Version 10 of Text Collapser

Updated 2005-08-26 19:10:17 by escargo

WJG (25th August, 2005) I thought that it would be useful to 'collapse' or 'fold' a selected range of content in a text widget. So, this is snippet I came up with.

 # TextCollapser.tcl
 # Create by William J Giddings, 2005
 # Notes:
 # ------
 # Blocks can be nested.
 # Use:
 # ----
 # Enter text then select a region with click and mouse drag.
 # Click the button in the toolbar.
 # The first line will have a toggle button, the 'sub-text' will be coloured.
 # To remove the folding effect simply delete the toggle button 

 # application namespace
 namespace eval collapser {
   # tag base name
   set tagbase cb_
        # button data
        image create photo collapser::downarrow \
        image create photo collapser::uparrow \
        image create photo collapser::button \

 # obtain a unique name for a new block of text
 proc collapser::name {path} {

  # get a sorted list of the current windows
        set windowlist ""
        foreach {a b c} [$path dump -window 1.0 end] {
                if { [string first $path.$collapser::tagbase $b 0 ] != "-1" } {
      lappend windowlist $b
        set windowlist [lsort $windowlist] 

        # get the last one the list
        set next [lindex $windowlist end]

  # increment the number and return the new tag name
  set j [string trimleft $next $path.${collapser::tagbase}]
        if {$j == "" } {set j 0}
  return ${collapser::tagbase}[incr j]


 # add a toolbar button 
 proc collapser::addbutton {path} {
        button $path -text Block -borderwidth 0 -command collapser::block -image collapser::button
        pack $path -side left

 # create a new collapsable text block
 proc collapser::block {} {

  # get path to active widget
        set path [focus]

  # only works on text widgets
  if {[winfo class $path]!="Text"} {return}

  # get tag name for the new block
        set tag [collapser::name $path]

  # create and configure new tag
        $path tag add $tag {sel.first lineend} sel.last
        $path tag configure $tag -foreground red 

        # create block toggle button
        button $path.$tag \
    -borderwidth 0 \
    -text {-} \
    -image collapser::downarrow \
    -command "collapser::toggle $path $tag"

        # add the button to the text
        $path window create {insert linestart} -window $path.$tag

        # remove text tagging if the button is deleted
        bind $path.$tag <Destroy> {$path] tag delete $tag}


 # toggle tag settings
 proc collapser::toggle {path tag} {
                if {[$path tag cget $tag -elide] == 1} {
                        $path tag configure $tag -elide 0
                        $path.$tag configure -text - -image collapser::downarrow
                } else {
                        $path tag configure $tag -elide 1
                        $path.$tag configure -text + -image collapser::uparrow

 # demo code to test the package
 proc demo {} {
        console show
        frame .fr
        pack .fr -fill x
        text .txt -font {Ariel 12}
        pack .txt -fill both -expand 1
        focus .txt
        collapser::addbutton .fr.b_1

 # the ubiquitious demo!

escargo 26 Aug 2005 - I got this message deleting a tag:

 can't read "path": no such variable
 can't read "path": no such variable
     while executing
 "$path] tag delete $tag"
     (command bound to event)

I deleted the tag by selecting it and typing control-x on Windows XP Pro. When a tag is deleted, it appears that the text associated with the tag is also deleted.

It would be nice if the cursor shape could change over the tag.

See also Text widget elision --- - Category Widget