[Googie] Tcl extension which provides support for music modules under Tcl. Music modules are usually files with extensions *.mod, *.s3m, *.it, *.xm but also many others. ---- Full manual page is placed here: http://scripts.one.pl/tclmod/Tclmod.html Homepage of extension is: http://scripts.one.pl/tclmod/ ---- Some examples. Simply playing modules is pretty easy: package require Tclmod set mod [::tclmod::player load music.mod] ::tclmod::player start $mod and here is little more advanced code, which builds simple GUI module player: package require Tk package require Tclmod wm title . "Modules player" entry .module -textvariable mod -width 50 -state disabled -bd 1 button .browse -text "Browse" -bd 1 -command { set types { {{Module} {.mod .s3m .xm .it .669 .apun .dsm .far .amf .gdm .imf .med .mtm .okt .stm .stx .ult .uni}} } set mod [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types \ -title "Choose module file"] .module configure -state normal .module configure -state disabled if {[info exists module]} { ::tclmod::player stop ::tclmod::player unload $module } set module [::tclmod::player load $mod] } button .play -text "Play!" -bd 1 -command { if {[info exists module]} { ::tclmod::player start $module } } button .stop -text "Stop" -bd 1 -command {::tclmod::player stop} grid .module -column 0 -row 0 -sticky we -columnspan 3 grid .browse -column 3 -row 0 grid .play -column 2 -row 1 -sticky we grid .stop -column 3 -row 1 -sticky we ---- [Category Package] [Category Multimedia]