This page is a summary of (some of) the packages in the Tcllib distributions. Commands provided by each package are not listed, and we ask the reader to consult the regular documentation instead. The companion page [Tcllib Location] provides the information on where to find this documentation. '''Note''': Currently lots of commands are listed for the various packages. This is something iherited from before the restructuring of the Tcllib pages on the wiki. This will change over time, as command lists are replaced by short package descriptions. ---- Most of the packages have their own pages here on the Wiki as well, providing examples, discussions, tips and tricks. These pages often also refer directly to the regular documentation for that package. ---- 1. [base64] - Base64 en- and decoding of strings and files. 1. [calendar] - Calendar operations (see also [tcllib calendar module]). 1. [cmdline] - Various form of command line and option processing. 1. [comm] - Socket based interprocess communication. Emulates the form of [Tk]'s '''send''' command. 1. [control] - ::control::assert, ::control::control, ::control::do, ::control::no-op 1. [counter] - ::counter::count, ::counter::exists, ::counter::get, ::counter::histHtmlDisplay, ::counter::histHtmlDisplayBarChart, ::counter::histHtmlDisplayRow, ::counter::init, ::counter::names, ::counter::reset, ::counter::start, ::counter::stop, 1. [crc] - Computation of various CRC checksums for strings and files. 1. [csv] - ::csv::join, ::csv::joinlist, ::csv::read2matrix, ::csv::read2queue, ::csv::report, ::csv::split, ::csv::split2matrix, ::csv::split2queue, ::csv::writematrix, ::csv::writequeue, 1. [des] - ::DES::des (not yet installed) 1. [dns] - dns::address, dns::cleanup, dns::cname, dns::configure, dns::name, dns::reset, dns::resolve, dns::status, dns::wait, 1. [doctools] - System for writing manpages/documentation in a simple, yet powerful format. 1. [exif] - exif::analyze exif::fieldnames 1. [fileutil] - Utilities for operating on files, emulating various [unix] command line applications (cat, find, file(type), touch, ...). 1. [ftp] - ::ftp::Append, ::ftp::Cd, ::ftp::Close, ::ftp::CloseDataConn ::ftp::Command, ::ftp::CopyNext, ::ftp::Delete, ::ftp::DisplayMsg, ::ftp::ElapsedTime, ::ftp::FileSize, ::ftp::Get, ::ftp::HandleData, ::ftp::HandleList,ftp::HandleVar, ::ftp::HandleOutput, ::ftp::InitDataConn, ::ftp::List, ::ftp::ListPostProcess, ::ftp::MkDir, ::ftp::ModTime, ::ftp::ModTimePostProcess, ::ftp::Newer, ::ftp::NList, ::ftp::Open, ::ftp::OpenActiveConn, ::ftp::OpenControlConn, ::ftp::OpenPassiveConn, ::ftp::Put, ::ftp::PutsCtrlSock, ::ftp::Pwd, ::ftp::Quote, ::ftp::Reget, ::ftp::Rename, ::ftp::RmDir, ::ftp::StateHandler, ::ftp::Timeout, ::ftp::Type, ::ftp::WaitComplete, ::ftp::WaitOrTimeout, ftp::geturl 1. [ftpd] - ::ftpd::config, ::ftpd::hasCallback, ::ftpd::logStderr, ::ftpd::fileAuth, ::ftpd::anonAuth, ::ftpd::unixAuth, ::ftpd::server, ::ftpd::accept, ::ftpd::read, ::ftpd::docRoot, ::ftpd::fs 1. [grammar_fa] - Currently only available through CVS head. Provides operations on finite automatons. 1. [html] - html::author, html::author, html::bodyTag, html::cell, html::checkbox, html::checkSet, html::checkValue, html::closeTag, html::default, html::description, html::description, html::end, html::eval, html::extractParam, html::font, html::for, html::foreach, html::formValue, html::getFormInfo, html::getTitle, html::h, html::h1, html::h2, html::h3, html::h4, html::h5, html::h6, html::hdrRow, html::head, html::head, html::headTag, html::if, html::init, html::init, html::keywords, html::keywords, html::mailto, html::meta, html::meta, html::minorList, html::minorMenu, html::openTag, html::paramRow, html::passwordInput, html::passwordInputRow, html::radioSet, html::radioValue, html::refresh, html::refresh, html::row, html::select, html::selectPlain, html::set, html::submit, html::tableFromArray, html::tableFromList, html::tagParam, html::textarea, html::textInput, html::textInputRow, html::title, html::title, html::urlParent, html::varEmpty, html::while, 1. htmldoc - This is not a true module but the place where tcllib 1.3 installed the tcllib documentation in [HTML] format. 