A simple Tcl binding to some of the stemmers of the snowball project [http://snowball.tartarus.org]. At the moment included code creates the english porter1, porter2, german and french stemmers. The code can be found here: [http://physnet.uni-oldenburg.de/~schlenk/tcl/tclsnowball]. It is a standard [TEA] extension that should build cleanly on windows & linux/unix. (VC++ can not compile the snowball source, so on windows mingw or cygwin have to be used to build). --- Usage example: % package require Tclsnowball 0.1 % ::snowball::stem porter2 "somelongword" somelongwor --- Syntax: ::snowball::stem stemmername word --- Author: [Michael Schlenker] License: BSD --- [Category Package]