ||
                   [findExecutable netscape       env(BROWSER)] ||
                   [findExecutable iexplorer      env(BROWSER)] ||
                   [findExecutable $env(NETSCAPE) env(BROWSER)] ||
                   [findExecutable lynx           env(BROWSER)]
             # lynx can also output formatted text to a variable
             # with the -dump option, as a last resort:
             # set formatted_text [ exec lynx -dump $url ] - PSE
             if {[catch {exec $env(BROWSER) -remote $url}]} {
                 # perhaps browser doesn't understand -remote flag
                 if {[catch {exec $env(BROWSER) $url &} emsg]} {
                     tk_messageBox -message "Error displaying $url in browser\n$emsg"
         "windows" {
             if [catch {eval exec [auto_execok start] [list $url] &} emsg] {
                 tk_messageBox -message "Error displaying $url in browser\n$emsg"
         "macintosh" {
             if {0 == [info exists env(BROWSER)]} {
                 set env(BROWSER) "Browse the Internet"
             if {[catch {
                 AppleScript execute\
                       "tell application \"$env(BROWSER)\"
                          open url \"$url\"
                      end tell
                 "} emsg]
             } then {
                 tk_messageBox -message "Error displaying $url in browser\n$emsg"
     } ;## end of switch
     . config -cursor {}
     .txt config -cursor left_ptr

 proc addAction {clr nick str} {
     global Options
     checkNick $nick $clr
     .txt config -state normal
     .txt insert end "\t* $nick " [list NICK NICK-$nick]
     foreach {str url} [parseStr $str] {
         regsub -all "\n" $str "\n\t" str
         if {[string equal $url ""]} {
             .txt insert end "$str " [list MSG NICK-$nick ACTION]
         } else {
             .txt insert end "$str " \
                   [list MSG NICK-$nick ACTION URL URL-[incr ::URLID]]
             .txt tag bind URL-$::URLID <1> [list gotoURL $url]
     .txt insert end "\n"
     .txt config -state disabled
     if {$Options(AutoScroll)} { .txt see end }

 proc addSystem {str} {
     global Options
     .txt config -state normal
     .txt insert end "\t$str\n" [list MSG SYSTEM]
     .txt config -state disabled
     if {$Options(AutoScroll)} { .txt see end }

 proc addUnknown {str} {
     global Options

 proc showMemo {clr str} {
     set memo [stripStr $str]
     if {[regexp -nocase -- {(Memo from \S+? \(.+?\)):(.*?)$} \
                $memo -> who what]} {
         tk_messageBox -title $who -message $what
     } elseif {[regexp -nocase -- {Memo for} $memo]} {
         # no pop-=up
     } else {
         tk_messageBox -title Memo -message $mem
     addHelp $clr MEMO $str

 proc addHelp {clr name str} {
     global Options
     if {[lsearch -exact $Options(NickList) $name] >= 0} {
         # this is an incoming private message
         addAction $clr $name " whispers: $str"
     if {[string match "->*" $name]} {
         # an outgoing private message
         addAction $clr $Options(Username) " whispered to [string range $name 2 end]: $str"
     if {$clr != ""} {
         .txt tag config HELP -foreground "#$clr"
     set jump $Options(AutoScroll)
     .txt config -state normal
     .txt insert end "$name\t" [list HELP NICK]
     foreach {str url} [parseStr $str] {
         regsub -all "\n" $str "\n\t" str
         if {[string equal $url ""]} {
             .txt insert end "$str " [list MSG HELP]
         } else {
             .txt insert end "$str " [list MSG HELP URL URL-[incr ::URLID]]
             .txt tag bind URL-$::URLID <1> [list gotoURL $url]
     .txt insert end "\n"
     .txt config -state disabled
     if $jump { .txt see end }

 proc createFonts {} {
     font create FNT  -family helvetica -size -12 -weight normal -slant roman
     font create ACT  -family helvetica -size -12 -weight normal -slant italic
     font create NAME -family helvetica -size -12 -weight bold   -slant roman
     font create SYS  -family helvetica -size -12 -weight bold   -slant italic

 proc createGUI {} {
     global Options

     wm title . "Tcl'ers Chat"
     wm withdraw .
     wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW quit


     menu .mbar -type menubar
     . config -menu .mbar

     .mbar add cascade -label File -menu [menu .mbar.file -tearoff 0]
     .mbar add cascade -label Edit -menu [menu .mbar.edit -tearoff 0]