1. ::[htmlparse]::parse, ::htmlparse::debugCallback, ::htmlparse::mapEscapes, ::htmlparse::2tree, ::htmlparse::removeVisualFluff, ::htmlparse::removeFormDefs, 1. [inifile] - ::ini::open, ::ini::close, ::ini::commit, ::ini::sections, ::ini::keys, ::ini::value 1. [ip] - ::ip::version, ::ip::is, ::ip::normalize, ::ip::equal, ::ip::prefix 1. [irc] - irc::config, irc::connection, 1. [javascript] - javascript::BeginJS, javascript::EndJS, javascript::MakeMultiSel, javascript::MakeClickProc, javascript::makeSelectorWidget, javascript::makeSubmitButton, javascript::makeProtectedSubmitButton, javascript::makeMasterButton, javascript::makeParentCheckbox, javascript::makeChildCheckbox 1. [jpeg] - to appear in the next release 1. [log] - ::log::levels, ::log::logMsg, ::log::lv2longform, ::log::lv2color,::log::lv2priority, 1. [logger] - ::logger::walk, ::logger::services, ::logger::enable, ::logger::disable (part of the log module) 1. [math] - ::math::calculus, ::math::combinatorics, ::math::cov, ::math::fibonacci, ::math::integrate, ::math::interpolate, ::math::max, ::math::mean, ::math::min, ::math::optimize, ::math::product, ::math::random, ::math::sigma, ::math::statistics, ::math::stats, ::math::sum 1. [md4] - ::md4::md4, ::md4::hmac, ::md4::MD4Init, ::md4::MD4Update, ::md4::MD4Final 1. [md5] - ::md5::md5, ::md5::hmac, ::md5::test, ::md5::time, ::md5::<<<, 1. [md5crypt] - ::md5crypt::md5crypt, ::md5crypt::aprcrypt 1. [mime] - ::mime::initialize, ::mime::parsepart, ::mime::finalize, ::[smtp]::sendmessage 1. [multiplexer] - [[fill in the external interfaces]] 1. ::[ncgi]::reset, ::ncgi::urlStub, ::ncgi::urlStub 1. ::[nntp]::nntp, ::nntp::NntpProc, ::nntp::NntpProc, ::nntp:;okprint, ::nntp::message, 1. ::[ntp]::time 1. [png] - to appear in the next release 1. ::[pop3]::open, ::pop3::close, ::pop3::status, 1. [pop3d] - pop3d::new 1. ::[profiler]::tZero, ::profiler::tMark, ::profiler::stats, ::profiler::Handler, ::profiler::profProc, ::profiler::init 1. ::rc4::[rc4] - stream encryption 1. ::[report]::report , ::report::defstyle, ::report::rmstyle, 1. ::[sha1]::sha1, ::sha1::hmac 1. ::[smtpd]::start, ::smtpd::stop, ::smtpd::configure, ::smtpd::cget 1. [snit] - [Snit's Not Incr Tcl] - OO package. Delegation based. ::[snit]::type, ::[snit]::widget, ::[snit]::widgetadaptor 1. [soundex]::knuth 1. [stooop] - OO package. stooop::class, stooop::virtual, stooop::new, stooop::delete, stooop::classof 1. [[struct1]] - Version 1 of [struct] (see below), provided for backward compatibility. 1. ::[struct]::list, ::[struct]::[graph], ::struct::[matrix], ::struct::[queue], ::struct::[stack], ::struct::[Tree], ::struct::[record], ::struct::[skiplist], ::struct::[prioqueue], '''new''': ::struct::sets 1. [textutil]. Utilities for working with larger bodies of texts. 1. textutil::[expand] is the core for the referenced macro processor. 1. [uri]. Handling of urls (splitting, joining, ...) 1. [uuid]. Creation of unique identifiers. 1. The package [stats] is no longer distributed. Use [counter] instead. 1. [devtools] distributed, but not installed. This is an experimental package and currently more of internal use. ----- [[ [Tcllib] ]]