     ## File Menu
     set m .mbar.file
     $m add checkbutton -label Pause \
           -variable ::wikichat::pause \
           -command { pause $::wikichat::pause }
     $m add command -label Logout -command logonScreen
     $m add separator
     $m add command -label Exit -command quit

     ## Edit Menu
     set m .mbar.edit
     $m add command -label Options... \
           -state disabled \
           -command changeSettings
     $m add command -label "My Color" \
           -command ::wikichat::ChooseColor
     $m add cascade -label "Font Name" -menu $m.fontName
     $m add cascade -label "Font Size" -menu $m.fontSize
     $m add separator
     if {[string equal "windows" $::tcl_platform(platform)]} {
         set ::wikichat::_console 0
         $m add checkbutton -label "Debug Console" \
               -variable ::wikichat::_console \
               -command {
                   if {$::wikichat::_console} { console show } else { console hide }

     ## Font Menus
     set m [menu .mbar.edit.fontName -tearoff 0]
     foreach name [lsort [font families]] {
         $m add radiobutton -label $name \
               -var ::wikichat::_font \
               -val $name \
               -command [list ::wikichat::ChangeFont -family $name]
     set m [menu .mbar.edit.fontSize -tearoff 0]
     foreach sz {8 10 12 14 16 18 24 28 36} {
         $m add radiobutton -label $sz \
               -var ::wikichat::_fontsize \
               -val $sz \
               -command [list ::wikichat::ChangeFont -size $sz]

     text .txt -background "#[getColor MainBG]" \
           -foreground "#[getColor MainFG]" \
           -font FNT -relief sunken -bd 2 -wrap word \
           -yscroll "scroll_set .sbar" \
           -state disabled -cursor left_ptr -height 1
     scrollbar .sbar -command ".txt yview"
     text .names -background "#[getColor MainBG]" \
           -foreground "#[getColor MainFG]" \
           -relief sunken -bd 2 -width 8 -font FNT -state disabled \
           -cursor left_ptr -height 1
     button .ml -text "More >>>" -command showExtra
     entry .eMsg
     bind .eMsg <Return> userPost
     bind .eMsg <KP_Enter> userPost
     text .tMsg -height 6 -font FNT
     button .post -text Post -command userPost
     menubutton .mb -indicator on -relief raised -bd 2 \
           -menu .mb.mnu -textvar Options(MsgTo)
     set Options(MsgTo) "All Users"
     menu .mb.mnu -tearoff 0
     .mb.mnu add command -label "All Users" \
           -command [list set Options(MsgTo) "All Users"]
     .txt tag config MSG -lmargin2 50
     .txt tag config NICK -font NAME
     .txt tag config ACTION -font ACT
     .txt tag config SYSTEM -font SYS
     .txt tag config URL -underline 1
     .txt tag bind URL <Enter> ".txt config -cursor hand2"
     .txt tag bind URL <Leave> ".txt config -cursor {}"
     .names tag config NICK -font NAME
     .names tag config TITLE -font SYS -justify center
     .names tag config URL -underline 1
     .names tag bind URL <Enter> ".names config -cursor hand2"
     .names tag bind URL <Leave> ".names config -cursor {}"

     foreach nick [lsort $Options(NickList)] {
         .mb.mnu add command -label $nick \
               -command [list set Options(MsgTo) $nick]
         .txt tag config NICK-$nick -foreground "#[getColor $nick]"
         set wid [expr [font measure NAME $nick] + 10]
         if {$wid > $Options(Offset)} {
             set Options(Offset) $wid
             .txt config -tabs [list $wid l]
             .txt tag config MSG -lmargin2 [incr wid 20]

     grid .txt   -   .sbar .names    -  -padx 1 -pady 2 -sticky news
     grid .ml .eMsg    -   .post  .mb -padx 2 -pady 3 -sticky ew
     grid columnconfigure . 1 -weight 1
     grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1
     wm geometry . 600x500
     wm deiconify .

 proc userPost {} {
     global Options
     if [winfo ismapped .eMsg] {
         set str [.eMsg get]
     } else {
         set str [.tMsg get 1.0 end]
     set msg [string trim $str]
     if [string equal $msg ""] {
     if [string equal $Options(MsgTo) "All Users"] {
         msgSend $msg
     } else {
         msgSend $msg $Options(MsgTo)
     .eMsg delete 0 end
     .tMsg delete 1.0 end

 proc hideExtra {} {
     grid remove .tMsg
     grid config .eMsg -row 1 -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
     .ml config -text "More >>>" -command showExtra
 proc showExtra {} {
     grid remove .eMsg
     grid config .tMsg -row 1 -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
     .ml config -text "Less <<<" -command hideExtra
 proc logonScreen {} {
     global Options LOGON
     pause on 0
     if {![winfo exists .logon]} {
         toplevel .logon -class dialog
         wm withdraw .logon
         wm transient .logon .
         wm title .logon "Logon to the Tcl'ers Chat"
         checkbutton .logon.prx -text "Use Proxy" -var Options(UseProxy)
         label .logon.lph -text "Proxy Host"
         label .logon.lpp -text "Proxy Port"
         entry .logon.eph -textvar Options(ProxyHost)
         entry .logon.epp -textvar Options(ProxyPort)
         label .logon.lpan -text "Proxy Auth Username"
         label .logon.lpap -text "Proxy Auth Password"
         entry .logon.epan -textvar Options(ProxyUsername)
         entry .logon.epap -textvar Options(ProxyPassword) -show {*}
         label .logon.lnm -text "Chat Username"
         label .logon.lpw -text "Chat Password"
         entry .logon.enm -textvar Options(Username)
         entry .logon.epw -textvar Options(Password) -show *
         checkbutton .logon.rpw -text "Remember Chat Password" -var Options(SavePW)
         checkbutton .logon.atc -text "Auto-connect" -var Options(AutoConnect)
         button .logon.ok -text "Logon" -command "set LOGON 1"
         button -text "Quit" -command quit
         trace variable Options(UseProxy) w optSet
         trace variable Options(SavePW) w optSet
         grid .logon.prx - - -sticky w -pady 3
         grid  x .logon.lph .logon.eph -sticky w -pady 3
         grid  x .logon.lpp .logon.epp -sticky w -pady 3
         grid  x .logon.lpan .logon.epan -sticky w -pady 3
         grid  x .logon.lpap .logon.epap -sticky w -pady 3
         grid .logon.lnm .logon.enm - -sticky ew -pady 5
         grid .logon.lpw .logon.epw - -sticky ew
         grid x .logon.rpw  - -sticky w -pady 3 -pady 3
         grid x .logon.atc  - -sticky w -pady 3
         grid .logon.ok - -sticky {} -pady 10
         wm resizable .logon 0 0
     wm deiconify .logon
     tkwait visibility .logon
     grab .logon
     vwait LOGON
     grab release .logon
     wm withdraw .logon
     if {$Options(UseProxy)} {
         ::http::config -proxyhost $Options(ProxyHost) \
               -proxyport $Options(ProxyPort)
     # connect

 proc optSet {args} {
     global Options
     if $Options(UseProxy) {
         set s normal
     } else {
         set s disabled
     foreach w {lph lpp eph epp lpan epan lpap epap} {
         .logon.$w config -state $s
     if $Options(SavePW) {
         .logon.atc config -state normal
     } else {
         .logon.atc config -state disabled
         set Options(AutoConnect) 0

 proc changeSettings {} {
     tk_messageBox -message "Changing font/colors coming soon!"

 proc quit {} {
     set q "Are you sure you want to quit?"
     set a [tk_messageBox -type yesno -message $q]
     if {[string equal $a "yes"]} {

 proc saveRC {} {
     global Options
     if [info exists ::env(HOME)] {
         set rcfile [file join $::env(HOME) .tkchatrc]
         array set tmp [array get Options]
         set ignore {History FetchTimerID OnlineTimerID FetchToken OnlineToken ProxyPassword}
         if { ! $tmp(SavePW) } {
             lappend ignore Password
         foreach idx $ignore {
             catch {unset tmp($idx)}
         if {![catch {open $rcfile w} fd]} {
             puts $fd "# Auto-generated file: DO NOT MUCK WITH IT!"
             puts $fd [list array set Options [array get tmp]]
             puts $fd "# Auto-generated file: DO NOT MUCK WITH IT!"
             close $fd

 proc scroll_set {sbar f1 f2} {
     global Options
     $sbar set $f1 $f2
     if {[string equal "$f1$f2" "01"]} {
         grid remove $sbar
     } else {
         grid $sbar
     set Options(AutoScroll) [string equal $f2 1]

 proc init {} {
     global Options
     set ::URLID 0
     # set intial defaults
     set ::wikichat::pause 0
     array set Options {
         UseProxy 0
         ProxyHost ""
         ProxyPort ""
         Username ""
         Password ""
         SavePW  0
         MyColor  000000
         FetchTimerID -1
         OnlineTimerID -1
         AutoConnect 0
         RefreshMS 30000
         NickList {}
         History  {}
         AutoScroll 0
     foreach {name clr} { MainBG FFFFFF MainFG 000000 } {
         set Options(Color,$name,Web)   $clr
         set Options(Color,$name,Mine)  $clr
         set Options(Color,$name,Which) Web

     # load RC file if it exists
     if {[info exists ::env(HOME)]} {
         if {[file readable [set rcfile [file join $::env(HOME) .tkchatrc]]]} {
             catch {source $rcfile}
     set Options(Offset) 50
     catch {unset Options(FetchToken)}
     catch {unset Options(OnlineToken)}
     set Options(History) {}

     # build screen

     if {$Options(UseProxy)} {
         ::http::config -proxyhost $Options(ProxyHost) \
               -proxyport $Options(ProxyPort)
     # connect
     if {$Options(AutoConnect)} {
     } else {

 proc ::wikichat::ChooseColor {} {
     set tmp [tk_chooseColor \
                    -title "Select Your User Color" \
                    -initialcolor \#$::Options(MyColor)]
    if {$tmp != ""} {
        set ::Options(MyColor) [string range $tmp 1 end]

 proc ::wikichat::ChangeFont {opt val} {
    foreach font [font names] {
        font configure $font $opt $val

 if {![info exists ::URLID]} {


I've added a few lines to make this speak new messages via the festival synthesiser. It doesn't do it robustly as yet (you'll need festival installed) but as a quick (1min) hack it's got heaps of cool points...

 set festival [open "|festival --pipe" w]
 proc say { message } {
    global festival

    # remove quotes
    regsub -all {\"} $message {} message2

    puts $message2
    puts $festival "(SayText \"$message2\")"
    flush $festival

Then add a modified version of addMessage:

 proc addMessage {clr nick str} {
     global Options
     checkNick $nick $clr
     .txt config -state normal
     .txt insert end $nick [list NICK NICK-$nick] "\t"
     foreach {str url} [parseStr $str] {
          regsub -all "\n" $str "\n\t" str
          if {$url == ""} {
             say "$str"
              .txt insert end "$str " [list MSG NICK-$nick]
          } else {
             say "$str"
              .txt insert end "$str " \
                      [list MSG NICK-$nick URL URL-[incr ::URLID]]
              .txt tag bind URL-$::URLID <1> [list gotoURL $url]
     .txt insert end "\n"
     .txt config -state disabled
     if {$Options(AutoScroll)} { .txt see end }

I might fix addMessage to add a general new-message-hook callback so that this could be a loadable plugin. Steve Cassidy ---